Contributing to Admiral Shark's Keyboards
- Updated
If you would like to help out Admiral Shark's Keyboards, there are a few things I am seeking help with! As I am only one person trying to build this extensive website on IBM and family keyboards, it may be inevitable that I miss things. Especially considering my geographical location (hence specific markets I can access and understand), any and all contributions are appreciated. This page outlines what I am looking for and how you can bring it to my attention.
What I'm looking for
- Part numbers (normal, SMU, FRU and MFI) missing from the Keyboard Part Number Database.
- More evidence to support the existence of a given part number in the Keyboard Part Number Database. This could be your own photo submission or any IBM and family documents you have found containing a keyboard's part number.
- Photo submissions to illustrate keyboards mentioned in the Keyboard Part Number Database or Wiki pages' "Variants" or "Variations" lists, but not presented illustrated.
- Suggestions for content I could make to improve the understanding of IBM and family keyboards and technologies surrounding them.
Current submission forms
Ways to contact me
Besides using a given submission form, you can email me, contact me on one of the platforms mentioned on my Linktree, or direct message me on Discord, Deskthority or Geekhack (handle: sharktastica).
Example photo submission
If you wish to submit photos of your keyboard(s) for anything, below is a suggested format for photo submissions. Shots covering as many of these as possible will give me a good, clear picture of the keyboard and its major properties such as its cover set, complete sub-assembly (CSA), cables, and rear labels.