Keyboard Part Number List

63 keyboards found/on record...

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part NumberPart Number
The number used to describe this keyboard's specific release; usually specific for a target region, language or SKU, etc.
A designation from my own type naming scheme used to categorise this keyboard with or from others by their common features and market intent but may/may not be derived from official names.
Model M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Possible companies responsible for making this keyboard for the company marketing it.
IBM U.S., Lexmark
The name of the keyswitches this keyboard uses. If the keyswitches used do not have a known name, a generic description of what they are will be provided.
IBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest AppearanceEarliest Appearance
The year (and possibly the quarter or full date) that this keyboard part number was introduced, first observed, first recorded, or the first example found.
Original KeycapsOriginal Keycaps
The keyboard's original keycaps' material and text/symbol printing technique.
PBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourCover Colour
The original colour of this keyboard's cover set (outer casing). For keyboards whose cover set materials are known to yellow, this will refer to the original colour before such transformation occurs.
Pearl White
The possible branding and logo styles found on this keyboard part number. This could be multiple styles at once or possible styles found over time.
Simple/generic IBM logo
The protocols this keyboard can use to communicate with their host systems. Typically, this is the name of some sort of serial or parallel data connection. Known scancode sets the protocol can support may also be stated in brackets.
IBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
The keyboard-to-host connection. This is could be a description of a cable (its colour, whether its coiled, whether its detachable, and what connector is at its end) or the name of a wireless technology.
Grey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key CountKey Count
The number of keys that this keyboard originally had.
Form FactorForm Factor
The standardised or universally acknowledged name for this keyboard's layout form factor.
Image of Layout/LanguageThe original regional/language layout this keyboard was configured as. Both the language and the standardised key layout may be listed, and in the case of both being known or defined, it will be styled as language then standard.
PC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Documents ("Doc"), websites and/or webpages ("Web") that were used as a source of information for this keyboard part number. Examples of this keyboard part number I own ("ASK") will also be included as sources.
ASK: SNKB-M1993-2PS-101

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395706
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
OEMIBM U.K., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
The style of this keyboard's flip-out or extendable feet. If applicable, this may also state how many levels of height adjustment are available and whether the feet could be rubberised.
Single-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO U.K. English
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1993-2PS-102
ASK: SNKB-M1993-2PS-102-A
ASK: SNKB-M1995-2PS-102

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395707
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO German

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395708
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO French

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395712
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Italian (ID 142)

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395713
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swedish/Finnish

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395715
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Portuguese

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395720
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Spanish

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122796
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsKnown Host Systems
A list of known host systems this keyboard could be bundled with or at least designed specifically to operate with. This could be terminals, desktop PCs or laptops.
IBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Belgian (Dutch)
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122797
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Belgian (French)
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122798
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Danish
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122799
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Finnish
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122800
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO French
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122801
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO German
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122802
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Italian
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122803
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Dutch
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122804
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Norwegian
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122805
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Portuguese
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122806
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Spanish
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122807
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swedish
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8122808
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 2133 Personal System/1 Model 911
Earliest Appearance1992 Q4
Cover ColourAnthracite Grey
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO U.K. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/1 - Machine Type 2133 Announcement Letter (#ZG92-0301) [source: IBM]

Lexmark Easy Touch 101 Key Keyboard

Part Number1369249
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM Quiet Touch rubber domes
Earliest Appearance1993
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingLexmark logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395717
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Turkish (Q) (ID 179)

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399362
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Polish

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399363
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Czech

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard

Part NumberAMK1001
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM Quiet Touch rubber domes
Earliest Appearance1993
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourAmbra "Blue-Grey"
BrandingAmbra logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO U.K. English
Additional NotesAdditional Notes
Extra notes about this keyboard that may be of interest or are important to know.
Comes with italic legends aligned in the bottom-left corner of the keycaps, secondary IBM part number is 1399750
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1993-2AM-102

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard

Part NumberAMK1003
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM Quiet Touch rubber domes
Earliest Appearance1993
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourAmbra "Blue-Grey"
BrandingAmbra logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO German
Additional NotesComes with italic legends aligned in the bottom-left corner of the keycaps

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395900
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395901
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Canadian French
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 andd 2168Was available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144Was available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395906
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO U.K. English
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395907
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO German
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395908
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Belgian (French)
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 andd 2168Was available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395909
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Dutch
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395910
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Belgian (Dutch)
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 andd 2168Was available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395912
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Italian
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395913
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swedish/Finnish
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395914
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Norwegian
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395915
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Portuguese
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395916
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Danish
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395917
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Turkish (Q) (ID 179)
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395919
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Hebrew
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395920
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Spanish
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395921
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swiss-French
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395922
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swiss-German
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1396497
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Arabic
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 andd 2168Was available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1397036
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Latin American Spanish
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399045
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count104
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ABNT2 Brazilian Portuguese
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399078
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Greek
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399081
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Slovenian/Croatian/Bosnian/Sebian (Latin)
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399358
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Bulgarian (Cyrillic)
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399374
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Serbian (Cyrillic)
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399375
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI Russian (Cyrillic)
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399376
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Polish
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399377
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Czech
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399378
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Slovakian
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399379
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Hungarian
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399380
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Romanian
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number93F0114
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1993 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO French
Additional NotesWas available for IBM PS/1 models 2133, 2155 and 2168 and IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: Hardware Maintenance Service for IBM PS/1 Types 2133, 2155, and 2168 (#63G2028) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1399361
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1994
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI Russian (Cyrillic)

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard with Quiet Touch

Part Number73G4614
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM Quiet Touch rubber domes
Earliest Appearance1994
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395716
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1995
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Danish

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard with Quiet Touch

Part Number73G4616
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM Quiet Touch rubber domes
Earliest Appearance1995
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count104
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ABNT2 Brazilian Portuguese

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number8124318
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1998
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Turkish (F) (ID 440)
Additional NotesWas available for the IBM Aptiva model 2144
Source(s)Doc: IBM Aptiva - 2144 EMEA FRU-P/N Cross Ref List (#DETR-3VPK8M) [source: kev009]