IBM PERSONAL SYSTEM/2 (R) MODEL 30 286 (8530-H21)

Announcement Letter Number ZG88-0236 dated September 27, 1988
Europe Middle East Africa - Last Revised on July 25, 1989

Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability

Customer Letter Section

*                                                               *
*  IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION                     SEPTEMBER 1988   *
*                                                               *
*  IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION                                      *
*                                 for Europe, the Middle East   *
*  IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION                   and Africa.        *
*                                                               *
*                                                               *
* This document is provided as general customer information     *
* only. IBM products and services which are announced and       *
* available in your country can be ordered under the applicable *
* standard agreements, terms, conditions and prices in effect   *
* at the time. For further information please contact your      *
* local IBM representative.                                     *
*                                                               *
IBM PERSONAL SYSTEM/2 (R) MODEL 30 286 (8530-H21)
The IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 286 is a new entry level 80286
version  of  the  Model 30. This model combines existing Model 30
function with improved  processor  performance,  1.44MB  diskette
drive capacity and Video Graphics Array (VGA) graphics. The Model
30  286  uses the Intel (1) 80286 processor and operates at 10MHz
with one wait state to system memory.
(R)  Registered  trademark  of  International  Business  Machines
(1) Registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
Description                  Item Number
-----------------            -----------
IBM Personal System/2
Model 30 286 (EMEA)            27F4160
o   Increased  processor  performance  over  PC  XT,  PC  AT  and
8086-based versions of Model 30-002 and 30-021
o Reliable 3.5-inch diskette with two times the capacity  of  the
Model 30-002 and 30-021
o Memory expansion to 4MB on the system board
o VGA graphics
o Enhanced price/performance ratio
o Accepts most PC XT or PC AT adapter cards
o  Increased reliability through high level of integration on the
system board
o Ease of installation and configuration
o National Language Support for 19 languages is provided.
The IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 286 is a new entry level 80286
version of the Model 30. It combines existing Model  30  function
along  with  improved processor performance, 1.4MB diskette drive
capacity and VGA graphics. The Model  30  286  has  1MB  standard
memory which can be increased to 2MB or 4MB on the system board.
The Model 30 286 has the following standard features:
o  Intel  80286  microprocessor,  operating at 10MHz clock speed,
with 1 wait state to system memory
o Random Access Memory (RAM)
- 1MB standard with parity.
- Expandable to 2MB or 4MB on the system board using one  or  two
of  the  IBM  2MB Memory Module Kits (P/N 30F5360 FC #7833). This
will require the removal of the installed 256KB memory modules.
- Can address a maximum of 16MB of memory. Supports LIM  EMS  4.0
when  combined  with  a vendor program to allow memory addressing
above 512KB.
o Personal Computer AT, XT/286 bus for adapters.
o Three full-size option card slots
o Video Graphics Array (VGA) port.
o Serial port (COM 1)
- EIA-232D compatible
- Equivalent to async communications adapter
- 25-pin, D-shell connector
o Parallel port (LPT 1, 2 or 3)
- Centronics Digital Input/Output (DIO) capability
- Equivalent to printer adapter
- 25-pin, D-shell connector
o Pointing device port
- For attachment of the IBM Personal System/2 Mouse or equivalent
o Keyboard port
o Direct Access Storage Devices (DASD)
- One 3.5-inch 1.4MB (formatted) diskette drive
- One 20MB fixed disk drive
-- Formatted Capacity: 20MB
-- Disk Platters: 2
-- Cylinders: 610
-- Sectors/Track: 17
-- Data Bytes/Sector: 512
-- Data Transfer Rate: 5.0 million bits/sec.
-- Average Seek Time: 80ms
- Serial Numbers 55-8101000 and above or 55A0001 to 55Z9999       @
-- (1) included in Model H21
-- 27MS average seek time
-- 45MS maximum seek time
-- 512-Byte by 27 sector format
-- 20(Decimal) M-Byte formated capacity
             Or                                                   @
-- (1) included in Model H21                                      @
-- 27MS average seek time                                         @
-- 55MS maximum seek time                                         @
-- 512-Byte by 26 sector format                                   @
-- 20(decimal) M-Byte formated capacity                           @
o 128KB Read-Only Memory (ROM)
- Automatic power-on self-test routines
- BASIC language interpreter
-  IBM Personal Computer, IBM Personal Computer AT(TM) compatible
o Sound
- Personal Computer equivalent single sound controller
- Sound transducer
o Time-of-day clock with extended life battery
o Socket for 80287 Math Co-processor
National Language support is provided on the hardware for for the
following eleven languages: Danish, Dutch, English (UK), Finnish,
French,  German,  Italian,  Norwegian,  Portuguese,  Spanish  and
Swedish.  Keyboard  support  is  provided for the above languages
plus Belgian, Swiss-French, and Swiss-German.  The IBM  8530  286
has  a  RAM  loadable character generator.   This allows any code
page that utilizes one of the supported text modes to be  loaded.
IBM  Personal Computer DOS 3.3 and 4.0 and IBM Operating System/2
will provide this capability.  Additionally, language supplements
are available for Arabic and  Hebrew,  when  using  IBM  Personal
Computer Disk Operating System (DOS) 3.3 or 4.0.
The  following  keyboard  support  is  included  with  the System
Starter Diskette:
   Belgium    ID# 120         Portuguese    ID# 163
   Danish         159         Spanish           172
   French         189 & 120   Swedish/Finnish   153
   German         129         Swiss             150
   Italian        141 & 142   United Kingdom    166 & 168
   Netherlands    143         U.S.              103
   Norwegian      155
The following text announces the planned availability for new IBM
Enhanced Keyboards for Italy (ID# 142), France (ID# 120) and U.K.
(ID# 168). These keyboards are supported on the 8530  286  System
and will be available 1Q/89.
*NOTE*  You  must have IBM Disk Operating System (DOS) 4.0 to use
these new keyboards.
IBM PC Enhanced Keyboard for U.K. English (ID#168).
------------      ------------   ------------------
1391522            1522              1Q/1989
IBM PC Enhanced Keyboard for Italian (ID#142)
------------     -------------   ------------------
1393395            3395              1Q/1989
IBM Enhanced Keyboard for French (ID# 120)
------------     -------------   ------------------
1391526            1526              1Q/1989
RPQs Accepted:   No
The  IBM 8530 286 Standard publications incorporate most operator
information with diagnostic and utility programs on  the  Starter
The following will be available with each system unit shipped.
o IBM 8530 286 Guide To Operations and Starter Diskette.
IBM  8530  286  Guide To Operation Manual is a user's operation's
manual which provides an introduction to the computer, as well as
option   installation   instructions   and    trouble    shooting
instructions.  It  is  designed  for  ease  of  use.  One copy is
provided with  each  IBM  8530  286;  additional  copies  can  be
obtained  at  a  price.  A Starter Diskette is included with each
Guide To Operations  Manual.  This  diskette  contains  a  system
tutorial, diagnostics and utilities.
The  Guide  To  Operations  Manual,  with  Starter  Diskette,  is
available in the following languages:
   Language                  Order Number    Feature Code
-------------------------   ---------------   -----------
U.K. English                   08F0434          0434
French                         08F0441          0441
German                         08F0448          0448
Italian                        08F0455          0455
Spanish                        08F0462          0462
Finnish                        08F0469          0469
Swedish                        08F0476          0476
Dutch                          08F0483          0483
Norwegian                      08F0490          0490
Danish                         08F0497          0497
Portuguese                     08F0504          0504
Documentation available for purchase includes:
IBM 8530 286 Hardware Maintenance Library Supplement
o   The  Hardware  Maintenance  Library  Supplement  includes  an
Advanced Diagnostic diskette containing advanced diagnostics  and
its topics include:
- Diagnostic maps
- Parts catalogues
- Symptom-to-FRU index
Wrap plugs are not included.
Hardware  Maintenance  Library  Supplements  are available in the
following languages:
IBM 8530 286 Hardware Maintenance Library Supplement:
Language                  Order Number    Feature Code
-----------------         -------------   ---------------
U.K. English                 08F0511         0511
French                       08F0514         0514
German                       08F0525         0525
Italian                      08F0536         0536
Spanish                      08F0547         0320
One  copy  of  the  HML  will  be provided free of charge to each
Dealer Outlet. Additional copies can be obtained at a price.
Also available for maintaining the IBM  8530  286  is  a  Service
Summary  Card.  This is a "Quick Fix" Reference Card to assist in
isolating common failures without having to use MAPS.   They  are
packaged ten cards to a package and are available for a price, in
the following languages:
IBM 8530 286 Service Summary Cards:
 Language                  Order Number    Feature Code
-----------------          -------------   --------------
U.K. English                 08F1225         1225
(10 per package)
Spanish                      08F1229         0322
(10 per package)
French                       08F1226         1226
(10 per package)
German                       08F1227         0323
(10 per package)
Italian                      08F1228         0324
(10 per package)
This manual can be obtained at a price:
IBM 8530 286 Technical Reference Manual
The  Technical  Reference Manual (which includes a supplement for
BIOS Interface Technical Reference) is for programmers, engineers
and others who want to understand the system unit and  associated
features in greater detail.
Language                   Order Number    Feature Code
-------------              ------------    ------------
U.S. English                 01F0237         0321
A multi-lingual installation instruction is provided with the IBM
Personal  System/2  External 5.25-inch 360KB Diskette Adapter Kit
(P/N 27F4245) (FC#4245). The  instructions  do  not  need  to  be
ordered  separately.    If  necessary, additional copies of these
instructions can be ordered.
Language                   Order Number    Feature Code
------------               ------------    ------------
Multi-lingual               38F1280         1280
Width - 406mm (16.00 inches)
Depth - 397mm (15.60 inches)
Height- 102mm (4.00 inches)
Weight- 8.6kg (190 lbs)
o Temperature - 15.6 to 32.2 degrees C (60 to 90 degrees F)
o Heat Output - 438 BTU/hour
o Relative Humidity - 8 to 80 percent
o Accoustic
-  Operating:  46dBA  average  sound  pressure  at  the  operator
position, 0.6 meters (1.97 feet)
- Idling: 5.0 Bels average sound pressure
o Fragility - 36-inch drop in shipping container
o Licenses
- FCC - class B
- GOP VDE Class B
- TUV IEC 380, UL 478, CSA 154, and IEC 435
o Universal Power Supply
- 90 watts
- 90-137 VAC or 180-265 VAC (controlled by switch on back)
- 50HZ or 60HZ
- Detachable line cord
- On/Off switch at front of unit
MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: The IBM Personal System/2 (tm) Model 30 286
(8530-H21)  requires  an  analog display (8503, 8512, 8513, 8514,
4707 or equivalent).
The IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 286 with  the  Video  Graphics
Array  (VGA)  port  provides  a RAM loadable character generator.
This allows any code page that  utilizes  one  of  the  supported
system  software text modes to be loaded.  IBM DOS 3.3 or DOS 4.0
provides  this  capability  for  the  following   14   languages:
Canadian-French,  Danish,  Dutch, English (U.K.), English (U.S.),
Finnish,  French,  German,  Italian,  Latin   American   Spanish,
Norwegian,  Portuguese,  Spanish  (Spain)  and  Swedish. National
Language Supplements are available for Arabic and Hebrew.
o IBM Disk Operating System (DOS) Version 3.3 or 4.0
o IBM Operating System/2 Standard Edition 1.1
COMPATIBILITY:  The  IBM  Personal  System/2  Model  30  286   is
compatible  with  the IBM Personal Computer, Personal Computer XT
and Personal Computer AT at the BIOS level and at  most  hardware
interfaces.  The  Model  30  286  has  been  designed to maintain
compatibility  with  existing  personal  computer  software   and
non-timing   dependent   features.  Due  to  the  high  level  of
integration, features such as  IBM  Personal  Computer,  Personal
Computer  XT and Personal Computer AT memory upgrades and graphic
adapters are not supported.  Specific hardware products, features
and software products that have been tested and are supported  in
the  Model  30 286 environment are listed in separate attachments
at the end of this announcement letter.
LIMITATIONS: Additional memory installed on the Personal System/2
Multifunction Adapter (30F5364) can only be used  in  a  Personal
System/2  Model  30  286  with  0.5MB  of memory installed on the
system board.
The ability to use a non-IBM memory expansion  card  in  the  IBM
Personal  System/2  Model  30  286  is  dependent  on  the card's
flexibility in establishing  its  starting  memory  address.  The
amount   of   planar   memory   (standard   plus  kits)  and  the
corresponding starting memory addresses  is  illustrated  in  the
following table:
                                Expansion Card
      Planar Memory             Starting Address
      -------------             ----------------
        512KB                        512KB
          1MB                   1MB + 384KB
          2MB                   2MB + 384KB
          4MB                   4MB + 384KB
Memory  expansion  cards must support the listed starting address
to properly operate in a system with a  given  amount  of  planar
IBM  Disk  Operating System (DOS) 3.3 MODE will not support 19200
baud on the Model 30 286. DOS 4.0 will support 19200 baud on  the
IBM PS/2 Model 30 286.
The following memory expansion adapters and/or memory module kits

are not supported on the IBM PS/2 Model 30 286:
o 2MB Expanded Memory Adapter (P/N 2685193; FC#5193).
o 80286 Memory Expansion 1MB Option (P/N 6451001; FC#3006).
o 80286 Memory Expansion 1MB Kit (P/N 6451002; FC#3012).
o 80286 Expanded Memory Adapter/A (P/N 1497252; FC#3920).
o 80286 Expanded Memory Adapter/A (P/N 1497259; FC#7259).
X.25 support will be available 4Q/88 and requires version 1.11 of
the control program.
A  new  Token-Ring  Network  Adapter  Card  supports the 8530 286
attachment to a Token-Ring Network.  If FC# 5733 is used to order
this adapter (16F0500), a Guide To Operations (P/N 96X5733)  will
also  be included.  If the adapter is ordered by P/N 16F0500 (for
example by dealers), the Guide To Operations  -  English  96X5733
must also be ordered (separately).
CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES: The IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 286
is  designated  as  customer setup (CSU). Set-up instructions are
included with the system and features. CSU allowance is one day.
CABLE ORDERS: There are no cabling requirements, other  than  for
system  power and to connect a display. Instructions are provided
as part of initial system setup.
INSTALLABILITY: Using the setup instructions, the  user  attaches
the  keyboard  and peripherals and installs any special features.
Power is then turned on and setup is run  as  instructed  on  the
screen. To simplify setup, the Personal System/2 Model 30 286 has
a  universal  power  supply  with  an  external  switch  and may,
therefore, be used worldwide.  Additionally, there are  no  setup
PROBLEM  DETERMINATION:  At  power on, if a failure is found with
the starter diskette installed, an  instruction  appears  on  the
screen.  If  the test successfully completed, the system attempts
to load an operating system first from the A drive, and then from
the C drive . If an  operating  system  is  not  found,  a  final
default is provided through use of a ROM loaded BASIC interpreter
as more fully explained in the Guide to Operations (GTO).
The  troubleshooting  procedures consist of a power-on self-test,
diagnostic  tests,  and  easy-to-follow  troubleshooting   charts
designed  to  assist  the  user  in isolating a defective machine
element. The failing element can then  be  replaced  or  repaired
under existing warranty provisions.
The IBM 8530 286 will be packaged as follows:
Systems  Unit Box - System Unit, Keyboard cable 3 meters (9 feet)
and multilingual Inventory Checklist
Individually Supplied Items:
Publication  -  System  Guide  To  Operations  including  Starter
Line Cord - System Unit Line Cord (Item No. Country Variable).
Keyboard - The IBM Enhanced Personal Computer Keyboard.
IBM PS/2 External 5.25-Inch 360KB Diskette Adapter Kit
-----------        ------------      ------------------
27F4245             4245              October 1988
KIT: This accessory provides an internal diskette  drive  adapter
cable  that  attaches to the external diskette drive adapter card
(P/N 6450244) and allows  the  attachment  of  the  IBM  Personal
System/2  5.25-inch  External  Diskette Drive (FC 4869-501). Both
the diskette drive adapter and the external diskette  drive  must
be ordered separately.
IBM Token-Ring Network PC & PS/2 Family/1 Adapter
-----------        ------------      -----------------
16F0500                               October, 1988
96X5733             5733              October, 1988
A  new  Token-Ring  Network  Adapter  Card  supports the 8530 286
attachment to a Token-Ring Network.  If FC# 5733 is used to order
this adapter (16F0500), a Guide To Operations (P/N 96X5733)  will
also  be included.  If the adapter is ordered by P/N 16F0500 (for
example  by  dealers),  the Guide To Operations - English 96X5733
must also be ordered (separately).
Security  and  auditability  features  of  this  product  include
through  holes  and  cable  keeper  holes to help in securing the
system to a desk or table and a mechanical lock to allow the user
to lock the system  cover.  A  user-defined  password  locks  the
keyboard and mouse.
User  management  is  responsible  for evaluation, selection, and
implementation of security features,  administrative  procedures,
and    appropriate    controls   in   application   systems   and
communications facilities.
Consult your IBM Marketing Representative.
All Terms and Conditions,  including  those  for  IBM  Authorized
Remarketer/  Distributor/Agent  are the same as those which apply
to the IBM Personal System/2 8530-002 and 8530-021.
Demonstration Machines (Remarketers):
Applies. Maximum is 1 IBM Personal System/2 8530 286 per outlet.
Inventory Returns Plan (Remarketers/Distributors):  Applies
Education Program (Remarketers): Applies
                          ATTACHMENT A
   o   Scanners
       -   3117          Scanner
       -   3118          Scanner
   o   Optical Disk Readers
       -   3363-A01      3363 Optical Disk Reader
       -   3363-B01      3363 Optical Disk Reader
   o   Printers
       -   3812-001      Pageprinter
       -   3852-002      Color Inkjet Printer
       -   4201-001      ProPrinter(TM) - EMC (PRHS)
       -   4201-002      ProPrinter II
       -   4202-001      ProPrinter XL
       -   4207-001      ProPrinter X24
       -   4208-001      ProPrinter XL24
       -   5152-003      Graphics Printer
       -   5182          Color Printer
       -   5201-001      IBM Quietwriter(R)
       -   5201-002      IBM Quietwriter
       -   5202          IBM Quietwriter III
       -   5204-001      IBM Quickwriter
       -   5216-001      Wheelprinter (Parallel Interface)
       -   5223          Wheelprinter E
   o   Plotters
       -   6180          IBM Color Plotter
       -   6184          IBM Color Plotter
       -   6186          IBM Color Plotter
       -   7372          IBM Color Plotter
   o   IBM Personal System/2 Displays
       -   8503-002      Monochrome Northern Hemisphere
       -   8503-003      Monochrome Southern Hemisphere
       -   8512-002      14-inch Color Northern Hemisphere
       -   8512-003      14-inch Color Southern Hemisphere
       -   8513-002      Color Northern Hemisphere
       -   8513-003      Color Southern Hemisphere
       -   8514-002      16-inch Color Northern Hemisphere
       -   8514-003      16-inch Color Southern Hemisphere
       -   4707-002      Monochrome Display
   o   Miscellaneous Hardware
       -   4869-501      5.25 Inch External Diskette Drive
       -   3063          IBM Mouse
   o   IBM Enhanced Keyboards:
       Language:       Item Number:   Feature Code:
       U.S. English      1391401        #1401
       French (189)      1391402        #1402
       French (120)      1391526        #1526
       German            1391403        #1403
       Italian (141)     1391404        #1404
       Italian (142)     1393395        #3395
       Spanish           1391405        #1405
       UK English (166)  1391406        #1406
       UK English (168)  1391522        #1522
       Danish            1391407        #1407
       Hebrew            1391408        #1408
       Norwegian         1391409        #1409
       Portuguese        1391410        #1410
       Swedish/Finnish   1391411        #1411
       Swiss             1391412        #1412
       Belgian           1391414        #1414
       Arabic            1391490        #1490
       Dutch             1391511        #1511
         (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines
          (R) Registered Trademark of the International
              Business Machines Corporation
   o   Features and Accessories
           Part      Feature
           Number    Number   Description
           -------   ------   -----------
       -   6450215   0215   Serial/Parallel Adapter
       -   6450217   0217   Serial Adapter Cable
       -   6450230   0230   PC Network Base Expander
       -   6450231   0231   PC Network Short Distance Kit
       -   6450232   0232   PC Network Medium Distance Kit
       -   6450233   0233   PC Network Long Distance Kit
       -   6450234   0234   PC Network 25-Foot Cabling Segment
       -   6450235   0235   PC Network 50-Foot Cabling Segment
       -   6450236   0236   PC Network 100-Foot Cabling Segment
       -   6450237   0237   PC Network 200-Foot Cabling Segment
       -   16F0500          Token-Ring Adapter Card (Note 1)
       -   6450242   0242   Serial Adapter Connector
       -   1501205   1205   SDLC Communications Adapter
       -   6451502   1502   DACS Adapter
       -   6451503   1503   GP Interface Bus Adapter
       -   6450213   0213   PC Network Adapter
       -   90X6968   6972   PC Network Adapter II
       -   90X6966   6973   PC Network Baseband Adapter
       -   1501300   1300   Game Control Adapter
       -   1502067   2067   Communications Adapter Cable
       -   2690617   0617   IBM X.25 Protocol Adapter (NOTE 2)
       -   6403635   2877   Integrated 5250 Display Station
                            Emulation Cable Assembly
       -   30F5384   7367   Enhanced Display Station
                            Emulation Adapter
       -   27F4245   4245   IBM PS/2 External 5.25-Inch 360KB
                            Diskette Adapter Kit
       -   6100218   2892   Twinax Cable Assembly
                            (5520, 5250)
       -   6450356   3001   IBM Personal System/2 80287 Math
       -   30F5348   3397   0.5MB Memory Module Kit (NOTE 3)
       -   4234548   4548   5364 Driver Card
       -   1501224   5003   Personal System/2 Data Migration
       -   8665789   5789   3278/3279 Emulation Adapter
       -   30F5360   7833   2MB Memory Module Kit
       -   30F5364   5364   IBM Personal System/2 MultiFunction
       -   6450244   8750   IBM Personal System/2 5.25-Inch
                            External Diskette Drive Adapter
       -   6450350   3063   IBM Personal System/2 Mouse
*NOTE  1* A new Token-Ring Network Adapter Card supports the 8530
286 attachment to a Token-Ring Network.  If FC# 5733 is  used  to
order this adapter (16F0500), a Guide To Operations (P/N 96X5733)
will  also be included.  If the adapter is ordered by P/N 16F0500
(for example by dealers),  the  Guide  To  Operations  -  English
96X5733 must also be ordered (separately).
*NOTE  2*  X.25 support will be available 4Q/1988 on the IBM PS/2
8530 286 and requires version 1.11 of the control program.
*NOTE 3* This module is supported for use  on  the  IBM  Personal
System/2  Multifunction  Adapter (30F5364) and not for use on the
                      ATTACHMENT B
*Note*  The following Features and Accessories were tested in the
U.S. for the U.S. marketplace and may or may not be available  in
       -  Serial/Parallel Adapter
       -  Serial Adapter Cable
       -  PC Network Base Expander
       -  PC Network Short Distance Kit
       -  PC Network Medium Distance Kit
       -  PC Network Long Distance Kit
       -  PC Network 25-Foot Cabling Segment
       -  PC Network 50-Foot Cabling Segment
       -  PC Network 100-Foot Cabling Segment
       -  PC Network 200-Foot Cabling Segment
       -  Serial Adapter Connector
       -  IBM 5520/Personal Computer  Attachment
           Convenience   Kit,  Version 4.01
       -  SDLC Communications Adapter
       -  PC Network Adapter II
       -  PC Network Baseband Adapter
       -  Game Control Adapter
       -  Communications Adapter Cable
       -  Integrated 5250 Display Station Emulation Cable
       -  Display Station Emulation  Adapter Kit
       -  5520 Display Station Emulation Integrated Cable
       -  Enhanced 5250 Display Station  Emulation
           Convenience   Kit,  Version 2.12
       -  Enhanced 5250 Display Station  Emulation Adapter
           Kit, Version 2.12
       -  Enhanced 5250 Display Station Emulation Program,
           Version 2.12
       -  IBM Personal System/2 80287 Math Co-Processor
       -  IBM  System/36 LAN Attachment Adapter (2)
       -  S/370 Channel Emulator Card
       -  IBM Token-Ring Network  PC  Adapter Cable
       -  6157 Tape Drive Adapter
       -  High Speed Adapter (HSA)
       -  3117 Scanner Adapter
       -  Personal System/2 Speech Adapter (1)
       -  Personal System/2 Data  Migration Facility
       -  IBM Personal System/2 External 5.25 360KB
           Diskette Adapter Kit
       -  3278/3279 Emulation Adapter (1)
       -  IBM PC Music Feature
       -  Realtime Interface Co-Processor (128KB)
       -  Realtime  Interface  Co-Processor (512KB)
       -  Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport (128KB)
       -  IBM Personal Pageprinter Adapter
                      ATTACHMENT C
This  Report contains a summary of the Compatibility Test results
relating to the IBM Personal System/2 (TM) 8530 286,  Model  H21.
This  test  was  conducted  by the EMEA Compatibility Test Group,
Mountbatten House Basingstoke.
The test was conducted from 18/7/88 to 5/8/88.
Attached is a list  of  the  products  tested  with  notes  where
With reference to the column headed 'COMP'
YES = The product performs substantially as described in
      its documentation.
NO  = The product will not function with the IBM 8530 286.
N/T = No test results are provided for this product in this
N/S = The product is not supported for use with the 8530 286.
| Monochrome Display | #8503-002     | 6134300  | YES  |      |
| Colour Display     | #8512-002     | 6134328  | YES  |      |
| Colour Display     | #8513-002     | 6134302  | YES  |      |
| Colour Display     | #8514-002     | 75X5902  | YES  |      |
| Monochrome Display | #4707-002     | 85X7341  | YES  |      |
| Proprinter II   | #4201-002      | 87X9787  | YES  |      |
| Proprinter XL   | #4202-001      | 56X9730  | YES  |      |
| Proprinter X24  | #4207-001      | 94X6042  | YES  |      |
| Proprinter XL24 | #4208-001      | 94X5873  | YES  |      |
| Proprinter III  | #4201-003      | 23F4302  | YES  |      |
| Proprinter 3 XL | #4202-003      | 23F5012  | YES  |      |
| Quietwriter III | #5202-001      | 1318456  | YES  |      |
| Pageprinter     | #3812-001      |          | YES  |      |
| Color Ink-Jet   | #3852-002      | 1686266  | YES  |      |
| Printer         |                |          |      |      |
| Personal        | #4216-020      | 90X6301  | YES  |      |
| Pageprinter     |                |          |      |      |

| 2Mb Expanded    | #5193          | 2685193  | NO   | 1    |
| Memory Adapter  |                |          |      |      |
| 3278/79         | #5789          | 8665789  | YES  |      |
| Emulation Adapt.|                |          |      |      |
| PC Network      | #0213          | 6450213  | YES  |      |
| Adapter         |                |          |      |      |
| PC Network      | #6965          | 90X6968  | YES  |      |
| Adapter II      |                |          |      |      |
| PC Network      | #6966          | 90X6966  | YES  |      |
| Baseband Adapt. |                |          |      |      |
| Token Ring      | #9100          | 61X3807  | NO   | 5    |
| Adapter 1       |                |          |      |      |
| Token Ring      | #5063          | 61X0398  | NO   | 5    |
| Adapter II      |                |          |      |      |
| Serial/Parallel | #0215          | 6450215  | YES  |      |
| Adapter         |                |          |      |      |
| Parallel Printer| #5200          | 1505200  | YES  |      |
| Adapter         |                |          |      |      |
| X.25 Commun.    | #0617          | 2609617  | NO   | 2    |
| Adapter         |                |          |      |      |
| SDLC Commun.    | #1205          | 1501205  | YES  |      |
| Adapter         |                |          |      |      |
| 5.25 Inch Ext.  | #8750          | 6450244  | YES  | 3    |
| Diskette Drive  |                |          |      |      |
| Adapter         |                |          |      |      |
| Personal Page-  | #4325          | 07F4325  | YES  |      |
| Printer Adapt.  |                |          |      |      |
| Optical Disk    | #3363-A01/B01  |          | YES  |      |
| Drive           |                |          |      |      |
| 5.25 Inch Ext.  | #4869-501      | 6134350  | YES  | 3    |
| Diskette Drive  |                |          |      |      |
| IBM Mouse       | #3063          | 6450350  | YES  |      |
| IBM Enhanced    | #Various       |          | YES  |      |
| Keyboards       |                |          |      |      |
| Data Migration  | #5003          | 1501224  | YES  | 4    |
| Facility        |                |          |      |      |
                      ATTACHMENT D
| PROGRAM            | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | FRE   | 1.50| 95X1200  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 1.50| 95X1201  | YES  |      |
|                    | ITA   | 1.50| 95X1202  | YES  |      |
|                    | SPA   | 1.50| 95X1203  | YES  |      |
| DisplayWrite 4     | UK ENG| 1.00| 75X8399  | YES  |      |
|                    | DAN   | 1.50| 95X1204  | YES  |      |
|                    | NOR   | 1.50| 95X1205  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 1.50| 95X1206  | YES  |      |
|                    | DUT   | 1.50| 95X1207  | YES  |      |
|                    | FIN   | 1.50| 95X1208  | YES  |      |
|                    | POR   | 1.50| 95X1209  | YES  |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | FRE   | 2.00| 75X8483  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 2.00| 75X5460  | YES  |      |
|                    | ITA   | 2.00| 75X8508  | YES  |      |
|                    | SPA   | 2.00| 75X5488  | YES  |      |
| Filing Assistant   | UK ENG| 2.00| 67X3987  | YES  |      |
|                    | DAN   | 2.00| 75X5445  | YES  |      |
|                    | NOR   | 2.00| 75X8329  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 2.00| 75X5502  | YES  |      |
|                    | DUT   | 2.00| 75X5474  | YES  |      |
|                    | FIN   | 2.00| 95X1495  | YES  |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | FRE   | 2.00| 75X8453  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 2.00| 75X4705  | YES  |      |
|                    | ITA   | 2.00| 75X8421  | YES  |      |
|                    | SPA   | 2.00| 75X4739  | YES  |      |
| Graphing Assistant | UK ENG| 2.00| 67X4017  | YES  |      |
|                    | DAN   | 2.00| 75X4688  | YES  |      |
|                    | NOR   | 2.00| 75X8356  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 2.00| 75X4756  | YES  |      |
|                    | DUT   | 2.00| 75X4722  | YES  |      |
|                    | FIN   | 2.00| 95X4008  | YES  |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | FRE   | 2.00| 75X8486  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 2.00| 75X4824  | YES  |      |
|                    | ITA   | 2.00| 75X8437  | YES  |      |
|                    | SPA   | 2.00| 75X4525  | YES  |      |
| Planning Assistant | UK ENG| 2.00| 67X4034  | YES  |      |
|                    | DAN   | 2.00| 75X4773  | YES  |      |
|                    | NOR   | 2.00| 75X8371  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 2.00| 75X4841  | YES  |      |
|                    | DUT   | 2.00| 75X4807  | YES  |      |
|                    | FIN   | 2.00| 95X4021  | YES  |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | FRE   | 2.00| 75X8497  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 2.00| 75X5528  | YES  |      |
|                    | ITA   | 2.00| 75X8523  | YES  |      |
| Reporting Assistant| SPA   | 2.00| 75X5550  | YES  |      |
|                    | UK ENG| 2.00| 67X4004  | YES  |      |
|                    | DAN   | 2.00| 75X5516  | YES  |      |
|                    | NOR   | 2.00| 75X8344  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 2.00| 75X8344  | YES  |      |
|                    | DUT   | 2.00| 75X5539  | YES  |      |
|                    | FIN   | 2.00| 95X1485  | YES  |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | FRE   | 2.00| 75X8581  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 2.00| 75X5358  | YES  |      |
|                    | ITA   | 2.00| 75X8535  | YES  |      |
| Writing Assistant  | SPA   | 2.00| 75X5419  | YES  |      |
|                    | UK ENG| 2.00| 67X3965  | YES  |      |
|                    | DAN   | 2.00| 75X5398  | YES  |      |

|                    | NOR   | 2.00| 75X5593  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 2.00| 75X5378  | YES  |      |
|                    | DUT   | 2.00| 75X5572  | YES  |      |
|                    | FIN   | 2.00| 95X1466  | YES  |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | FRE   | 1.50| 95X1078  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 1.50| 95X1088  | YES  |      |
| Displaywrite       | ITA   | 1.50| 95X1095  | YES  |      |
|  Assistant         | SPA   | 1.50| 95X1108  | YES  |      |
|                    | UK ENG| 1.50| 75X4652  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 1.50| 95X1068  | YES  |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | UK ENG| 1.01| 95X1365  | YES  |      |
|                    | FRE   | 1.00| 95X4106  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 1.00| 95X4130  | YES  |      |
| PC Storyboard Plus | SPA   | 1.00| 95X4154  | YES  |      |
|                    | DAN   | 1.00| 95X4178  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 1.00| 95X4202  | YES  |      |
| Personal Editor II | UK ENG| 1.00| 67X4051  | YES  |      |
IBM European Language System Software
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
|                    | FRE   | 3.30| 94X9579  | YES  |      |
|                    | GER   | 3.30| 94X9596  | YES  |      |
|                    | ITA   | 3.30| 94X9613  | YES  |      |
|                    | SPA   | 3.30| 94X9630  | YES  |      |
|                    | UK ENG| 3.30| 94X9573  | YES  |      |
|                    | DAN   | 3.30| 95X2703  | YES  |      |
| DOS                | NOR   | 3.30| 95X2756  | YES  |      |
|                    | SWE   | 3.30| 95X2721  | YES  |      |
|                    | DUT   | 3.30| 95X2685  | YES  |      |
|                    | POR   | 3.30| 95X2739  | YES  |      |
| DOS                | UK    | 4.00|          | YES  |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
| PC LAN             | UK ENG| 1.23| 95X1360  | YES  |      |
| PC LAN             | UK ENG| 1.30| 07F4994  | YES  |      |
| IBM PC 3270 Emul.  | UK ENG| 1.20| 07F3046  | YES  |      |
| Program Entry Level|       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM PC 3270 Emul.  | WW ENG| 3.03| 59X9969  | YES  |      |
| Program            |       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM PC 3270        | WW ENG| 1.00| 95X3990  | NO   | 1    |
| Workstation Program|       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM PC 3270        | WW ENG| 1.11| 07F6333  | NO   | 1    |
| Workstation Program|       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM PC 3270        | FRE   | 1.10| 07F6247  | NO   | 1    |
| Workstation Program|       |     |          |      |      |
| PROGRAMS           | LANG  | VER | PART NO. | COMP | NOTES|
| IBM PC 3270        | GER   | 1.10| 07F6248  | NO   | 1    |
| Workstation Program|       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM PC 3270        | ITA   | 1.10| 07F6249  | NO   | 1    |
| Workstation Program|       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM PC 3270        | SPA   | 1.10| 07F6250  | NO   | 1    |
| Workstation Program|       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM PC 3270        | SWE   | 1.10| 07F6251  | NO   | 1    |
| Workstation Program|       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM PC X25 Comms.  | UK ENG| 1.10| 8553544  | NO   | 2    |
| Support (S/W)      |       |     |          |      |      |
| Mainframe Comms.   | UK ENG| 1.05| 67X6480  | YES  |      |
| Assistant          |       |     |          |      |      |
| IBM TSO/E Servers -| UK ENG| V1  | 5665-396 | YES  |      |
| Requesters (for IBM|       | R1  |          |      |      |
| Sys./370 to IBM PC |       | M0  |          |      |      |
| Enhanced Connect.  |       |     |          |      |      |
| Facilities)        |       |     |          |      |      |
1.  The  2MB Expanded memory Adapter (XMA) is not compatible with
the 8530 286 because its fastest operating speed is 8MHz and  the
8530  286 runs at 10MHz.  Workstation Program could not be tested
because no XMA capability exists on the 8530 286.
2. The X.25 Adapter card was incompatible when used with the  X25
Comms.  Support  Prog.  Version  1.10.    A  version 1.11 support
program will be available 4Q/1988.  This new version  was  tested
and performs satisfactorily.
3.  To use the external 5.25 inch diskette drive requires a cable
assembly (see Accessories).
4. For the Data Migration Facility to work requires the use of  a
8530  286 specific version of RECV35.COM which is supplied on the
Starter diskette.
5. A new Token-Ring Network Adapter Card supports  the  8530  286
attachment to a Token-Ring Network.  If FC# 5733 is used to order
this  adapter (16F0500), a Guide To Operations (P/N 96X5733) will
also be included.  If the adapter is ordered by P/N 16F0500  (for
example  by  dealers),  the Guide To Operations - English 96X5733
must also be ordered (separately).
                          ATTACHMENT E
The  following IBM Licensed Programs are compatible with Model 30
286 DOS 3.3  or  DOS  4.0,  and  will  operate  substantially  as
described in their program documentation.
These  software  products  were  tested  in the U.S. for the U.S.
marketplace and may or may not  exist  in  EMEA.    There  is  no
guarantee  these  programs  are compatible with National Language
Programs. This is for information only.
   3278 Emulation via IBM PC (5360/5362)                1
   3278 Emulation via IBM PC (5364)                     1
   Advanced Program-to-Program Communications for
    the Personal Computer   1.11                        2
   Distributed Data Management/PC (DDM/PC) 1.00
   Local Area Network Support Program  1.00             3
   Mainframe Communications Assistant  1.05             4
   PC 3270 Emulation Program     3.04                   4
   PC 3270 Emulation ProgramEntry Level 1.21            4, 5

   PC/Host File Transfer & Terminal Emulator
    Program (FTTERM)  2.00                              6
   PC Local Area Network Program  1.30                  7
   PC Network Protocol Driver    1.00
   Remote PrintManager           1.0.1
   Local Area Network (LAN)/Printmaster  1.0.1
   AS/400 PC Support
   PC Support/36 (5360/5362)     5.1                    1
   PC Support/36 Expansion Feature (5360/5362)          1
   PC Support/36 (5364)          5.1                    1
   PC Support/36 Expansion Feature (5364)  5.1          1
   IBM Personal System/2 Screen Reader (TM)
   PC Support/36 Workstation Feature (5360/5362)        8
   PC Support/36 Workstation Feature (5364)  5.1        8
   PC Support/38   8.0                                  9
   PC Support/38 Expansion Feature  8.0                 9
   Token-Ring Network Bridge Program  1.10
   IBM Personal Pageprinter Adapter licensed Program    10
1. Product is downloaded from the System/36.
2. Coexists with the Redirector configuration of  PC  Local  Area
Network Program Version 1.30.
3. Required for Token-Ring support.
4. Coexists with PC Local Area Network Program V. 1.30.
5. Hot-key to new video modes not supported.
6.   See  Marketing  Announcement  288-213,  dated  5/03/88,  for
additional details.
7. Coexists with PC 3270 Emulation Program Version 3.00.
8. Product runs from virtual disk on attached System/36 or can be
downloaded from the System/36.
9. Product is downloaded from the System/38.
10. For use with the IBM Personal Pageprinter Adapter
(TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation
     IBM BASIC Compiler/2          1.00
     IBM C/2                       1.00
     IBM COBOL/2                   1.00
     EZ-PREP (Cross System Product/Application
     EX-RUN (Cross System Product/Application
      Execution)                   1.00
     IBM FORTRAN/2 Graphics Development Toolkit
      1.20                                              1
     Image Support Facility 2      1.10
     Interactive System Productivity Facility for
      the IBM Personal Computer (EZ-VU II
      Development Facility)        2.00
     Interactive System Productivity Facility for
      the IBM Personal Computer (EZ-VU II Runtime
      Facility)                    2.00
     IBM Macro Assembler/2         1.00
     IBM Pascal Compiler/2         1.00
     DisplayWrite 4                1.02                 2
     Personal Editor II            1.01
     PROFS PC Support Feature
       of PROFS (5664-309)         2.00                 3
     Storyboard Plus               1.01                 1
     Word Proof II                 1.01
     1. Supports the IBM Personal System/2 Mouse.
     2. Voice Note function is not supported.
     3. Product is downloaded from the host.
   Data Edition                  2.02
   English Access Edition        1.03
   Network+ Edition              1.02
   Plans+ Edition                2.03
   Reports+ Edition              2.02
   CADwrite                      1.00                    3,4
   Doctor's Office Manager II    1.00
   Above Disc (R)                2.0                    5
1. Pie charts may not appear round on the IBM PS/2 Color Displays
8512 and 8513 and the IBM PS/2 Monochrome Display 8503.
2. Coexists with PC Local Area Network Program 1.20.
3. Supports the new 640X480-16 mode.
4. Supports the IBM Personal System/2 Mouse.
*****   END OF DOCUMENT   *****