
Provided by the ASK Keyboard Dictionary

Category: LayoutsOrigin: OfficialMore information

Dvorak is an alternative functional keyboard layout arrangement for Latin-script alphabet languages, designed to address perceived speed and ergonomic shortcoming with the QWERTY layout. It was created by August Dvorak and William L. Dealey, with its patent being filled on on 21st May 1932. Various versions of the layout have been termed "Dvorak Simplified Keyboard" or "American Simplified Keyboard". Like the Colemak layout, Dvorak places the most frequently used letters of the English language on the keyboard's home row, but Dvorak emphasises not requiring the user to move their fingers as much compared to QWERTY and its layout changes both alphabetical and symbols goes further than Colemak's. This means it is not as easy to adapt to from QWERTY compared to Colemak.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.