IBM Retail POS Keyboard with Card Reader

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

IBM (used under fair dealing)
1993 Q2Model M7 50-Key RPOS MSR KeyboardIBM buckling sleeves (early or late POS type)More info on this keyboard

eg, P/Ns 41J7248, 92F6320

Multiple-OEM 50-key point-of-sale keyboard with integrated magnetic stripe reader in the IBM Retail POS (RPOS) keyboard family and replacement to the earlier IBM 4680 series 50-Key Modifiable Layout Keyboard. These were used with IBM 4690 series and SurePOS series POS terminals. This is the pearl white (top cover piece) and storm grey (bottom cover piece) version that used an RS485 serial interface via a modular 8-pin SDL to 8-pin SDL cable. Earlier versions were typically made by Lexmark or Maxi Switch and generally used dye-sublimated legends for the Ctrl and numeric keypad keys, whereas later versions were typically made by XAC or XSZ and used lasered legends instead.


Derivative designs


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.