Keyboard Part Number List

3454 keyboards found/on record (showing page 4/18 - results 601 to 800)...

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IBM 3276/3278 Display Station 75-key Typewriter Keyboard

Part NumberPart Number
The number used to describe this keyboard's specific release; usually specific for a target region, language or SKU, etc.
Known Assembly Part NumbersKnown Assembly Part Numbers
Possible numbers found inside this keyboard used to indicate its internal assembly and the keycaps on it.
A designation from my own type naming scheme used to categorise this keyboard with or from others by their common features and market intent but may/may not be derived from official names.
Model B 3251/3276/3278/3279/8775 75-key Base Keyboard (327X-75 type Model B)
Known Host SystemsKnown Host Systems
A list of known host systems this keyboard could be bundled with or at least designed specifically to operate with. This could be terminals, desktop PCs or laptops.
IBM 3276 Control Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3278 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
Possible companies responsible for making this keyboard for the company marketing it.
The name of the keyswitches this keyboard uses. If the keyswitches used do not have a known name, a generic description of what they are will be provided.
IBM beam springs
Earliest AppearanceEarliest Appearance
The year (and possibly the quarter or full date) that this keyboard part number was introduced, first observed, first recorded, or the first example found.
1979 Q3
Original KeycapsOriginal Keycaps
The keyboard's original keycaps' material and text/symbol printing technique.
SAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourCover Colour
The original colour of this keyboard's cover set (outer casing). For keyboards whose cover set materials are known to yellow, this will refer to the original colour before such transformation occurs.
Pearl White
The possible branding and logo styles found on this keyboard part number. This could be multiple styles at once or possible styles found over time.
The style of this keyboard's flip-out or extendable feet. If applicable, this may also state how many levels of height adjustment are available and whether the feet could be rubberised.
The keyboard-to-host connection. This is could be a description of a cable (its colour, whether its coiled, whether its detachable, and what connector is at its end) or the name of a wireless technology.
Black straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key CountKey Count
The number of keys that this keyboard originally had.
Image of Layout/LanguageThe original regional/language layout this keyboard was configured as. Both the language and the standardised key layout may be listed, and in the case of both being known or defined, it will be styled as language then standard.
3270: Base Typewriter U.S. English - w/o SCCP
Accessories & Other FeaturesAccessories & Other Features
Other notable features you may want to know about such as charging cables (if keyboard is wireless), fingerprint reader, card reader, solenoid, DIP switches, etc.
Clicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesAdditional Notes
Extra notes about this keyboard that may be of interest or are important to know.
This version of this type of keyboard has a numeric lock
Documents ("Doc"), websites and/or webpages ("Web") that were used as a source of information for this keyboard part number. Examples of this keyboard part number I own ("ASK") will also be included as sources.
Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942001
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194328
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageUS; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942004
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194374
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageBelgium; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942007
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194387
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageBrazil; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942010
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194388
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageCanadian French; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942013
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194375
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageDenmark; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942016
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194386
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageEBCDIC (WTC); OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942019
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194376
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageFinland; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942022
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194377
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageFrench (QWERTY); OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942025
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194378
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageFrench (AZERTY); OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942028
Known Assembly Part Numbers5914373
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageAustria/Germany; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942031
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194380
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageItaly; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942034
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194379
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageInternational; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942037
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194381
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageNorway; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942040
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194382
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguagePortugal; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942043
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194383
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageSpain; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942046
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194391
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageSpanish Speaking; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942049
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194385
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageSweden; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942052
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194384
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageUK; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942055
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194390
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count76
Layout/LanguageJapan/Katakana; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942058
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194389
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count76
Layout/LanguageJapan/English; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel feature
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942161
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194328
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageUS; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942162
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194374
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageBelgium; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942163
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194387
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageBrazil; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942164
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194388
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageCanadian French; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942165
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194375
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageDenmark; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942166
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194386
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageEBCDIC (WTC); OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942167
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194376
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageFinland; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942168
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194377
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageFrench (QWERTY); OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942169
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194378
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageFrench (AZERTY); OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942170
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194373
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageAustria/Germany; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942171
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194380
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageItaly; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942172
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194379
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageInternational; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942173
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194381
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageNorway; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942174
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194382
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguagePortugal; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942175
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194383
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageSpain; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942176
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194391
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageSpanish Speaking; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942177
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194385
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageSweden; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942178
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194384
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageUK; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942179
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194389
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count76
Layout/LanguageJapan/English; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942180
Known Assembly Part Numbers5194390
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count76
Layout/LanguageJapan/Katakana; OCP typewriter w/o channel-to-channel and power on features
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard lacks a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B Maintenance Information (#SY33-0069-3) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3278-2A/3279-2C Display Console 75-key Operator Control Panel Keyboard

Part Number4942247
Known Assembly Part Numbers8627490
TypeModel B 3276/3278/3279 75-key Operator Console Keyboard (327X-OC type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3278 Model 2A Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3279 Model 2C Color Display Console (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1979 Q3
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count75
Layout/LanguageUS; Typewriter w/ SCCP
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesThis version of this type of keyboard has a numeric lock
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3270 Information Display System 3276/3278 Keyboard Assembly Parts Catalog (#S126-0029-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM Electronic Typewriter 50/60/75 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1440401
TypeReed-sensed Electronic Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesTypebars registered by reed sensors
Earliest Appearance1980
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Key Count54
Layout/LanguageUS English
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-X1980-TRS-54

IBM 5251/5252 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number7361073
Known Assembly Part Numbers1752692
TypeModel B 5251/5252 Typewriter Keyboard (525X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionWhite straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter U.S. English
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Additional NotesSeems to be the equivalent to P/N 7362149

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658943
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658944
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageSpanish Speaking
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658945
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageCanada (French)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658946
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageJapan, English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658947
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658948
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageSpanish Speaking
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658949
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageCanada (French)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658950
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageJapan, English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658951
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
A [keyboard enthusiast] community given name for this keyboard. It can be a shortening of its name and properties, a more abstract term, a real-life reference, or metonymy.
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658952
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/LanguageUS/Canada (ASCII)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658953
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658954
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/LanguageSpanish Speaking
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658955
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/LanguageCanada (French)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658956
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/LanguageCanada (English)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658957
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658958
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count69
Layout/LanguageJapan, Katakana
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658959
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count69
Layout/LanguageJapan, Katakana
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658960
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count85
Layout/LanguageJapan, English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658961
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count85
Layout/LanguageJapan, Katakana
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658962
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658963
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658964
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageFrance QWERTY
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658965
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageFrance AZERTY
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658966
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658967
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658968
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658969
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658970
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658971
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageFrance QWERTY
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658972
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Layout/LanguageFrance AZERTY
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658973
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658974
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658975
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658976
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658977
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658978
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658979
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658980
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658981
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/LanguageFrance QWERTY
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658982
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/LanguageFrance AZERTY
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658983
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658984
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-B1981-58T-83
Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658985
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658986
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658987
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658988
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number2658989
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Typewriter Keyboard (528X-83 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658990
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658991
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658992
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658993
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2658994
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658995
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658996
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658997
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658998
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard w/ Proof Arrangement

Part Number2658999
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number2659000
TypeModel B 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Entry Keyboard (528X-66 type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q1
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count66
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5281 Data Station and IBM 5285 Programmable Data Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0633-1) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 6580 Displaywriter Display Station Type A Keyboard Module

Part Number2682678
TypeModel B 6580 Displaywriter Type A Keyboard (630X type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q2
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
The protocols this keyboard can use to communicate with their host systems. Typically, this is the name of some sort of serial or parallel data connection. Known scancode sets the protocol can support may also be stated in brackets.
IBM 6580-specific
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count84
Layout/LanguageUS English (96-character)
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker

IBM 6580 Displaywriter Display Station Type A Keyboard Module

Part Number2683210
TypeModel B 6580 Displaywriter Type A Keyboard (630X type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q2
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 6580-specific
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count84
Layout/LanguageGerman QWERTZ (96-character)
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker

IBM 6580 Displaywriter Display Station Type A Keyboard Module

Part Number2683215
TypeModel B 6580 Displaywriter Type A Keyboard (630X type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q2
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 6580-specific
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count84
Layout/LanguageBelgian AZERTY (96-character)
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker

IBM 6580 Displaywriter Display Station Type A Keyboard Module

Part Number2683230
TypeModel B 6580 Displaywriter Type A Keyboard (630X type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q2
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 6580-specific
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count84
Layout/LanguageUK English (96-character)
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker
A reserved special acknowledgement to anyone who has helped me with research through social media, email or via the P/N submission form for this keyboard part number.
charlotte @

IBM 6580 Displaywriter Display Station Type A Keyboard Module

Part Number2683573
TypeModel B 6580 Displaywriter Type A Keyboard (630X type Model B)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1980 Q2
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 6580-specific
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count84
Layout/LanguageDanish (96-character)
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1643374
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster U.S. English

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1643377
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster French Canadian

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1643380
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Japanese (Katakana)

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1643383
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster German

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1643386
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Belgian

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1643389
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Danish

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1643392
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Swedish/Finnish

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1643395
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster French (QWERTY)

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1860765
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster French (AZERTY)

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1860768
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Italian

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1860771
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster U.S. International

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1860774
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Norwegian

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1860777
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Spanish/Spanish Speaking

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1860783
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster U.K. English

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1860786
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Swiss-French

IBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1860789
TypeModel F 5322 Desktop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5322 System/23 Datamaster (Desk-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Swiss-German

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard

Part Number1501100
Known Assembly Part Numbers4584656
TypeModel F/XT PC Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5150 Personal Computer (IBM 5150 family)
IBM 5160 Personal Computer XT (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionBlack coiled-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count83
Form FactorForm Factor
The standardised or universally acknowledged name for this keyboard's layout form factor.
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT U.S. English

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard

Part Number1501101
TypeModel F/XT PC Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5150 Personal Computer (IBM 5150 family)
IBM 5160 Personal Computer XT (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionBlack coiled-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count83
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT French

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard

Part Number1501102
Known Assembly Part Numbers4774263
TypeModel F/XT PC Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5150 Personal Computer (IBM 5150 family)
IBM 5160 Personal Computer XT (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionBlack coiled-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count83
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT German
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-F1984-XTT-83

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard

Part Number1501104
TypeModel F/XT PC Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5150 Personal Computer (IBM 5150 family)
IBM 5160 Personal Computer XT (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionBlack coiled-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count83
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT Italian

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard

Part Number1501105
TypeModel F/XT PC Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5150 Personal Computer (IBM 5150 family)
IBM 5160 Personal Computer XT (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1981 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionBlack coiled-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count83
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT U.K. English

IBM 7485 Display Station Keyboard

Part Number5640890
Known Assembly Part Numbers2688706
TypeModel B 7485 Display Station Keyboard (330X type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 3101 Model 485 ASCII Display Terminal (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 7485 Model 530 Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsSAN with double-shot legends (w/ possible pad-printed front-printed legends)
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver rectangle badge
ProtocolIBM 3101-specific
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count87
Layout/LanguageUS English
Source(s)Doc: IBM Commonly Used Systems Parts Handbook (#ZA38-0016-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard

Part Number8116083
TypeModel F/XT PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionBlack coiled-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count83
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT Italian

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305671
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Layout/LanguageCanada - Bi-Lingual
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305672
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Layout/LanguageCanada - English
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305673
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305674
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count57
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305675
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count57
Layout/LanguageFrance - Belgium
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305676
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count57
Layout/LanguageGermany - Austria
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305677
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count57
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305678
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Layout/LanguageJapan - English
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305679
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Layout/LanguageLatin America
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305680
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305681
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count57
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305682
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Layout/LanguagePuerto Rico
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305683
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Layout/LanguageSouth Africa
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305684
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Layout/LanguageSweden Transition
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305685
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count57
Layout/LanguageSwitzerland - French
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305686
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count57
Layout/LanguageSwitzerland - Germany
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1305687
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count57
Layout/LanguageUnited Kingdom
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1415880
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Layout/LanguageUS Correspondence 96 Character
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1415889
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
OEMIBM Netherlands
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM Electronic Typewriter Models 65, 85 & 95 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1437057
TypeModel F-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count55
Layout/LanguageUS Correspondence 92 Character
Additional NotesComes with rubber O-ring dampers as standard

IBM 6580 Displaywriter Type B Keyboard

Part Number2684674
Known Assembly Part Numbers4585241
TypeModel F 6580 Displaywriter Type B Keyboard (630X type Model F)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 6580-specific
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count84
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal beeper

IBM 6580 Displaywriter Type B Keyboard

Part Number2684691
TypeModel F 6580 Displaywriter Type B Keyboard (630X type Model F)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 6580-specific
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count84
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal beeper

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8257794
Known Assembly Part Numbers1643386
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Belgian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8257796
Known Assembly Part Numbers1643383
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster German
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529401
Known Assembly Part Numbers1643374
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster U.S. English
Additional NotesAssembly P/N 8529402
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529404
Known Assembly Part Numbers1860783
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster U.K. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529406
Known Assembly Part Numbers1860789
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Swiss-German
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529408
Known Assembly Part Numbers1860786
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Swiss-French
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529410
Known Assembly Part Numbers1643392
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Swedish/Finnish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529412
Known Assembly Part Numbers1860777
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Spanish/Spanish Speaking
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529414
Known Assembly Part Numbers1860774
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Norwegian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529416
Known Assembly Part Numbers1643380
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Japanese (Katakana)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529418
Known Assembly Part Numbers1860768
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Italian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529420
Known Assembly Part Numbers1860771
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster U.S. International
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529422
Known Assembly Part Numbers1860765
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster French (AZERTY)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529424
Known Assembly Part Numbers1643395
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster French (QWERTY)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529426
Known Assembly Part Numbers1643389
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster Danish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster Keyboard Module

Part Number8529428
Known Assembly Part Numbers1643377
TypeModel F 5324 Floortop Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5324 System/23 Datamaster (Floor-Top)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5251/5252-specific parallel
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Datamaster French Canadian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5324 Computer Announced (#ZG82-0218) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5642852
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter U.S. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643009
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter French (AZERTY)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643010
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Italian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643011
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Spanish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643012
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter German
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643013
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Japanese (English)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643014
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter French Canadian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643015
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Japanese (Katakana)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643016
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter French (QWERTY)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643017
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Belgian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643018
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Danish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643019
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Norwegian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643020
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Finnish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643021
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Portuguese
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643022
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Spanish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643023
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Swedish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643024
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter U.K. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643025
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Brazilian Portuguese
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number5643026
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter U.S. International
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Assembly

Part Number7363290
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 1 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 14x1 IDC cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter ASCII
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Display Station Parts Catalog (#S131-0635-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 8775 Display Terminal 87-key EBCDIC Typewriter/Text Entry and Edit Keyboard

Part Number5147351
Market Model Name/Feature CodeMarket Model Name/Feature Code
The consumer-friendly model number describing this keyboard as a part of a range of products, usually irrespective of target region, language or SKU.
TypeModel B 3251/3276/3278/3279/8775 87-key Base Keyboard (327X-87 type Model B)
Known Host SystemsIBM 8775 Display Terminal (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM beam springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q2
Cover ColourPearl White
ProtocolIBM 3276/3278/3279-specific parallel
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DB-25 cable
Key Count87
Layout/Language3270: Base Typewriter U.S. English - Text Entry & Edit
Accessories & Other FeaturesClicker assembly (internal solenoid)
Compartment for host computer's/terminal's guide
Additional NotesIntended to be used with an IBM 8775 running Interactive Display Text Facility (IDTF), has application-specific green front-printed legends and special numeric keypad keycaps designed to hold an overlay card in place
Source(s)Doc: IBM 8775 87-Key EBCDIC Typewriter/Text Entry and Edit Keyboard (#4670) is announced (#ZG81-0259) [source: IBM]

IBM System 9000 Family Standard Keyboard

Part Number4780898
Known Assembly Part Numbers4584656
TypeModel F/XT PC Laboratory Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver rectangle badge
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionBlack coiled-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count83
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT U.S. English
Earliest Recorded PriceEarliest Recorded Price
The earliest price, currency and year of record found for this keyboard part number.
$270 USD in 1984

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176191
Known Assembly Part Numbers2688831
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter U.S. English
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-F1986-XTB-83
Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176192
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761209
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Japanese (English)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176193
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761213
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Danish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176194
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761222
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Swedish/Finnish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176195
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761215
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter French (AZERTY)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176196
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761206
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter French Canadian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176197
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761219
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Norwegian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176198
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761223
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter U.K. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176199
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761218
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count83
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Italian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Part Number4176200
Known Assembly Part Numbers1761210
TypeModel F 5291/5292 Terminal Keyboard (529X type Model F)
Known Host SystemsIBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 5292 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1982 Q3
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetTriple-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM 5291/5292-specific host-drives-capsense
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DA-15 cable
Key Count86
Layout/Language5250: Typewriter Japanese (Katakana)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 5291 Model 2 Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#184-118) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 5292 Color Display Station Maintenance Library (#SY31-0644-0) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM 5292 Colour Display Station Announced Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG82-0275) [source: IBM]
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