IBM SELECTRIC (R) SYSTEM/2000 TYPEWRITERS Announcement Letter Number 184-123 dated October 16, 1984 US - Last Revised on October 16, 1984 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability Today IBM is announcing the IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 family of typewriters: the IBM WHEELWRITER (TM) 3 Typewriter, the IBM WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriter and the IBM QUIETWRITER (R) 7 Typewriter with their optional features. The WHEELWRITER 3 and WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriters incorporate print wheel technology. The QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter utilizes a unique, non-impact print technology. (TM) - Trademark of the IBM Corporation (R) - Registered Trademark of the IBM Corporation Customer Letter Section Publications The following publications are available from Mechanicsburg: * IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 Family Brochure (G552-2007-0) * IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 Product Awareness Card (G552-2009-0) * IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 Typewriters for Education Industry Brochure (G552-2011-0) * IBM QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter Specification Sheet (G552-2010-0) * IBM WHEELWRITER 3 and WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriter Specification Sheet (G552-2008-0) * IBM Product Posters Package (G580-0446-1) is being revised to reflect this announcement. * Supplies Product Reference Guide (G570-2098-01) * Typestyle Brochure (G570-2099) * IBM Direct for typewriters and supplies: Customer Reference Card (G580-0403-2) Schedule First Customer Shipment * WHEELWRITER 3 and WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriters and their optional features is October 16, 1984 * QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter and its optional features is January 18, 1985 Technical Information Specified Operating Environment Maintain at least 2 1/2" to 3" clearance on all sides of the typewriter to allow for proper ventilation. Compatibility: The printer option is compatible with the following programs when they are run on the appropriate IBM Personal Computer: DOS 1.0 with Disk and Advanced Basic, P/N 6024001 DOS 1.1 with Disk and Advanced Basic, P/N 6024001 DOS 2.0 with Disk and Advanced Basic, P/N 6024061 DOS 2.1 with Disk and Advanced Basic, P/N 6024120 VisiCalc (1) Version 1.1, P/N 6024004 EASYWRITER (2) Version 1.1, P/N 6024005 IBM Basic Compiler, P/N 6024003 IBM Macro Assembler, P/N 6024002 IBM Pascal Compiler, P/N 6024010 IBM Personal Editor, P/N 6024051 Peachtext (3), P/N 6024039 (April 1983 or later) Multiplan (4), P/N 6024022 (1) VisiCalc is a registered trademark of Visicorp, Inc. (2) EASYWRITER is a trademark of Information Unlimited Software, Inc. (3) Peachtext is a trademark of Peachtree Software, Inc. (4) Multiplan is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. The printer option uses a parallel printer interface that is compatible with IBM/PC/XT/PCjr products and the program products listed above. Compatibility with other applications or personal computers produced by other manufacturers must be assured by the user. The printer option is designed to support text printing applications. As a result, some characters displayed by the IBM PC and some characters on certain keyboards will not print. In these instances the typewriter will either treat that character as a space or not print it. See the Optional Features Operator Manual for specifics on supported character sets and commands. Planning Information Customer responsibility: Packing cartons, Customer Setup Instructions, Operator Instruction/Reference Cards and Operator's Guide for the IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 Typewriters have been designed for customer setup and self-pace training. The customer setup allowance is two days. Battery replacement for typewriter memory protection and the Spell Check option is a customer responsibility. Assistance with setup, operation and problem determination is available by calling IBM Direct, toll free, 1 800 IBM-2468. Printer option cable (P/N 1525612): Customers purchasing the printer option must purchase the connecting cable separately. The cable may be purchased through IBM Direct, IBM Product Centers and authorized IBM Personal Computer dealers. Display/Printer option: When placing an order for either the printer option or the display option, the customer should consider the availability and price of the combined Display/Printer option. If only one option (printer or display) is installed and the customer later wishes to add the other option, the first must be discarded (without credit or trade-in) and the combination Display/Printer option purchased and installed. Print wheels and fonts for use with the printer option: Proper printer operation requires specific print wheels and fonts. For the IBM WHEELWRITER Typewriters, a Cartridge Printwheel II P.C. must be used. For the IBM QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter, one of the following IBM QUIET Electronic fonts must be used: Typestyle Reorder # Boldface 1340827 Courier 10 1340807 Courier 12 1340813 Letter Gothic 1340822 Orator 1340845 Presentor 1340846 Prestige Elite 1340800 Prestige Pica 1340832 Prestige 15 1340804 Title 1340835 Optional features: Customers may elect to have the optional features installed by an IBM service represenative at the prevailing hourly service rate plus travel expense. Prerequisites: The feature adapter option allows attachment of the printer, Spell Check, display and display/printer options. It is a prerequisite to the installation of one or more of these options. Ordering Information The following channels will accept orders for these products, their optional features and supplies: * IBM Direct: IBM customers may place orders by calling IBM Direct, toll free, 1 800 IBM-2468, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. E.T. If a VPA is in effect, the customer should indicate the contract number when ordering. * IBM Product Centers and Authorized IBM Typewriter Dealers: Call IBM Direct, toll free, 1 800 IBM-2468, for the IBM Product Center or Authorized IBM Typewriter Dealer nearest you. * IBM branch office: Orders can also be placed through your IBM marketing representative. Charges, Terms and Conditions Charges, terms and conditions may vary when equipment is purchased directly from an Authorized IBM Typewriter Dealer. Charges Short term rental: WHEELWRITER 3 $60.00/Month Typewriter $55.00/Monthly -- Quarterly Billing WHEELWRITER 5 $80.00/Month Typewriter $74.00/Monthly -- Quarterly Billing QUIETWRITER 7 $100.00/Month Typewriter $92.00/Monthly -- Quarterly Billing Note: WHEELWRITER 3, WHEELWRITER 5 and QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriters will be added to the typewriter rental program on an "as available" basis. Purchase only: Public Commercial Sector WHEELWRITER 3 Typewriter $ 795.00 $ 636.00 WHEELWRITER 5 1,045.00 836.00 Typewriter QUIETWRITER 7 1,295.00 1,036.00 Typewriter Extra charge optional features: WHEELWRITER 3 and WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriters: Public Commercial Sector Feature Adapter Option $ 60.00 $ 48.00 Printer Option 150.00 120.00 Spell Check Option 150.00 120.00 *Display Option 165.00 132.00 *Display/Printer Option 300.00 240.00 Sound Hood Option 30.00 24.00 * WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriter only IBM WHEELWRITER 3 to WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriter Upgrade: Note: Allow six weeks for delivery. Public Commercial Sector $595.00* $595.00* * The upgrade purchase price includes installation by IBM during IBM's norm QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter: Public Commercial Sector Feature Adapter Option $ 60.00 $ 48.00 Printer Option 150.00 120.00 Spell Check Option 150.00 120.00 Display Option 165.00 132.00 Display/Printer Option 300.00 240.00 Sound Hood Option 30.00 24.00 Post Warranty Service Maintenance Agreement II: Customer Service* SSU** WHEELWRITER 3 Typewriter $ 78.00 $ 69.00 WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriter 108.00 93.00 QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter 135.00 117.00 The Maintenance Agreement discount terms and conditions presently offered by IBM Service also apply to the IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 products. Discount prices are listed below: WHEELWRITER 3 Typewriter: Customer Number of Service* SSU** Machines MA II MA II 1-10 No No Discount Discount 11-99 No Discount $63.00 100 + $63.00 $57.00 WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriter: Customer Number of Service* SSU** Machines MA II MA II 1-10 No No Discount Discount 11-99 No Discount $84.00 $100+ $87.00 $75.00 QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter: Customer Number of Service* SSU** Machines MA II MA II 1-10 No No Discount Discount 11-99 No Discount $108.00 100 + $108.00 $ 99.00 * IBM Customer Service. Service dispatched from a Regional Administrative Support Center (RASC). ** Special Service Units. As part of IBM service, these units operate in large metropolitan areas. The lower price is the result of reduced overhead and specialization allowed by the high density of equipment volumes and types. Call the local IBM branch office to determine if an SSU exists in your area. IBM hourly service will be available for the IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 at the prevailing Class 1 service rate (one hour minimum). Supplies IBM WHEELWRITER Typewriters are shipped with a Prestige Elite print wheel (U. S. reorder #1353502, Puerto Rico reorder #1353529), an EASYSTRIKE(TM) Correctable Ribbon (reorder #1337761), an EASYSTRIKE Lift-off Tape (reorder #1337765) and a dust cover. The IBM QUIETWRITER Typewriter is shipped with a Prestige Elite font (reorder #1340800), a print head (reorder #1337488), a cleaning cartridge (reorder #1299633) and one QUIET(TM) Correcting Ribbon (reorder #1299602). Starter pacs: The following starter pacs are available for the IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 Typewriters. Each pac contains approximately 4-6 month's normal usage of supplies. WHEELWRITER 3 and WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriters: 6 Black IBM EASYSTRIKE(TM) Correctable Ribbon Cassettes (P/N 1337761) 3 IBM EASYSTRIKE(TM) Lift-off Cassettes (P/N 1337765) 1 Courier 10 IBM Cartridge Printwheel II (P/N 1353511) Feature Code: 5927 Part number: 6293725 Commercial Price Per Quantity Listed 1-4 5-19 20-49 50+ $73.00 $68.00 $63.00 $56.00 Public Sector Price Per Quantity Listed 1-4 5-19 20-49 50+ $65.00 $61.00 $56.00 $50.00 QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter: 8 Black IBM QUIET(TM) Correcting Ribbons (P/N 1299602) 1 Courier 10 IBM QUIET(TM) Electronic Font (P/N 1340807) Feature Code: 5928 Part number: 6293726 Commercial Price Per Quantity Listed 1-4 5-19 20-49 50+ $130.00 $117.00 $106.00 $96.00 Public Sector Price Per Quantity Listed 1-4 5-19 20-49 50+ $117.00 $105.00 $95.00 $86.00 Ribbon/Tapes: Commercial/Public Sector Price Reorder Color Number 1-11* 12 IBM EASYSTRIKE(TM) Black 1337761 $ 8.70 $ 7.55 Correctable Brown 1337762 9.60 8.35 Ribbon Cassette Blue 1337763 9.60 8.35 IBM EASYSTRIKE(TM) Black 1337764 13.25 11.50 Multipurpose Only Ribbon Cassette IBM EASYSTRIKE(TM) Black 1356000 14.75 12.75 Fabric Ribbon** Only IBM EASYSTRIKE(TM) 1337765 5.05 4.40 Lift-Off Tape Cassette IBM EASYSTRIKE(TM) 1337766 6.35 5.50 Cover-Up Tape Cassette IBM QUIET(TM) Black 1299602 13.50 11.75 Correcting Ribbon * Order quantities 1-11 through IBM Direct or IBM Product Centers. ** Note: The IBM EASYSTRIKE(TM) Fabric Ribbon announced today will be available in December, 1984. Print wheels/fonts: Reorder Price Each # Commercial Public Sector IBM Cartridge See Printwheel II Below $25.25 $22.50 IBM QUIET(TM) Electronic See Font Below 50.00 45.00 IBM QUIET(TM) Print Head 1337488 20.00 18.00 Additional quantity discounts are available for the ribbons, tapes, printwheels, print heads and fonts shown above. For additional pricing information call IBM Direct, toll free, 1 800 IBM-2468. For a complete listing of IBM Cartridge Printwheel IIs and IBM QUIET Electronic Fonts (including reorder numbers), see the Typestyle Brochure , G570-2099. Accessories (included with the typewriter): Part # Price IBM QUIET Print Head Cleaning Cartridge 1299633 $5.55 Note: The print head can collect dust, dirt and ribbon particles which may prevent it from operating properly. The cleaning cartridge is used to provide cleaning as required. Dust Cover 1337635 $2.75 Terms and Conditions Warranty service: On-site warranty service will be provided: * By an IBM service representative if purchased from IBM and installed prior to January 1, 1985. * By an IBM service representative, if purchased directly from an IBM Product Center, National Federal Marketing (NFM), or if purchased by a commercial customer at list price from IBM Direct and installed on or after January 1, 1985. * By a dealer technician, if purchase was made from IBM under the expanded Authorized IBM Typewriter Dealer program and installed on or after January 1, 1985. Warranty period: * For commercial customers, three (3) months from Date of Installation. * For public sector customers, six (6) months from the Date of Installation. Post warranty service: The IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 Typewriters and their optional features will have two IBM post warranty on-site service offerings. * IBM Maintenance Agreement II* - Annual charge for parts and labor for service performed during IBM's normal business hours * IBM Hourly Service - Per call, actual labor and parts billed at time of service * There is no extra charge for optional features Maintenance Agreement: A customer desiring IBM Maintenance Agreement coverage must sign an IBM Maintenance Agreement II, unless previously signed. Copies of the IBM Maintenance Agreement II must be forwarded to the appropriate IBM service branch office for processing. ----NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS----NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS--- Commercial Customers Effective October 16, 1984, IBM is making the following announcements: * Introduction of the IBM SELECTRIC (R) System/2000 family of typewriters * Withdrawal from marketing of selected IBM SELECTRIC Typewriters and IBM Electronic Typewriter products (see attached). * Availability of the IBM Correcting SELECTRIC III Typewriter, 6705-B01 to commercial customers. * Modification to the terms, conditions and discount structures applicable when purchasing typewriters under Volume Procurement Amendment (VPA) or Single Shipment Quantity Discount (SSQD) Amendment. The IBM SELECTRIC System/2000 family of typewriters includes: The IBM WHEELWRITER(TM) Typewriters which offer price and functional advantages over IBM Correcting SELECTRIC III Typewriters; and the IBM QUIETWRITER (R) 7 Typewriter, with a unique, non-impact print technology which provides fast and quiet operation. If you have an IBM typewriter on order, you may wish to modify your order on the basis of this announcement. You have the option to accept your original order as scheduled (no action required) or convert your existing order to any of the following: - An IBM WHEELWRITER 3 Typewriter, with or without options - An IBM WHEELWRITER 5 Typewriter, with or without options - An IBM QUIETWRITER 7 Typewriter, with or without options - An IBM Correcting SELECTRIC III Typewriter, 6705-B01 Single Shipment Quantity Discount (SSQD) for commercial customers will continue to be available, but, effective October 16, 1984, only through IBM Product Centers. Commercial customers with an existing SSQD order may retain their original order as scheduled (no action required). However, if you want to order new typewriter products under SSQD or convert your existing order under SSQD to the new models they must be ordered at an IBM Product Center. If you require additional information or wish to convert your order, contact the marketing channel (IBM Direct, IBM Product Center, or your IBM branch office) through which you placed your order. If you do not wish to change your order, it will be shipped as scheduled. Thank you for your continued interest in IBM and its products. ----NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS----NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS--- U. S. Government, State and Local Government, Qualifying Educational Institution, Qualifying Hospital Customers Effective October 16, 1984, IBM is making the following announcements: * Introduction of the IBM SELECTRIC (R) System/2000 family of typewriters * Withdrawal from marketing of selected IBM SELECTRIC Typewriter and IBM Electronic Typewriter products (see attached) * Reduction to the purchase price of the IBM Correcting SELECTRIC III, 6705-B01 from $798.00 to $756.00 for state and local government, qualifying educational institutions and qualifying hospital customers. This new purchase price is effective for machines with a Date of Installation on or after October 16, 1984. The IBM SELECTRIC SYSTEM/2000 family of typewriters includes: The IBM WHEELWRITER(TM) Typewriters which offer price and functional advantages over IBM Correcting SELECTRIC III Typewriters; and the IBM QUIETWRITER (R) 7 Typewriter, with a unique, non-impact print technology which provides fast and quiet operation. If you have an IBM typewriter on order, you may wish to modify your order on the basis of this announcement. You have the option to accept your original order as scheduled (no action required) or convert your existing order to any of the following: * An IBM WHEELWRITER 3 TYPEWRITER, with or without options * An IBM WHEELWRITER 5 TYPEWRITER, with or without options * An IBM QUIETWRITER 7 TYPEWRITER, with or without options The Single Shipment Quantity Discount (SSQD) Amendment (U. S. Government, State and Local Government, Qualifying Educational Institution, Qualifying Hospital) has been revised. Effective October 16, 1984, the only machine remaining available for SSQD is the IBM SELECTRIC Typewriter 6701. Customers with machines on order under SSQD may elect to accept their original order without change. However, any new or revised order will be subject to the revised terms and conditions. If you require additional information or wish to convert your order, contact the marketing channel (IBM Direct, or IBM branch office) through which you placed your order. If you do not wish to change your order, it will be shipped as scheduled. Thank you for your continued interest in IBM and its products.