Pre-Modular POS

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Dictionary

Acronyms​/​initialisms: PMPOSCategory: Documentation, labelling & manualsOrigin: ASKMore information

The "pre-Modular POS" is a term used on Admiral Shark's Keyboards to refer to Model M-based IBM buckling sleeve point-of-sale keyboard designs introduced after the Retail POS series and before the Modular POS series Model M keyboards. This typically refers to the IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device, IBM CANPOS Keyboard, IBM CANPOS Keyboard with Card Reader, and IBM 4613 SurePOS 100 Keyboard Assembly. IBM and Toshiba do not categorise such keyboards themselves, hence this term was introduced to refer to them.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.