WITHDRAWAL: IBM 4683 AND 4684 POINT OF SALE TERMINAL ALPHANUMERIC KEYBOARD Announcement Letter Number 192-017 dated January 21, 1992 US - Last Revised on January 21, 1992 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability Effective April 21, 1992, IBM will withdraw the Alphanumeric Keyboard (feature code 3322, part number 76X0035) for the IBM 4683 and 4684 Point of Sale Terminals from marketing. Customers will no longer be able to obtain the keyboard directly from IBM. However, it may be obtained on an as-available basis through IBM Authorized Remarketers. Affected Product Information: The following machine types and models are affected by this announcement: MACHINE TYPE MODEL 4683 001, A01, 002, A02, P11, P21, P41 4684 111, 131, 161, 200, 300 Replacement Product Information: WITHDRAWN REPLACEMENT FEATURE/PART PRODUCT PRODUCT NUMBER Alphanumeric Alphanumeric 3324/25F6350 Keyboard Point of Sale Keyboard Customer Letter Section "The summary above is the entire text of this announcement."