IBM 3104-B1/3178-C1 Data Entry Keyboard

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

webwit (public domain)
1982 Q4Model F 3104​/3178 Data Entry Base KeyboardIBM capacitive buckling springsMore info on this keyboard

31XX-87 type Model F

eg, P/N 5640991

75-key (rest of world) or 76-key (Japanese) data entry keyboard for the 3270-family IBM 3104 Model B1 Display Terminal and IBM 3178 Model C1 Display Station. It was a part of the continuation of IBM 3270 Base Keyboards that originated in the IBM Model B keyboard family era. It has an internal solenoid clicker assembly and a blue-coloured display case toggle switch.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.