2020 December: State of The Website
- Published 20 December 2020
- Est. Reading Time: ~4-8 minutes
Welcome to the third major website update post! This update introduces some minor updates to the keyboard database, two new (and already popular) pages for keyboard icons and a keyboard icon wallpaper generator, a guides section to the keyboard knowledge base, and a redesigned home page. Overall, a mixture of fun and helpfulness all round.
Design stuff
For the first time since August, a new user interface/experience change has been implemented. I wanted the home page to give a better picture of what sort of content the website has, so I decided to replace the entire thing with something that samples content from the main attractions of the website; the database, articles, and the various topics of interest and guides.

As you can see, the change is quite dramatic... Whilst the near-full screen collage photos were nice, all you got with the old design was the main site links that didn't really explain what's behind them. As such, I scaled the collage's size back and added three sections to give the prospective reader a taste of what I've got to offer:
- Latest articles: just the two latest opinion pieces I've written. I've placed these first since they're the sort of stuff you'll likely not find anywhere else.
- Latest database entries: the six latest part numbers I've entered into the database.
- Explore the site: six randomly chosen topics of interest or guides. Refreshing the page or clicking the refresh cycle arrow button will change what six appear.
New stuff
Keyboard database entries
This update's big milestone is the first Model B (beam spring) keyboard part numbers! Thanks to a very handy PDF, I was able to find all the part numbers for the 87-key IBM 3278 keyboards in one place which is something of a rarity for Model B part numbers. Due to the lack of '70s documentation, building the Model B database will be an uphill struggle indeed. Besides that, we also got a healthy increase in part numbers (just shy of 270 in total). Some of the newest additions include:
- Several missing Model M2 Selectric Touch keyboards (mostly European locales)
- All regional variants of the IBM Standard Keyboard KB-8923
- All regional variants of the IBM PC 300GL 6267/6287 Keyboard KB-3923
- The Model M15's numeric keypad option
- The two most common Dell-rebranded Model Ms
- The two variants of the IBM PCjr Cordless Keyboard
- Various regional variants of XT and/or AT specific Model Ms
- Most missing regional variants of the Model M-based IBM RISC System/6000 Keyboard
- Several IBM JX keyboards
- UK ISO variants of the Unicomp New Model M
- The two main IBM PC RT E57888 keyboards
- All regional variants of the IBM 3278 beam spring keyboard
Keyboard database data fields
Straight off the bat, a new field is now present - credits. This field is reserved for those who have helped me add a particular part number through conversation on social media, email or via the P/N submission form. If you've realised I'm missing a particular IBM/Lexmark/Unicomp/Lenovo keyboard, please do get in touch and you can possibly be immortalised in the database too!
In other news, I have also overhauled how keyboard connections are displayed. I wanted to display more information about cables themselves and be more specific with data, hence two fields now become three fields. "Connection" specifically also flags if the keyboard is using Bluetooth, infrared or internal connectivity instead, in which case the "Cable" field will not be visible. Below, find an example of the change (using P/N 1391401 as an example).

Keyboard database external access
The external access feature has received a few updates. Firstly, I've added a new parametre to facilitate search requests using the searching strategies already employed by the site's public database (ie, the exact, additive and subtractive searching I first described back in the August update). Secondly, I've added another new parametre for specifying a number of results limit. And finally, I've improved error handling and parametre validation. Finally, the JSON/XML output has changed somewhat with a single success
field and hits
counter now bundled in the data. Due to the changes, I also took this opportunity to rewrite the entire API description page to make it more detailed and flow better.
Keyboard icons
As per popular request, I've made the keyboard pixel art icons previously exclusive to the keyboard types topic and part number overviews easily accessible. I've also added several new ones currently unused elsewhere on the website, namely, several beam spring keyboard icons! Whilst I made all these myself, I drew heavy inspiration from the "Keyboard pixel art things" geekhack forum thread sealcouch started.
Keyboard icon wallpaper generator
Another point of interest several r/ModelM and deskthority members voiced was a wallpaper assembled from the keyboard icons mentioned above. As such, I developed a user-configurable wallpaper generator to cater to this interest and has since become one of the most popular things I've done! You can see for yourself what the customisation options are, but as a brief summary:
- Resolution - various at 4:3, 16:9, 16:10 and several ultrawide aspect ratios
- Solid backgrounds - transparent, "dark mode", "light mode", custom colour
- Keyboard type filters - Model B only, Model F only, Model M only, ThinkPad/TrackPoint only, buckling springs only, capacitive switches only
- Keyboard colour/tone filtering - light only, dark only, industrial only, other only
- Keyboard form factor filtering - all without keypads/sub-60%, keypads/60% only, 60% only, TKL only, full-size only, battlecruisers/battleships only, behemoths only
- Ordering - randomised, ascending or descending approximate age period order
- Scale - 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x
- Misc - phone/vertical monitor mode, row staggering, random skips
This update's new topic is the keyboard patents page. I thought it would be handy to have a single place one can look at to see the various patents IBM and family have filed relating to keyboard technology. As such, here you are with currently five to get it started!
After wanting to separate the Soarer's 101 guide from the other topics and add some separate guide-style pages anyway, I decided to separate guide pages into their own thing. The two inaugural new guides are linked below. The first one explains how English-locale users can make use of the 'extra' keys found on JIS keyboards with AutoHotkey or Soarer's Converter, and the second one is an expansion on a previous Keyboard FAQ entry that explained how you can achieve middle-click scrolling on pointing device-equipped keyboards that only have two mouse buttons.
Upcoming stuff
New articles
I've got three articles currently in the pipeline; a retrospective on the Unicomp Ultra Classic, a research piece on the Kanji beam spring keyboards, and a review of the Unicomp New Model M! So hopefully, a lot of reading for y'all coming soon!
IBM keyboard toolkit software
A beta of the mouse acceleration functionality will eventually be available soon™.