Keyboard Part Number List

5 keyboards found/on record...

IBM 5085 LPFK Feature

Part NumberPart Number
The number used to describe this keyboard's specific release; usually specific for a target region, language or SKU, etc.
Market Model Name/Feature CodeMarket Model Name/Feature Code
The consumer-friendly model number describing this keyboard as a part of a range of products, usually irrespective of target region, language or SKU.
A designation from my own type naming scheme used to categorise this keyboard with or from others by their common features and market intent but may/may not be derived from official names.
Lighted Program Function Keyboard
The name of the keyswitches this keyboard uses. If the keyswitches used do not have a known name, a generic description of what they are will be provided.
Cherry M8
Earliest AppearanceEarliest Appearance
The year (and possibly the quarter or full date) that this keyboard part number was introduced, first observed, first recorded, or the first example found.
1986 Q1
Cover ColourCover Colour
The original colour of this keyboard's cover set (outer casing). For keyboards whose cover set materials are known to yellow, this will refer to the original colour before such transformation occurs.
Pearl White
The possible branding and logo styles found on this keyboard part number. This could be multiple styles at once or possible styles found over time.
IBM silver square badge
The style of this keyboard's flip-out or extendable feet. If applicable, this may also state how many levels of height adjustment are available and whether the feet could be rubberised.
Dual-setting riser feet
Key CountKey Count
The number of keys that this keyboard originally had.
Form FactorForm Factor
The standardised or universally acknowledged name for this keyboard's layout form factor.
Functional keypad
Earliest Recorded PriceEarliest Recorded Price
The earliest price, currency and year of record found for this keyboard part number.
$550 USD in 1986
Documents ("Doc"), websites and/or webpages ("Web") that were used as a source of information for this keyboard part number. Examples of this keyboard part number I own ("ASK") will also be included as sources.

IBM RISC System/6000 Lighted Program Function Keyboard

Part Number08L1196
Market Model Name/Feature Code6094-020
TypeLighted Program Function Keyboard
Possible companies responsible for making this keyboard for the company marketing it.
Alps Electric
KeyswitchesUnspecified, OEM-specific or misc. rubber dome implementation
Earliest Appearance1989
Cover ColourRaven Black/Stealth Black
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
Key Count32
Form FactorFunctional keypad
Earliest Recorded Price$375 USD in 1989

IBM RISC System/6000 Lighted Program Function Keyboard

Part Number37F8226
Market Model Name/Feature Code6094-020
TypeLighted Program Function Keyboard
OEMAlps Electric
KeyswitchesUnspecified, OEM-specific or misc. rubber dome implementation
Earliest Appearance1989
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
Key Count32
Form FactorFunctional keypad
Earliest Recorded Price$375 USD in 1989

IBM MICRO CADAM Lighted Program Function Keyboard

Part Number79F1028
TypeLighted Program Function Keyboard
OEMAlps Electric
KeyswitchesAlps SKCL "Yellow" w/ Green LED
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsOriginal Keycaps
The keyboard's original keycaps' material and text/symbol printing technique.
ABS with LED windows
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
The keyboard-to-host connection. This is could be a description of a cable (its colour, whether its coiled, whether its detachable, and what connector is at its end) or the name of a wireless technology.
Grey straightened-style fixed DE-9 cable
Key Count32
Form FactorFunctional keypad
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-L1991-MCM-32

IBM Lighted Program Function Keyboard

Part Number48G9995
TypeLighted Program Function Keyboard
KeyswitchesAlps SKCL "Yellow" w/ Green LED
Earliest Appearance1996
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Key Count32
Form FactorFunctional keypad