IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER SYSTEM OVERVIEW Announcement Letter Number 186-005 dated January 21, 1986 US - Last Revised on January 21, 1986 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability The IBM RT Personal Computer System provides new, high-performance workstation and multiuser computing solutions to meet the requirements of the engineering/scientific, academic, and CAD/CAM communities. The IBM RT Personal Computer Advanced Interactive Executive (AIX(TM)) Operating System is a multiuser, multitasking, virtual memory operating system designed to take advantage of the IBM RT Personal Computer 32-bit architecture. The system is complemented by the announcement of several system support programs, software development tools, and personal productivity applications. Combined with the IBM 5085 Model 2 announced today or installed IBM 5085 Model 1 Graphic Processing Units, the IBM RT Personal Computer forms a workstation with either standalone or host-connected CAD/CAM ability at a new level of price performance. Customer Letter Section DESCRIPTION IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER The IBM RT Personal Computer utilizes an integrated chip set based on reduced instruction set computer architecture. The chip set is comprised of a processor and a memory management unit for virtual machine operations. The IBM RT Personal Computer is supported by the multiuser IBM Personal Computer AIX Operating System, a structured query language data-base management system, software development tools, and application programs. The IBM RT Personal Computer provides high-function graphics on the main system (console) display and simultaneously provides support for multiple ASCII terminals, including the IBM 3161/63 and several industry standard terminals. The AIX Operating system will support up to eight concurrent terminal users. The IBM RT Personal Computer family consists of a desktop 6151 Model 10 and floor-standing 6150 Models 20 and 25, all of which can support up to 4Mb of real memory and up to 1 terabyte of virtual memory. Address space is managed by the integrated memory management unit. All processors have space for up to two memory cards in unique memory slots. Memory is available in 1Mb or 2Mb increments. The IBM RT Personal Computer 6150 can be attached to an IBM 5085 Graphics Processor to provide a modular graphics system that can support computer-aided design capabilities on the IBM 5080 Graphics System while retaining an independent but integrated relationship with larger hosts. In this configuration, the IBM RT Personal Computer 6150 serves as a private host, executing applications for the IBM 5080 Graphics System workstation via a serial link adapter. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER/PERSONAL COMPUTER AT COPROCESSOR The ability to execute many programs developed for the IBM Personal Computer AT is provided on the IBM RT Personal Computer by a unique feature, the optional RT Personal Computer/Personal Computer AT Coprocessor. A program executing under IBM Personal Computer DOS on the Coprocessor executes concurrently with programs running on the native processor under the AIX Operating System. AIX programs and Personal Computer DOS programs can share processor memory, disk files, and the display on the RT Personal Computer. Two performance enhancement options may be added to increase the speed of execution for programs running on the Coprocessor. One or two 512Kb memory expansion features can provide dedicated Personal Computer AT memory to improve memory access time. For improved arithmetic operation, a Math Coprocessor can be added to the basic Personal Computer AT Coprocessor. DISK STORAGE The IBM RT Personal Computer 6151 includes 40Mb of disk storage. The 6150 includes a minimum of 40Mb (Model 20) or 70Mb (Model 25). The 6150 Model 20 can be expanded to 180Mb, and the 6150 Model 25 to 210Mb with the addition of optional disk drives. These disk drives operate at 40 milliseconds average access with a transfer rate up to 200Kb/second. FLOATING POINT ACCELERATOR All models of the IBM RT Personal Computer can support the full IEEE floating point standard (ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985) with a full complement of single- and double-precision operations. Software emulation of these operations is a built-in function of the AIX Operating System. The execution speed of floating point arithmetic on the IBM RT Personal Computer can be improved with an optional Floating Point Accelerator. This feature provides a hardware assist to most of the functions defined in the standard. DISKETTE STORAGE All models of the IBM RT Personal Computer include an integrated 1.2Mb diskette drive that is compatible with the IBM Personal Computer AT 1.2Mb Diskette Drive. An optional 360Kb Diskette Drive is also available for the 6150 which writes and reads diskettes in a format compatible with those prepared on an IBM Personal Computer. A second 1.2Mb Diskette Drive can also be added to the 6150. STREAMING TAPE DRIVE Fast, high-capacity tape backup, restore, and data interchange capability is available for IBM RT Personal Computer users with the IBM 6157 Streaming Tape Drive. The 6157 is a 1/4-inch tape cartridge unit that stores up to 55Mb of data (formatted) per cartridge at data rates up to 5Mb/min. The IBM RT Personal Computer AIX Operating System provides both file image and file-by-file backup on the 6157. DISPLAYS The IBM RT Personal Computer supports three new all-points-addressable displays, as well as two IBM Personal Computer displays. The new displays are the IBM 6153 Advanced Monochrome Graphics Display (12-inch diagonal, 87 pel per inch), the IBM 6154 Advanced Color Graphics Display (14-inch diagonal, 76 pel per inch), and the IBM 6155 Extended Monochrome Graphics Display (15-inch diagonal, 97 pel per inch). These displays all support multiple font representations and multi-object windows via application programming. The displays are supported by bit-mapped adapters that help offload the processor by performing many of the display output functions. The IBM 5151 Personal Computer Display and IBM 5154 Personal Computer Enhanced Color Display can also be attached to the RT Personal Computer. IBM 5080 SUBSYSTEM AS AN IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER DISPLAY: The IBM 5081 Display and the IBM 5085 Graphics Processor can also be attached to the IBM RT Personal Computer 6150 for CAD/CAM graphics. The IBM 5080 Graphics System supports host-based IBM CAD/CAM applications, such as CADAM(1) CATIA(2), CAEDS(TM), and CBDS. Enhancements to the 5080 Graphics System for System/370 CAD/CAM customers and the connection of the IBM 5085 to the IBM RT Personal Computer allow customers to execute Professional CADAM on the IBM RT Personal Computer with the 5081 display. This configuration also supports a passthrough mode where the CAD/CAM user can bypass the IBM RT Personal Computer and communicate with System/370-based CAD/CAM applications via an IBM 5088 Graphics Control Unit. The 5080s announced today are: o 5085 Graphics Processor Model 2 o 5085 Graphics Processor Model 1A o 5083 Higher Resolution Tablet Model 12 o 5081 60 Hz Monochrome Display Model 11 o Enhanced lighted program function keyboard o Withdrawal and price reduction of 5085 Model 1 ADAPTERS The IBM RT Personal Computer can be attached to a wide variety of devices and features with the Personal Computer AT input/output (I/O) bus definition. This enables the user to attach not only the unique IBM RT Personal Computer adapters, but a number of existing Personal Computer and Personal Computer AT peripherals and features. The 6150 is equipped with eight feature slots (six 16-bit and two 8-bit) while the 6151 has six (five 16-bit and one 8-bit). Among the devices that may be attached are displays, printers, fixed disks, and diskettes. Examples of features that may be included are communications adapters, the Personal Computer AT Coprocessor, and the 5080 Attachment Adapter. Neither system memory nor the floating point accelerator requires a position on this bus. Each has its own attachment port in the system unit. PRINTERS AND PLOTTERS Through the attachment of a variety of IBM printers and plotters, the IBM RT Personal Computer can provide output that includes character, graphics, and image both in color and in black and white. Printers may be attached to the IBM RT Personal Computer via the Personal Computer parallel interface and the RS-232C serial connection. Printers and plotters that have been tested with the IBM RT Personal Computer include: o IBM 3812 Pageprinter o IBM 4201 Proprinter o IBM 5201 Quietwriter Printer Models 1 and 2 o IBM 5152 Graphics Printer (withdrawn from marketing) o IBM 5182 Color Printer (withdrawn from marketing) o IBM 7371 Color Plotter o IBM 7372 Color Plotter o IBM 7374 Color Plotter o IBM 7375 Color Plotter Models 1 and 2 o IBM 6180 Color Plotter The new IBM 6180 eight pen plotter gives IBM RT Personal Computer users a compact, desktop plotter ideal for preparation of high-quality text charts, graphs, and diagrams on paper or transparency film. (1);A registered trademark of CADAM INC. (2);A trademark of Dassault Systemes. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER AIX OPERATING SYSTEM The IBM RT Personal Computer AIX Operating System is a multiuser, multitasking, virtual memory operating system. The Virtual Resource Manager portion of the AIX Operating System provides a high-level, multitasking machine interface. It has hardware-independent device interfaces that allow the hardware device configuration to be modified without requiring changes to the operating system or to application software. Logical disk support (minidisks) improves system management capability and allows both Personal Computer DOS and AIX formatted files to exist on the same fixed disk. Multiple virtual terminal support allows concurrent execution of multiple tasks and switching between tasks from a console terminal. All tasks continue executing while one task has control of the keyboard and display. Each task can be written as if it had exclusive control of one or more displays. Virtual Resource Manager is also available as a separate licensed program for those users who plan to develop programs that will not use the AIX Operating System. The AIX Operating System contains a number of functions for display and console support. Character mode provides a device-independent interface while monitored mode provides direct access to the display. A pointing device (mouse) and sound are supported. Window-management routines allow a user to open multiple full-screen windows and hot key between them. Additional features support color functions and extended graphics. In conjunction with specialized hardware, the AIX Operating System provides virtual memory support. Programs and user data-file segments may be mapped into memory segments, allowing the file data to be accessed as memory. The AIX shell, designed as a familiar interface for experienced UNIX(3) users, is a command interpreter that serves as an interface between the user and the operating system. The DOS shell provides a Personal Computer DOS-like user interface to the AIX Operating System as well as giving access to both DOS and AIX files. The AIX Operating System contains a software emulation of the floating-point functions (ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985). The optional IBM RT Personal Computer Floating-Point Accelerator may be installed for improved performance of programs that use floating-point routines. Programs may be compiled to use the IBM RT Personal Computer Floating Point Accelerator if available at execution time or, if it is not available, to use software emulation. Printers are supported via an extended IBM Personal Computer ASCII print data stream. In addition, passthrough mode may be used by those applications that require the unique features of a specified printer. The AIX Operating System includes several features designed to support program development on the IBM RT Personal Computer. For example, new device drivers may be written in the C language and integrated into the Virtual Resource Manager to support new hardware. Programming interfaces have been provided to install and configure application programs and new devices in a uniform manner. An Assembler and a C Compiler are shipped with the AIX Operating System. Within the AIX Operating System, there are numerous problem determination aids, including automatic logging of hardware errors, error analysis functions, and a trace facility. The AIX Operating System is upwardly compatible from a UNIX System V(4) environment. It is based on UNIX System V Release 1 and includes selected UNIX System V Release 2 and Berkeley Software Distribution 4.2 extensions(5). The AIX Operating System includes several subsystems that may be optionally installed after the Virtual Resource Manager and base AIX system components have been installed and configured: o INed(6) Editor o Asynchronous Terminal Emulation o Multiuser Services o Base PC Network Services (3) Trademark of AT&T Laboratories. (4) The UNIX component of AIX was developed by IBM and INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation. The UNIX component is based on INTERACTIVE's IN/ix* which is based in turn on on UNIX System V, as licensed by AT&T Bell Laboratories. * Registered trademark of INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation. (5) Developed at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department at the Berkeley Campus of the University of California under the auspices of the Regents of the University of California. (6) Registered trademark of INTERACTIVE System Corporation. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES IBM RT Personal Computer Data Management Services extends the IBM RT Personal Computer AIX Operating System file and directory system, providing a multiuser data storage structure and access to a wide variety of applications. It provides record management services, field management services, multiple indexing of files, and multiple-request data-sharing across files. There are also utilities for manipulation of both standard AIX Operating System files and data management files. Support is provided for sequential, indexed, or direct files. Records can be accessed with indexes or relative record addresses. Record-lock facilities allow multiple users concurrent access and update of files. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE (SQL)/RT DATA BASE IBM RT Personal Computer SQL/RT Data Base is a relational data-base management system, including both programmer and end-user facilities. It also includes an implementation of the SQL data language and provides interactive facilities to enter, retrieve, modify, and display or print relational data. The SQL language available in IBM RT Personal Computer SQL/RT is broadly compatible with the SQL language in IBM's relational date base management system for DOS/VSE and VM, Structured Query Language/Data System (SQL/DS) (5748-XXJ). It provides a complement of relational operands to access data, including JOIN and SELECT and others supported by SQL/DS, as well as some not available in SQL/DS. A programming interface to SQL/RT files is available through the support for SQL commands that can be issued from programs written in C language. IBM RT Personal Computer SQL/RT also provides an interactive command interface similar to the interactive SQL interface in SQL/DS. In addition, IBM RT Personal Computer SQL/RT includes a special interface called Easy SQL/RT, that gives the novice user a menu interface for creation of tables, data entry, queries, reports, and other functions. LANGUAGES In addition to the Assembler and C compiler, which are provided as part of the AIX Operating System, three programming languages are available: o IBM RT Personal Computer FORTRAN 77(7) with several enhancements o IBM RT Personal Computer BASIC Interpreter and Compiler o IBM RT Personal Computer Pascal (7) Fortran 77 was developed by IBM and INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation. It is based on the Fortran 77 compiler licensed by AT&T Bell Laboratories. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER/PERSONAL COMPUTER AT COPROCESSOR SERVICES IBM RT Personal Computer/Personal Computer AT Coprocessor Services provides the required software for the IBM Personal Computer AT Coprocessor which allows many IBM Personal Computer AT programs to run on the IBM RT Personal Computer without modification or recompilation. Programs on the Coprocessor can execute concurrently with programs running on the AIX Operating System. The fixed disk may also be shared between programs on the Coprocessor and programs on the main IBM RT Personal Computer processor. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER 3278/79 EMULATION IBM RT Personal Computer 3278/79 Emulation increases the flexibility of the IBM RT Personal Computer system as an intelligent workstation for interactive use. It provides 3270 emulation and file-transfer capability via attachment to an IBM 3274 Control Unit or the IBM 4361 Display/Printer adapter or Work Station Adapter. This function requires the IBM Personal Computer 3278/79 Emulation Adapter on the IBM RT Personal Computer. A subset of the functions of the 3278 Display Station Model 2 and the 3279 Color Display Station Model 2A and Model S2A is emulated. Both the host controlled 3270 session and AIX Operating System can be active concurrently. IBM RT Personal Computer 3278/79 emulation also provides file upload/download from the host, including conversion from IBM EBCDIC to IBM RT Personal Computer ASCII character sets. This feature allows the user who is executing a local AIX task to interactively query a host-based application and access data at the host for use at the IBM RT Personal Computer. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER INMAIL/INNET(8)/FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM IBM RT Personal Computer INmail/INnet/File Transfer Program (FTP) provides a mail and networking facility. It allows users to send, receive, update, print, delete, restore, move, copy, search, and review messages. The program uses asynchronous communications facilities to send and receive electronic mail: o Between two or more users on the same IBM RT Personal Computer system o Between two or more IBM RT Personal Computer systems with INmail/INnet/FTP installed o Between an IBM RT Personal Computer system with INmail/INnet/FTP installed and another IBM system with an equivalent mail program from INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation installed. This licensed program provides a private mailbox for each user and a reminder facility that allows a user to send reminders for delivery at specified times and to start a program at a specified time. The FTP provided as part of this licensed program enables a user to interactively transfer files between systems. The INed Editor portion of the AIX Operating System provides an enhanced user interface to the INmail/INnet/FTP programs. (8) INmail and INnet are trademarks of INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER GRAPHICS SERIES The IBM RT Personal Computer Professional Graphics Series consists of four programs that provide support for graphics program development, as well as end-user interfaces. Most of the program development functions are best suited for business graphics, but emulation support for several widely used engineering graphics terminals is included. The programs in the Professional Graphics Series are highly compatible with the corresponding four programs available in the IBM Personal Computer Professional Graphics Series. (See IBM Programming Announcements 284-345, 284-347, 284-348, 284-349, dated September 10, 1984.) The IBM RT Personal Computer Professional Graphics Series includes: o IBM RT Personal Computer Graphics Development Toolkit o IBM RT Personal Computer Graphics Terminal Emulator o IBM RT Personal Computer Plotting System o IBM RT Personal Computer Graphical File System IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER GRAPHIGS(TM) This program is designed for program development of high-function interactive graphics on the IBM Personal Computer 6150 connected to an IBM 5080 Graphics System. It provides an advanced programming interface based on the proposed ANSI standard for the programmer's hierarchical interactive graphics standard (PHIGS) and includes support for three-dimensional interactive graphics. It is compatible with the host PHIGS implementation (GDDM/graPHIGS). IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Four other programs announced today provide additional graphics facilities for the IBM RT Personal Computer: o UNIRAS(9) provides a broad array of raster graphics functions, including mapping in 2D and 3D, seismic display, fundamental graphics building blocks including 3D primitives, and hidden surface removal and visible surface shading capabilities. Included are FORTRAN subroutine libraries for programmers and an interactive application for non-programmers. o RS/1(10) provides mathematical, statistical, and graphics tools for the analysis of numerical data and the documentation of results, including output on graphical displays. o Workstation Publishing Software consists of a document manipulation package that includes diagramming and charting facilities and a user interface that includes icons for documents, folders, drawers, and cabinets. o Applix IA is an integrated application package that combines text, spreadsheet, data base, and business graphics information types in a single document. (9) Trademark of UNIRAS Incorporated. (10) Trademark of Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc. A series of end-user applications are announced to provide IBM RT Personal Computer users with productivity tools. These applications are grouped into several sections: o Design/Drafting o Technical Professional Problem Solving o Technical Professional Productivity o Business Processing The IBM RT Personal Computer/Personal Computer AT Coprocessor also supports a set of applications for execution on the IBM RT Personal Computer Coprocessor. These applications are described following the native mode applications. DESIGN/DRAFTING In addition to the medium-and high-resolution all-points-addressable displays announced today for the IBM RT Personal Computer, the IBM 5080 Graphics System may be connected to the IBM RT Personal Computer 6150 for creation and display of CAD/CAM applications. Professional CADAM(11) for the IBM RT Personal Computer/6150 is a 2-1/2 dimension design/drafting application used to create, manage, and rapidly change drawings in the mechanical and architecture/engineering/construction industries. It is compatible with System/370 VM and MVS CADAM Release 19.2, and later releases. With the IBM Personal Computer 3278/79 emulation adapter, IBM RT Personal Computer 3278/79 Emulation, and appropriate host software, Professional CADAM models can be shared between System/370 CADAM and Professional CADAM on the IBM 5080/RT Personal Computer. (11) Registered trademark of CADAM INC TECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL PROBLEM-SOLVING The following are a set of problem-solving tools for the technical user: o IMSL Problem Solving Systems(12) is a group of subroutines and application systems that provide the user with support for statistics, linear programming, applied mathematics, physics, and other engineering disciplines. o UNIRAS is a group of subroutines and subsystems that provide graphical tools to define and graphically illustrate problems and solutions. UNIRAS provides mapping (contour/thematic/demographic), seismic plotting, image processing, and business/scientific charting. (12) Trademark of IMSL Incorporated. TECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTIVITY IBM RT Personal Computer provides a comprehensive set of productivity applications for the technical professional to perform administrative functions, such as technical reporting and business graphics. WORKSTATION PUBLISHING SOFTWARE: This technical text support tool provides the technical professional with a user interface for performing text creation and manipulation, diagramming and drawing tools to support textual and graphic input, as well as support for business-level graphics. SAMNA+(13): This text system for the technical professional can create textual reports and articles by providing an integrated set of spreadsheet functions as well as text processing. APPLIX IA: This is a technical professional productivity offering for text, graphics, spreadsheet, personal calendaring, time management, and electronic mail. These applications are integrated to accommodate information sharing with a relational data-base management facility as the supporting file manager for the Applix IA subsystems. (13) Trademark of SAMNA Corporation. BUSINESS PROCESSING SOLOMON III(14) is a set of 12 accounting subsystems available as an adjunct to the other applications described to provide the technical professional with administrative accounting. It is based on a relational data-base management system that provides file management and data integrity and recovery facilities. (14) Trademark of TLB Incorporated. IBM RT PERSONAL COMPUTER/PERSONAL COMPUTER AT COPROCESSOR APPLICATION OFFERINGS To initially demonstrate the compatibility and functionality of the IBM RT Personal Computer Coprocessor, the following IBM and vendor-logo programs have been tested by IBM or the vendor and are supported by IBM or the program vendor for use on the IBM RT Personal Computer/Personal Computer AT Coprocessor: o IBM Personal Computer DOS Version 3.1 o IBM PC Network Program o MATH/PC LIB(15) o STAT/PC LIB(16) o NAG FORTRAN PC50 LIBRARY(17) o The Scientific Desk(18) o DisplayWrite 1 and DisplayWrite 3 o WordStar 2000+(19) o Personal Computer Writer o Triad Technical Text (T3)(20) o WordMARC(21) (15) Trademark of IMSL, Inc. (16) Trademark of IMSL, Inc. (17) Trademark of Numeric Algorithm Group, Inc. (18) Trademark of C.Abaci, Inc. (19) Registered Trademark of MicroPro International Corporation. (20) Trademark of TRIAD Corporation (21) Trademark of MARC Software International Inc. Corporation. o Personal Service/Personal Computer o 1-2-3(22) Release 2 o IBM Business Management Series o dBASE III(23) o BASIC, BASICA, BASIC Compiler o FORTRAN o Professional FORTRAN o COBOL o Pascal o APL o Assembler o TopView o SORT o Graphics Development Toolkit o SlideWrite o IBM Personal Decision Series o IBM Personal Computer Storyboard (22) Trademark of Lotus Development Corporation (23) Trademark of ASHTON TATE TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR DISPLAYS The following table gives an overview of the display support of various IBM RT Personal Computer programs. There are also notes on additional hardware requirements. (Refer to the sections on the specific programs for additional information, including printer and plotter support.) This data has been extracted from the IBM RT Personal Computer Software Planning Guide. Displays Supported 6 6 6 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 0 Program 5 5 5 5 5 8 Name 3 4 5 1 4 0 Notes AIX Operating X X X X X ASCII terminal support System Personal Computer X X X Requires 2Mb of RT AT Coprocessor Personal Computer memory Services or IBM Personal Computer AT 512Kb Memory Expansion option; Coprocessor option BASIC X X X X X 6155 not supported in Interpreter graphics mode; and Compiler ASCII terminal support Data Management X X X X X ASCII terminal support Services FORTRAN 77 X X X X X ASCII terminal support Pascal X X X X X 6155 not supported in graphics mode;ASCII terminal support SQL/RT Data X X X X X ASCII terminal support; Base requires Data Management Services INmail/INnet/ X X X X X ASCII terminal support FTP 3278/79 X X X X X Requires 3278/79 Emulation Emulation Adapter Card Applix IA X X X X X Mouse required for graphics ASCII terminal support Workstation X X X Pageprinter 3812 is only Publishing supported printer; mouse Software required SAMNA+ X X X X ASCII terminal support UNIRAS X X Floating point accelerator required Solomon III X X X ASCII terminal support; streaming tape required; floating point accelerator recommended IMSL X X Floating point accelerator recommended; FORTRAN 77 required RS/1 X X X X ASCII terminal support; floating point accelerator recommended Professional X X X X X 5151 support only Graphics Series through Enhanced Graphics adapter Professional X Floating point CADAM accelerator required Personal X Floating point graPHIGS accelerator required SOFTWARE DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS The following tables are aids for determining the amount of disk space required in the IBM RT Personal Computer system. In addition to this, adequate space should be provided for user data files and to accommodate software that is to be written or acquired at some future date. The disk space required for the IBM RT Personal Computer includes space to be allocated for the paging of data. The recommended paging space size depends on the number and size of the disk drives and the amount of random access memory (RAM) on the system. The following table gives some approximate values in megabytes for a few representative configurations: 1Mb of RAM 4Mb of RAM One 40Mb drive 3.7 6.6 Three 70Mb drives 6.1 10.8 The tables that follow show the approximate disk space required for software available on the IBM RT Personal Computer. This data has been extracted from the IBM RT Personal Computer Software Planning Guide, which provides additional detail on the utilization of disk drives. Program Disk Space Requirements in Megabytes AIX Operating System Size Application Size Virtual Resource Manager* 1.1 Applix IA 11.7 Base System Program* 11.7 Workstation Publ. Software 3.5 DUMP area* 1.2 SAMNA+ 2.4 Update to Operating System* 2.0 IMSL Single- precision Library 3.8 INed 2.7 IMSL Double- precision Library 3.6 Usability Services 2.7 Async. Terminal Emulator 0.3 SFUN LIBRARY 1.1 Multiuser Services Accounting Support 0.4 MATH/PROTRAN 3.3 System Activity Recording 0.2 STAT/PROTRAN 3.5 Inter-workstation commands 0.1 LP/PROTRAN 2.4 Terminal Support 0.3 Solomon III** 3.5 Extended Services General Ledger 1.2 Administrative Support 0.4 Payroll 2.0 Extended Programming Supt 0.7 Accounts Payable 1.7 Source Code Control 0.4 Accounts Receivable 1.5 Text Support 0.9 Purchasing 0.6 uucp Support 0.4 Order/Entry Invoicing 1.0 vi Editor 0.2 Job Costing 1.4 Games 0.4 Fixed Assets 0.7 Base Personal Computer 0.1 Sales Analysis 0.5 Network Services Exploring Usability 0.9 Inventory 1.3 Services Address and Mail List 0.3 Database Reporter 0.2 Trial Database 0.5 Log File (estimated) 2.5 System Support Size UNIRAS*** 1.4 RASPAK 0.2 Personal Computer AT 0.6 BIZPAK 0.4 Coprocessor Services BASIC Interp. and Compiler 2.8 GEOPAK 0.4 Data Management Services 1.4 KRIGPAK 0.2 FORTRAN 77 1.0 SEISPAK 0.2 INmail/INnet/FTP 1.9 GEOINT 0.3 3278/79 Emulation 0.5 GIMAGE 0.1 Pascal 1.4 UNIGRAPH 1.4 SQL/RT Data Base 1.8 RAZPAK 2.2 UNIMAP 1.6 UNIEDIT 1.2 Development Toolkit 1.4 RS/1 3.5 Terminal Emulator 0.3 Professional CADAM 3.0 Plotting System 1.8 File System 1.0 Personal graPHIGS 0.5 * Required for AIX Operating System ** Space required once with any SOLOMON III package *** Space required once with any UNIRAS package SECURITY, AUDITABILITY, AND CONTROL The IBM RT Personal Computer can be used and managed to limit the risk of unintended modification, destruction, or disclosure of sensitive data. User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, for administrative procedures, and for appropriate controls in application systems. If sensitive data is sent over external communication facilities, user management may wish to pursue the application of cryptography. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IBM will provide technical assistance for installation and usage questions on the IBM RT Personal Computer to qualified NCMD and SWMD customers. The following are supported: o IBM RT Personal Computer 6151 Model 10 o IBM RT Personal Computer 6151 Models 20, 25, A25 o IBM RT Personal Computer Features o IBM RT Personal Computer AIX Operating System o IBM RT Personal Computer Virtual Resource Manager o IBM RT Personal Computer Data Management Services o IBM RT Personal Computer SQL/RT Data Base o IBM RT Personal Computer/Personal Computer AT Coprocessor Services o IBM RT Personal Computer Graphics Development Toolkit o IBM RT Personal Computer Graphics Terminal Emulator o IBM RT Personal Computer Graphical File System o IBM RT Personal Computer Plotting System o IBM RT Personal Computer 3278/79 Emulation o IBM RT Personal Computer INmail/INnet/FTP o Professional CADAM o IBM RT Personal Computer graPHIGS This support will be provided electronically through ASKINFO. The customer must designate a contact(s) who will have access to ASKINFO during the support period. This contact should be the first level of end user assistance for IBM RT Personal Computer questions. For qualification guidelines, please contact your IBM marketing representative. To access ASKINFO the customer must have available an IBM Personal Computer with appropriate software to serve as a terminal. The minimum hardware and software requirements are as follows: o IBM Personal Computer o 64Kb memory o Single disk drive o 80-column display o Asynch adapter o 1200 bps asynch modem/cable conforming to EIA RS-232-C standard o IBM Personal Computer DOS 1.1 or later o IBM 3101 Emulation Program o ASKINFO setup diskette (provided at time of registration) IBM may terminate this technical support on 90 days written notice to registered users. NON-IBM LOGO APPLICATIONS: Support of the non-IBM logo applications will be provided directly by the program vendor.