IBM 4680 POS Alphanumeric Keyboard
Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory
eg, P/Ns 76X0035, 76X0036, 76X0037, 76X0039, 76X0043, 76X0044, 76X0045
IBM-made 84-key alphanumeric point-of-sale keyboard for IBM 4683 and 4684 POS Terminals. Its keyboard assembly was derived from the IBM 6770/6780 System Movable Keyboard's and likewise is unique amongst the Model M family for using a PC/AT-style layout. The Ctrl key's text is also blue and various keys are relegendable. The keyboard also sports a manager's key-lock and an internal speaker.
Parent design
- taylorswiftttttt - IBM Model M AT - 76X0035 - POS Keyboard [accessed 2022-04-09]. License/note: permission requested and explicitly given via direct correspondence.