IBM ThinkPad 500-series Keyboard Assembly

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

Jack @ (donated photo)
1993 Q2Model M6-1 Type IV Laptop Keyboard AssemblyIBM buckling sleeves (M6 slider-actuated type)More info on this keyboard

eg, P/N 59G7920

81-key keyboard assembly for the IBM 2603 ThinkPad 500 subnotebook laptop. It has an integrated TrackPoint II pointing stick but its two buttons are not a part of the keyboard itself. The 2603 keyboard is presently the earliest known Model M6-1 keyboard assembly and manages to fit almost all the keys of a winkeyless tenkeyless keyboard into a footprint smaller than any classic-style ThinkPad keyboard. It has golden modifier, lock and utility key legends and an overlay numeric keypad with vibrant blue legends.


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

  1. Jack @ - donated photos.