IBM 4700 FINANCE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OVERVIEW Announcement Letter Number ZG81-0246 dated September 21, 1981 Europe Middle East Africa - Last Revised on September 21, 1981 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability Customer Letter Section ***************************************************************** * * * IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION SEPTEMBER 1981 * * * * IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION * * for Europe, the Middle East * * IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION and Africa. * * * ***************************************************************** * * * This document is provided as general customer information * * only. IBM products and services which are announced and * * available in your country can be ordered under the applicable * * standard agreements, terms, conditions and prices in effect * * at the time. For further information please contact your * * local IBM representative. * * * ***************************************************************** ================================================================= IBM 4700 FINANCE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OVERVIEW ================================================================= The 4700 Finance Communication System is a teleprocessing system developed specifically for the finance industry. It is a family of products designed to provide an evolutionary growth path for a number of 3600/5995 Finance Communication System controllers, displays and printers. The 4700 system offers attractively packaged controllers designed for table-top installation. The controller can be featured to handle the requirements of the small, intermediate or large size branch. The terminals include the 4704 display in two screen sizes and the 4710 printer for journal and receipt validation printing. Compatibility with the 3600/5995 System provides the ability to mix 3600/5995 and 4700 System workstations on 3600/5995 and 4700 System controllers. Both the Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL) and the 4700 Assembler Language are offered as application languages for the 4700 controllers. Applications written in 4700 COBOL can run concurrently with those written in 4700 Assembler Language or 3600/5995 Assembler Language on the same 4700 controller. 4700 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 4701 CONTROLLER (two models): o Compact table top design o Customer set-up o Up to four loops for terminal attachment. o Up to 512K bytes of storage in 64K increments providing from 124K to 436K of user addressable storage for device attachment and user applications. o Up to two .5 megabytes two-sided diskette drives. o Host communication via SDLC/SNA at up to 9600 bps (38.4 K bps via 8100 loop) or via BSC (optional feature) up to 4800 bps. o Device Cluster Adapter for 3262-3,13, 3278-2 and 3287-1,2 attachment. 4704 DISPLAY TERMINAL: The 4704 Display terminal offers the following: o Modular design for flexibility of configuration and workstation layout. o Customer set-up. o 480 or 480/1920 character CRT display monitor. o Two sizes of well defined characters on the 480/1920 character display. o Three different keyboards to meet a wide variety of requirements. o Magnetic stripe reader attachment. o PIN keypad attachment. o Vertical tilt capability. o Anti glare tinted filters. 4710 RECEIPT/VALIDATION PRINTER: o Compact design for flexibility of workstation layout. o Customer set-up. o 1 to 4 lines of print per document. o Up to 40 characters per line at 10 CPI or 48 at 12 CPI o 96 character set. o Up to 120 cps printing speed. o Printing on wide variety of unformatted receipt/validation forms o 1 or 2 part journal printing. 4700 CONTROLLER DATA SUPPORT OVERVIEW: The 4700 Controller Data Support offers an advanced function environment specifically tailored for the development of financial applications. This support provides an evolutionary migration path for the 3600/5995 Finance Communications System users. This support is designed for use with the 4700 Finance Communication Host Support Program. 4700 and 3600/5995 controllers may co-exist in the network and on the same multi-point line. The 4700 Controller Data Support and configuration data may also reside on the same library. IMS/VS and CICS/VS supports the 4700 Finance Communication System through 3600/5995 and SLU-P services currently available in IMS/CICS with SNA/SDLC configurations. 4700 and 3600/5995 systems may coexist on the same IMS or CICS system. Existing IMS or CICS 3600/5995 application programs may be used without modification with equivalently configured 4700 systems. Additionally, Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC3) for the 4700 will be supported using existing CICS/VS 3600/5995 BSC3 support. The 4700 Controller Data Support consists of a starter diskette and a Distribution Tape Reel (DTR), containing the Controller Data Support, for S/370, 303X, 3081 and 4300 host attached controllers. Support for non-IBM host attached controllers consists of 2 diskettes containing the Local Configuration Facility. The 4700 Controller Data Support will be shipped directly to the user and it will be the users responsibility to install new releases. Customer Engineering (CE) will not be involved in the installation of 4700 controller data support releases. This support contains new and enhanced functions as well as most 3600/5995 functions (see manual GC31-2017). It is specifically designed to operate with a 4700 controller containing any of the following features, attachments, or I/O devices: o 512K storage, 192K minimum o Diskette Drives - .25 megabyte diskette drive, 1 maximum (4701-5 only) - .5 megabyte diskette drive, 2 maximum o Banking Loop, 4 maximum (4701-5, one maximum) o Device Cluster Adapter (DCA) - 8 ports maximum (4701 Model 1 only) o Secondary Host Communications - Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) Unclocked Adapter 9600 bps maximum, except 38.4K bps maximum using the multiuse communications loop (8100 only) - BSC Unclocked Adapter (4800 bps maximum) o Line Interfaces - Multi Use Communications Loop Station Adapter (4701 Model 1 only), or - X.21 Non-Switched Translate Adapter, or - X.21 Switched Translate Adapter, or - EIA/CCITT Adapter o 3600/5995 terminals including 3603, 3604, 3606, 3608, 3610, 3611, 3612, 3614, 3616, 3619, 3620, 3621, 3624 and 5922 (Model S01 only) o 4700 terminals including 4704 and 4710 o Device Cluster Adapter (DCA) terminals including 3278 (Model 2), 3262 printer (Models 3 and 13), 3287 printer (Models 1 and 2) and DCA keyboards (Models A and K) In addition to the functions currently supported on the 3600/5995 Finance Communications System, the following are, specifically, the new and enhanced functions available with this support when used in conjunction with the 4700 controllers, terminals and associated features: o Efficient Use of Storage o Improved Performance over 3600/5995 - Increased loop capacity (MABR) o Maximum of 60 Logical Workstations o New System Monitor Capability o Support of 4700 Controller Operator Panel providing improved failure isolation o Controller Secondary Communications Support - Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Support - Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)/ System Network Architecture (SNA) Support - Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC3) Support - Physical Line attachment Multiuse Communication Loop Attachment (8100 only) X.21 Attachment (switched and non-switched) o Application Program Instruction Enhancement - Base Instruction Enhancements - Timer Instructions - Zoned Decimal Arithmetic Capability - Call/Return Interface Between Separately Assembled Application Programs - Base/Displacement Operand Form - Segment Definition and Initialization - Instruction Displacements increased from 4K to 64K - Dynamic Translate Table Selection o Enhanced Diskette Management Support - Diskette Organization Improvements - Diskette Log Entries Capability - Enhanced Diskette Utilities o Improved Alert Notification o Enhanced Banking Loop Recovery for 4700 Devices o Controller Utilization Indicator o Local Configuration Facility (LCF) o Integration of RPQ Support - Address Sharing for Banking Loop - 3604 PIN keypad Support - 12 Characters Per Inch Support for 3610 and 3612 - Move Inverse - Support for Reverse Display on 3604 and 4704 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW: Two program products are being offered for use with the IBM 4700 System: 4700 FINANCE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM HOST SUPPORT Program No. 5668-989: The 4700 Finance Communication System Host Support Release 1 will provide support for the following new and improved functions, over the existing 3600/5995 host support: o CPGEN Enhancements for 4700 Support o Increased Application Program Maximum Size o 4700 host transmission facility - Enhanced Diskette Update Capability - Unattended Diskette Create/Update Capability - Host Transmission Facility Log File Available - Integrated SDLC and BSC3 Image Tranmission Facility - The program transfer is supported by the DPPX/DCS capability for Controllers attached to an 8100 used as an intermediate node between the 4700 Controller and the Host. o Host Diskette Image Create Facility (HDIC) Support o Application Program/Diskette Dump Enhancements 4700 FINANCE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM COBOL SUPPORT: Program No. 5666-266 DOS/VSE Program No. 5668-987 OS/VS HIGHLIGHTS: 4700 Finance Communication System COBOL Support is being provided to utilize a base of programming language knowledge that has been developed in the financial community. The 4700 COBOL - OS/VS Host Compiler and Library (Program #5668-987) and the 4700 COBOL - DOS/VSE Host Compiler and Library (Program No. 5666-266) will execute on a System/370, 303x, 3081 or 4300. They will operate under either OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 (MVS), or DOS/VSE as appropriate. The compiler generates object programs that will execute on the 4700 controllers. The object programs may be then transferred to a 4700 controller using the 4700 host transmission facility. The 4700 COBOL compilers should provide customers with a powerful, comprehensive, easy-to-use language for use in preparation and execution of finance application programs. The language offers a wide range of features, plus facilities for handling input/output, and debugging COBOL programs. 4700 COBOL is designed for the finance industry to be used for both interactive and batch applications. This includes support of both teller and administrative applications.