IBM Electronic Typewriter 65/85/95 Keyboard Assembly

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

zrrion (donated photo)
zrrion (donated photo)
1982Model F-based Typewriter Keyboard AssemblyIBM capacitive buckling springsMore info on this keyboard

eg, P/Ns 1305676, 1305677, 1305679, 1305687, 1415880, 1437057

54-key integrated keyboard assembly with On/Off rocker switch for the IBM Electronic Typewriter models 65, 85 and 95, the second generation of IBM's first typewriters that were electronic rather than [electro]mechanical (ie, able to perform some amount of internal processing via electronics than rely on mechanical elements). Compared to their model 50/60/75 predecessors, the keyboard assembly is a lot thinner thanks to being based on Model F capacitive buckling spring technology and its keys can no longer lock themselves. Despite being Model F based, these keyboard assemblies unusually have melted plastic rivets like a Model M based keyboard assembly.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.