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doomsday_device (donated photo)
doomsday_device (donated photo)
2002 Q2"Model M-e" CANPOS KeyboardIBM buckling sleeves (early or late POS type)More info on this keyboard

eg, P/N 54P8785

XAC-made 133 (US English), 134 (EMEA) or 136 (Brazil) key compact alphanumeric point-of-sale keyboard in the IBM Pre-Modular POS keyboard family and derived from the IBM Model M9 RANPOS Keyboard. The design fits a full-size keyboard worth of keys, 32 programmable keys and an integrated pointing device into a tenkeyless-like width. This variant does not have a magnetic stripe reader (a blanking plate is present instead).


Parent design


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

  1. doomsday_device - donated photos.