Alphanumeric point of sale

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Dictionary

Acronyms​/​initialisms: ANPOSCategory: ConceptsOrigin: Official

An alphanumeric point of sale (ANPOS) keyboard is one that is designed for alphanumeric input into a POS device. Whilst most POS keyboards and keypads in general may be programmed to allow such input, ANPOS keyboards are typically very close in design to PC-style keyboards. However, they may still feature some of the job-specific features most POS input devices have such as relegendable/programmable keys, a magnetic stripe reader, or a manager's keylock. The IBM Retail ANPOS Keyboard and IBM Modular ANPOS II Keyboard are prominent examples of ANPOS keyboards.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.