IBM 3276/3278/3279 Display Station 87-key Typewriter/APL Keyboard

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

mcmaxmcmc & muramasa (donated photo)
1979 Q3Model B 3251​/3276​/3278​/3279​/8775 87-key Base KeyboardIBM beam springsMore info on this keyboard

327X-87 type Model B

eg, P/Ns 1742718, 4941982, 4941984, 4941986, 4941987, 4941989, 4941990, 4941992, 4941993, 4941994, 4941996, 4941998

IBM-made 87-key (most) or 88-key (Japan) [data] typewriter keyboard for IBM 3276 Control Unit Display Station, 3278 Display Station and 3279 Color Display Station. This variant has APL sublegends and has a numeric lock.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.