Lexmark Notebook Keyboard with Integrated Mouse Key

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

Jack @ laptop.pics (donated photo)
1993 Q4Model M6-1 Type IV Laptop Keyboard AssemblyIBM buckling sleeves (M6 slider-actuated type)More info on this keyboard

MB10/MB15 variant

76-key keyboard assembly for the Lexmark Lexbook MB10 and MB15 DOS subnotebook laptops. It has an integrated "mouse-key" in the bottom-right corner that acts as a joystick-like pointing device and two mouse buttons placed in between the left Ctrl and Alt keys. Its physical layout is derived from the IBM ThinkPad 500-series Keyboard Assembly but makes fewer layout compromises at the expense of fewer total keys. It has an overlay numeric keypad with vibrant blue legends.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.