IBM PS/2 CL57 SX Keyboard Assembly
Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

eg, P/Ns 1397800, 1397861, 1397862, 1397925, 1397928, 1397929
IBM U.S.-made 84-key (ANSI) or 85-key (ISO) keyboard assembly for the IBM 8554 Personal System/2 CL57SX, IBM's first western-market colour notebook laptop. Whilst the host laptop has a trackball present, it is a separate assembly that is not attached to the keyboard. It retained the same physical layout as the IBM Model M3 keyboard assembly (IBM PS/2 L40SX's) but now has golden modifier, lock and utility key legends and (if present) an overlay numeric keypad with dull blue legends. Along with its Japanese-exclusive variant - the IBM 5527 PS/55note N27sx's keyboard assembly - the 8554 keyboard is currently tied for the earliest known IBM Model M6 family keyboard assembly.