IBM 3276/3278/3279 Display Station 87-key Attribute Select Typewriter Keyboard

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

raoulduke-esq (donated photo)
raoulduke-esq (donated photo)
1979 Q3Model B 3251​/3276​/3278​/3279​/8775 87-key Base KeyboardIBM beam springsMore info on this keyboard

327X-87 type Model B

eg, P/Ns 4419251, 4419255, 4419259, 4419259, 4419263, 4419283, 4419291, 4419295, 4419299, 4419303, 4419307, 4419311, 4419327

IBM-made 87-key (most) or 88-key (Japan) [data] typewriter keyboard for IBM 3276 Control Unit Display Station, 3278 Display Station and 3279 Color Display Station. This variant is intended operating IBM 3270 extended attribute (all terminals) and colour (3279 only) support, and doesn't have a numeric lock.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

  1. raoulduke-esq - donated photos.