Keyboard Part Number List

3454 keyboards found/on record (showing page 7/18 - results 1201 to 1400)...

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IBM 3162 ASCII Display Station Short Keyboard

Part NumberPart Number
The number used to describe this keyboard's specific release; usually specific for a target region, language or SKU, etc.
A designation from my own type naming scheme used to categorise this keyboard with or from others by their common features and market intent but may/may not be derived from official names.
Model M Terminal Space Saving Keyboard
A [keyboard enthusiast] community given name for this keyboard. It can be a shortening of its name and properties, a more abstract term, a real-life reference, or metonymy.
Earliest AppearanceEarliest Appearance
The year (and possibly the quarter or full date) that this keyboard part number was introduced, first observed, first recorded, or the first example found.
1986 Q3
The protocols this keyboard can use to communicate with their host systems. Typically, this is the name of some sort of serial or parallel data connection. Known scancode sets the protocol can support may also be stated in brackets.
IBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
The keyboard-to-host connection. This is could be a description of a cable (its colour, whether its coiled, whether its detachable, and what connector is at its end) or the name of a wireless technology.
non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key CountKey Count
The number of keys that this keyboard originally had.
Form FactorForm Factor
The standardised or universally acknowledged name for this keyboard's layout form factor.
Image of Layout/LanguageThe original regional/language layout this keyboard was configured as. Both the language and the standardised key layout may be listed, and in the case of both being known or defined, it will be styled as language then standard.
ASCII-style: ANSI-style U.S. English
Earliest Recorded PriceEarliest Recorded Price
The earliest price, currency and year of record found for this keyboard part number.
$180 in 1986
Additional NotesAdditional Notes
Extra notes about this keyboard that may be of interest or are important to know.
Presumed to be a first-generation terminal SSK variant
Documents ("Doc"), websites and/or webpages ("Web") that were used as a source of information for this keyboard part number. Examples of this keyboard part number I own ("ASK") will also be included as sources.
Doc: IBM 3162 ASCII Display Station, new non-IBM emulation cartridges, new 3163/3164 ALA models, IBM 3161, 3163, and 3164 functional enhancement cartridges Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#186-167) [source: IBM]

IBM Space Saving Keyboard

Part Number1390359
TypeModel M Space Saving Keyboard
Possible companies responsible for making this keyboard for the company marketing it.
The name of the keyswitches this keyboard uses. If the keyswitches used do not have a known name, a generic description of what they are will be provided.
IBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q3
Original KeycapsOriginal Keycaps
The keyboard's original keycaps' material and text/symbol printing technique.
PBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourCover Colour
The original colour of this keyboard's cover set (outer casing). For keyboards whose cover set materials are known to yellow, this will refer to the original colour before such transformation occurs.
Pearl White
The possible branding and logo styles found on this keyboard part number. This could be multiple styles at once or possible styles found over time.
IBM grey oval badge
The style of this keyboard's flip-out or extendable feet. If applicable, this may also state how many levels of height adjustment are available and whether the feet could be rubberised.
Single-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesPrototypes spotted from as early as July 1986, production examples started appearing in Q1 1987

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389072
Market Model Name/Feature CodeMarket Model Name/Feature Code
The consumer-friendly model number describing this keyboard as a part of a range of products, usually irrespective of target region, language or SKU.
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsKnown Host Systems
A list of known host systems this keyboard could be bundled with or at least designed specifically to operate with. This could be terminals, desktop PCs or laptops.
IBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageFR ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389076
Market Model Name/Feature Code9076
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageDA ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389078
Market Model Name/Feature Code9078
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageFinnish/Swedish ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389080
Market Model Name/Feature Code9080
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageNO ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389082
Market Model Name/Feature Code9082
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageSwiss/French ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389084
Market Model Name/Feature Code9084
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageSwiss/German ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389090
Market Model Name/Feature Code9090
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageUK ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389092
Market Model Name/Feature Code9092
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageES ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389094
Market Model Name/Feature Code9094
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageIT ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389096
Market Model Name/Feature Code9096
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageDE ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1389098
Known Assembly Part NumbersKnown Assembly Part Numbers
Possible numbers found inside this keyboard used to indicate its internal assembly and the keycaps on it.
Market Model Name/Feature Code9098
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageUS ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal Computer Family Service Information Manual (#SA38-0037-00) [source: bitsavers]
Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM 3270 Personal Computer Converged Keyboard

Part Number1391428
Market Model Name/Feature Code1428
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3270 Personal Computer (IBM 5160 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageBelgian ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM Four 3270-PC Options Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG86-4046) [source: IBM]

IBM Enhanced Personal Computer Keyboard T

Part Number1391240
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 5171T Personal Computer AT (TEMPEST) (IBM 5170 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1986 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1) & Mode 2 (scancode sets 1, 2 & 3) autosense
ConnectionBlack coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to DIN (180) cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesTEMPESTed version of regular IBM PC/AT Enhanced Keyboard, "IBM" badge has the character "T" in the bottom-right corner, "Esc" key is a combination "ESC" & "Reset" key
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal Computer AT-5171T Model 168 and 339 and 5167 Model 001 IBM Personal Computer Display T Announcement (#186-193) [source: IBM]

IBM TPC Keyboard IV

Part Number4010504
TypeModel F/AT PC Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 4456 TEMPEST PC IV (IBM 5170 family)
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionBlack straightened-style fixed DE-9 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: AT U.S. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/2 and IBM Personal Computer Product Reference Version 4.0 (#102682986) [source: bitsavers]

IBM EMR Keyboard II

Part Number100A535
TypeModel F/XT TEMPEST EM-Dampened Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DE-9 cable
Key Count83
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT U.S. English

IBM EMR Keyboard II

Part Number100A536
TypeModel F/XT TEMPEST EM-Dampened Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM capacitive buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 1 (scancode set 1)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DE-9 cable
Key Count83
Form FactorNavblockless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: XT U.S. English

IBM 6715 Actionwriter 1 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1386046
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count67

IBM 6784 Wheelwriter 6 Series II Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1389715
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count70

IBM 6747-2 Wheelwriter 6 Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1389746
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
Known Host SystemsIBM 6747-2 Wheelwriter 6
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count70

IBM 6783 Wheelwriter 10 Series II Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1393194
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count69
Layout/LanguageUK English
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1990-WWA-69

IBM Industrial Keyboard

Part Number1390655
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingAllen-Bradley silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesManufactured for Allen-Bradley

IBM Enhanced Terminal Keyboard

Part Number1390637
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed DIN (240) cable
Form FactorFull-size
Additional NotesCombined F1/F13 to F12/F24 function key row

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1390949
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3197 Model C20 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model CE0 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model D20 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model DE0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model W20 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model WE0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Swiss-German
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3179 Color Display Station C Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-029) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3197 Display Station D Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-030) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3197 Display Station W Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#188-008) [source: IBM]

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1390952
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3197 Model C20 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model CE0 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model D20 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model DE0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model W20 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model WE0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style German
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3179 Color Display Station C Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-029) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3197 Display Station D Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-030) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3197 Display Station W Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#188-008) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal Computer AT Converged Keyboard

Part Number1392149
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed DIN (180) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageUS ISO

IBM 3191 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number0985955
Known Assembly Part Numbers0985957
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3191 Model A10 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMIBM Netherlands
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageYugoslavian; Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian ISO
Additional Notes "PFxx" command key block
A reserved special acknowledgement to anyone who has helped me with research through social media, email or via the P/N submission form for this keyboard part number.

IBM 3191/3192 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1390702
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3191 Model D10 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model DX0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model E10 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model EX0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model L10 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model LX0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model C10 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model CD0 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model D10 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model D10 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model DD0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model F10 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model FD0 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model L10 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model LD0 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model W10 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model WD0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageUS ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station C Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-026) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Display Station D Models Announcement Letter (#187-027) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station Model L Announcement Letter (#187-127) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station Model F Announcement Letter (#187-128) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Display Station W Models Announcement Letter (#188-007) [source: IBM]

IBM Program Function Key Keyboard

Part Number1390711
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageRussian ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1390876
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3197 Model C10 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model CD0 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model D10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model DD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model W10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model WD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Additional Notes"Cmdxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3179 Color Display Station C Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-029) [source: IBM]

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1390881
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3197 Model C10 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model CD0 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model D10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model DD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model W10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model WD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageItalian ISO
Additional Notes "Cmdxx" command key block

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1390886
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3197 Model C10 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model CD0 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model D10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model DD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model W10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model WD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageUK ISO
Additional Notes"Cmdxx" command key block
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1987-BT2-122

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1390888
Known Assembly Part Numbers1390904
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3197 Model C10 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model CD0 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model D10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model DD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model W10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model WD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
OEMIBM U.K., IBM Netherlands
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageGerman QWERTZ ISO
Additional Notes"Cmdxx" command key block

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1390890
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3197 Model C10 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model CD0 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model D10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model DD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model W10 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model WD0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageFrench ISO
Additional Notes"Cmdxx" command key block

IBM Personal Typing System Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394618
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 6901 Personal Typing System (IBM PS/2 family)
IBM 6907 Personal Typing System/2 (IBM PS/2 family)
IBM 6908 Personal Typing System/2 286 (IBM PS/2 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesFeatures word processor orientated legends and stepped modifier keys

IBM Space Saving Keyboard

Part Number1370475
Known Assembly Part Numbers1397682
TypeModel M Space Saving Keyboard
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English

IBM Space Saving Keyboard

Part Number1391472
Known Assembly Part Numbers1390360, 1397682
TypeModel M Space Saving Keyboard
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1987-SSK-84

IBM Personal Typing System Space Saving Keyboard

Part Number1392464
TypeModel M Space Saving Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 6901 Personal Typing System (IBM PS/2 family)
IBM 6907 Personal Typing System/2 (IBM PS/2 family)
IBM 6908 Personal Typing System/2 286 (IBM PS/2 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesFeatures word processor orientated legends and stepped modifier keys

IBM Space Saving Keyboard

Part Number1392934
FRU Part NumberFRU Part Number
Field Replaceable Unit
The number used to relate and indicate compatible but otherwise potentially different keyboards that could replace this one.
Known Package/Box Part NumbersKnown Package/Box Part Numbers
Possible numbers assigned to the original packaging this keyboard was shipped in.
TypeModel M Space Saving Keyboard
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesWas available as an option for the IBM Select-A-Keyboard scheme as the US English keyboard without fixed keytops (even though examples with two-part keycaps are known), also known to be shipped with IBM PS/2, PC 300 and 700 series from October 1994
Source(s)Doc: IBM PC 300 Series Pentium Systems Announcement Letter (#194-347) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM PC 700 Series -- Pentium/ISA Systems Announcement Letter (#194-349) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM PS/2 Model 25 SX Hardware Maintenance Manual pamphlet (#S10G-6610-00) [source: ManualsLib]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Hardware Maintenance Manual (#S52G-9971-02) [source: Ardent Tool]

IBM PC/3270 Host Connected Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391580
Known Assembly Part Numbers1391418
TypeModel M Enhanced Host Connected Keyboard
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageUS ANSI
Additional NotesIntended for IBM 3270 terminal emulation on PS/2 compatible systems, has combined F1/F13 to F12/F24 function key row, was sold in a Unicomp warehouse liquidation for $84 USD in 2017
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1987-EET-101

IBM Airline Reservation System Keyboard

Part Number1393464
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard (Airline Reservations)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageUS ANSI
Additional NotesFeatures numerous unique legends and sublegends for airline reservation software usage, some specifically ordered and used by Sabre Corporation also feature a red Sabre logo

IBM PS/55 Keyboard-1

Part Number94X1220
Market Model Name/Feature Code5576-001
TypeMisc. Terminal Keyboard
OEMAlps Electric
KeyswitchesAlps SKCP "plate spring"
Earliest Appearance1987
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count124
Layout/LanguageJapanese 001

IBM 3191/3192 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1390766
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3191 Model D20 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model DY0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model E20 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model EY0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model L20 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model LY0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language3270: Enhanced Typewriter ANSI-style U.S. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station C Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-026) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Display Station D Models Announcement Letter (#187-027) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3191 Display Station Models D and E Announcement Letter (#187-125) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3191 Display Station Model L Announcement Letter (#187-126) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station Model L Announcement Letter (#187-127) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station Model F Announcement Letter (#187-128) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Commonly Used Systems Parts Handbook (#ZA38-0016-0) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1390940
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3197 Model C20 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model CE0 Color Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model D20 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model DE0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model W20 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3197 Model WE0 Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ANSI-style U.S. English
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1987
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3179 Color Display Station C Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-029) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3197 Display Station D Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-030) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3197 Display Station W Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#188-008) [source: IBM]

IBM 3192 Color Graphics Display Station Typewriter/APL2 Keyboard

Part Number1389194
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3192 Model G20 Color Graphics Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model GE0 Color Graphics Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageUS ISO w/ APL2
Accessories & Other FeaturesAccessories & Other Features
Other notable features you may want to know about such as charging cables (if keyboard is wireless), fingerprint reader, card reader, solenoid, DIP switches, etc.
DIP switches
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1987
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3192 Color Graphics Display Station G Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-028) [source: IBM]

IBM 3191/3192 Display Station Quiet Touch Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number73X3832
TypeModel 1B 104-key Quiet Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3191 Model D30 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model DZ0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model E30 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model EZ0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model L30 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3191 Model LZ0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model C30 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model CF0 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model D30 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model DF0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model F30 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model FF0 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model L30 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model LF0 Color Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model W30 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model WF0 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMHoneywell/Micro Switch
KeyswitchesMicro Switch ST rubber domes with sliders
Earliest Appearance1987 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count104
Form FactorUnsaver
Layout/LanguageUS English
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1987
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station C Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-026) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Display Station D Models Announcement Letter (#187-027) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3191 Display Station Models D and E Announcement Letter (#187-125) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3191 Display Station Model L Announcement Letter (#187-126) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station Model L Announcement Letter (#187-127) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Color Display Station Model F Announcement Letter (#187-128) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3192 Display Station W Models Announcement Letter (#188-007) [source: IBM]

IBM 3191 Display Station Quiet Touch Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number73X3848
TypeModel 1B 104-key Quiet Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3191 Model A10 Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMHoneywell/Micro Switch
KeyswitchesMicro Switch ST rubber domes with sliders
Earliest Appearance1987 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count104
Form FactorUnsaver
Layout/LanguageUS English /w APL
Earliest Recorded Price$295 in 1987
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3191 Display Station Models A30 and B30 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-025) [source: IBM]

IBM 3192 Color Graphics Display Station Quiet Touch Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number73X3860
TypeModel 1B 104-key Quiet Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3192 Model G30 Color Graphics Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model GF0 Color Graphics Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMHoneywell/Micro Switch
KeyswitchesMicro Switch ST rubber domes with sliders
Earliest Appearance1987 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count104
Form FactorUnsaver
Layout/LanguageUS English
Accessories & Other FeaturesDIP switches
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1987
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3192 Color Graphics Display Station G Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-028) [source: IBM]

IBM 3192 Color Graphics Display Station Quiet Touch Typewriter/APL2 Keyboard

Part Number73X3868
TypeModel 1B 104-key Quiet Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3192 Model G40 Color Graphics Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3192 Model GG0 Color Graphics Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMHoneywell/Micro Switch
KeyswitchesMicro Switch ST rubber domes with sliders
Earliest Appearance1987 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed DIN (240) cable
Key Count104
Form FactorUnsaver
Layout/LanguageUS ISO w/ APL2
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1987
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3192 Color Graphics Display Station G Models Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-028) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392595
Known Assembly Part Numbers1392611
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
OEMIBM, Lexmark, Unicomp
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ANSI-style U.S. English
Earliest Recorded Price$150 USD in 1987
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps as standard, exact modifier, function and navigation key legends may differ from keyboard to keyboard as first-party job-specific keycap packs were available and used to replace the standard layout (eg. P/N 1392506 for DEC emulation)
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1987-ETM-102
Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station (U.S. English & National Languages) Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG88-0163) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392596
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Finnish
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392597
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Canadian French
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392599
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style U.K. English
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392600
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style French
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392601
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style German
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392602
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Italian
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392603
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Spanish
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392604
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Norwegian
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392605
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Danish
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392606
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Swedish
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392607
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Swiss-French
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392608
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Swiss-German
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392609
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Portuguese
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392610
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Belgian
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1392620
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 310 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 360 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 410 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 460 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ISO-style Latin American Spanish
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Platform Version 1.00, IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Application Toolkit Version 1.00 o 5604-268 (Item No. 08F0558) IBM Personal System/2 RPG II Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZP88-0455) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391401
Known Assembly Part Numbers1386085
Known Package/Box Part Numbers1393990
Market Model Name/Feature Code1401
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark, IBM Mexico
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
The date this keyboard part number was withdrawn from marketing. This doesn't necessarily mean production or refurbishments ended on the same date, just the keyboard was no longer being sold under normal circumstances from then on.
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesPossible FRU part numbers include 1392090 for late IBM-made examples and 1393990 for Lexmark-made examples that were specifically sold for the IBM 4694 POS System
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1993-EIN-101
Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391402
Known Assembly Part Numbers1386715
Market Model Name/Feature Code1402
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO French
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391403
Known Assembly Part Numbers1386716, 8134179
Market Model Name/Feature Code1403
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
Or IBM logo across lock-light LEDs overlay
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2
Or Grey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO German
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1990-EEP-102
Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391404
Known Assembly Part Numbers1386717
Market Model Name/Feature Code1404
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Italian (ID 141)
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391405
Market Model Name/Feature Code1405
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Spanish
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391406
Known Assembly Part Numbers1386719
Market Model Name/Feature Code1406
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
Or IBM logo across lock-light LEDs overlay
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2
Or Grey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO U.K. English (ID 166)
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1987-EEP-102
Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391407
Known Assembly Part Numbers1387526
Market Model Name/Feature Code1407
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
Or IBM logo across lock-light LEDs overlay
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Danish
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391408
Market Model Name/Feature Code1408
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Hebrew
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391409
Known Assembly Part Numbers1387528
Market Model Name/Feature Code1409
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Norwegian
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391410
Market Model Name/Feature Code1410
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Portuguese
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391411
Known Assembly Part Numbers1387530
Market Model Name/Feature Code1411
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swedish/Finnish
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391412
Known Assembly Part Numbers1387531
Market Model Name/Feature Code1412
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swiss-French/Swiss-German
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391413
Known Assembly Part Numbers1387594
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Canadian French

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391414
Known Assembly Part Numbers1389520
Market Model Name/Feature Code1414
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Belgian (French)
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391490
Market Model Name/Feature Code1490
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Arabic
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391511
Market Model Name/Feature Code1511
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Dutch
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 60 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG87-4005) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1393395
Known Assembly Part Numbers1393394
Market Model Name/Feature Code3395
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
OEMIBM U.K., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Italian (ID 142)
Additional NotesShould have "ID 142" written on its LED lock-light overlay to indicate its use of the Italian 142 layout compared to P/N 1391404's Italian 141 layout
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Enhanced Keyboard for the Personal Computer Announcement Letter (#ZG87-4014) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395881
Market Model Name/Feature Code0245
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swiss-French
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Enhanced Keyboard for the Personal Computer Announcement Letter (#ZG87-4014) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395882
Market Model Name/Feature Code0246
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swiss-German
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Enhanced Keyboard for the Personal Computer Announcement Letter (#ZG87-4014) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1396790
Known Assembly Part Numbers1396791
Market Model Name/Feature Code6790
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
OEMIBM U.K., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2
Or Grey coiled-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesIntended for EMEA use only
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Hardware Maintenance Manual (#S52G-9971-02) [source: Ardent Tool]
Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Enhanced Keyboard for the Personal Computer Announcement Letter (#ZG87-4014) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Space Saving Keyboard

Part Number1392980
TypeModel M Terminal Space Saving Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 110 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 160 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1987 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ANSI-style U.S. English
Earliest Recorded Price$104 USD in 1987
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Brief Description, Charges, and Availability (#187-132) [source: IBM]

IBM 4680 POS Matrix Keyboard

Part Number76X0100
Market Model Name/Feature Code3323
Type4680 POS Matrix Keyboard
OEMKey Tronic
KeyswitchesKey Tronic capacitive foam and foil (tactile variant)
Earliest Appearance1987 Q4
Original KeycapsABS with double-shot legends
Cover ColourPearl White/Storm Grey
BrandingIBM silver square badge
ProtocolSIO via RS-485
ConnectionGrey straightened-style detachable 8-pin SDL to 8-pin SDL cable
Key Count139
Form FactorFull-size matrix
Layout/LanguageRelegendable w/ dedicated numeric keypad
Earliest Recorded Price$560 USD in 1987
Additional NotesBelieved to be the only IBM keyboard with Key Tronic foam and foil switches
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-X198x-KB-139
Doc: IBM 4683 Point of Sale Terminal Models, Displays, and Enhancements Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#187-240) [source: IBM]
Doc: Withdrawal From Marketing: All Models of the 4683 POS Terminal and Selected Model Conversions and Features for the 4683 and 4684 POS Terminals (#A95-1128) [source: IBM]

IBM 6787 Wheelwriter 30 Series II Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1392540
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count78

IBM 6782 Wheelwriter 3 Series II Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1393773
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count65

IBM 6750-3 Quietwriter Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1393844
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count72
Layout/LanguagePortuguese ISO

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1393705
Request Price Quotation
The number used to indicate that this keyboard was a special order or modified from the factory but doesn't count as an entirely new product.
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 830 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language3270-style: ANSI-style U.S. English
Additional NotesHas combined F1/F13 to F12/F24 function key row, appears to use an IBM 3270-style layout
Source(s)Doc: IBM 3206 Display Station Withdrawal Announcement (#194-012) [source: IBM]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1394012
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ANSI-style U.S. English
Additional NotesComes with specific ASCII character sublegends on the numeric keypad keycaps, has been spotted with unique combined 1/13/25 to 12/24/36 function key row, it's presently unknown if this part number was 3151 model specific

IBM Program Function Key Keyboard

Part Number1389172
Known Assembly Part Numbers1389173
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageFrench ISO
Additional Notes"FPxx" command key block

IBM PC/3270 Host Connected Converged Keyboard

Part Number1393656
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type I 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageUS ISO
Additional NotesConsidered to be the "old version" of P/N 1397000
Source(s)Doc: IBM Tivoli System Automation for Integrated Operations Management User's Guide (#SC23-6113-01) [source:]

IBM Program Function Key Keyboard

Part Number1390713
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block, only known to be found with potentially-aftermarket Polish typewriter layout keycaps
CreditsSubmitted by r/ModelM Discord community member razerban

IBM 5250-family Command Key Keyboard

Part Number1390867
Known Assembly Part Numbers1390903
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageNordic(?) ISO
Additional Notes"Cmdxx" command key block, exact host system currently unknown but likely IBM 319x series [Twinax] Display Station

IBM Airline Reservation System Space Saving Keyboard

Part Number1393691
TypeModel M Space Saving Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesFeatures numerous unique legends and sublegends for airline reservation software usage

IBM PS/2 50-key Function Keyboard

Part Number1393915
TypeModel M PS/2 50-Key Function Keypad
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count49
Form Factor50% matrix
Layout/LanguageFunctional Keypad
Additional NotesFeatures an arrow key cluster in the middle key column bank and a numeric keypad with capitalised enter key in the right key column bank

IBM 3206 Console Display Terminal Keyboard

Part Number1392450
Known Assembly Part Numbers1392449
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language3270: Converged Console U.S. English
Additional NotesComes with a single "PFxx" command key row

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1393669
Known Assembly Part Numbers1393670
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2
Or Grey coiled-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Slovenian/Croatian/Bosnian/Sebian (Latin)
Additional NotesKnown to be an option for the IBM PC Server 330 series, was known to be made with non-modular PS/2 cables from late 1995
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]

IBM Screen Reader Keypad

Part Number1393387
Known Assembly Part Numbers1393388
Market Model Name/Feature Code2549
TypeModel M Screen Reader Keypad
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1988 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetFlip-out wire foot
ProtocolIBM PS/2 mouse emulation
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count18
Form FactorKeypad
Earliest Recorded Price$600 USD in 1988
Additional NotesPossible FRUs include 1393515 for the keypad and 72X8537 for its SDL cable (although this requires more confirmation)
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1989-SR2-18
Doc: Withdrawal: IBM Screen Reader Keypad and Cable -- Replacement Available (#195-112) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Customer Announcement Summary - January 26, 1988 (#C88-001) [source: IBM]

IBM Wheelwriter Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1393780
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count70
Layout/LanguageUS English
Additional NotesBelieved to be an IBM Wheelwriter 6 Series II keyboard assembly

IBM Industrial Keyboard

Part Number1395240
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingAllen-Bradley black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesManufactured for Allen-Bradley

IBM InfoWindow Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395158
Known Assembly Part Numbers1395157
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageUS ANSI
Additional NotesHas combined F1/F13 to F12/F24 function key row, 3270-style "PAx" keys and "User1" and "User3" keys

IBM 3270-family Program Function Key Keyboard

Part Number1390728
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageUK ISO
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block, exact host system currently unknown but likely IBM 319x series [Coax] Display Station

IBM Function Key Keyboard

Part Number1390877
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language(Canadian?) French QWERTY ISO
Additional Notes"Fxx" command key block

IBM Command Key Keyboard

Part Number1390891
Known Assembly Part Numbers1390907
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type II 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed non-screwable DIN (240) cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/LanguageSpanish ISO
Additional Notes"Mdtxx" command key block

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391506
FRU Part Number1392015
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Latin American Spanish
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Hardware Maintenance Manual (#S52G-9971-02) [source: Ardent Tool]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394064
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesComes with stock trading orientated keycaps, some of which have double-stroke borders above and below the legends

IBM Financial Services Keyboard

Part Number1395217
FRU Part Number1395253
TypeModel M Space Saving Keyboard
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesFeatures various green front-facing sublegends on the left side of the keyboard for stock brokerage or financial service usage, a single Ctrl key with blue legends, an enter key in place of the right Ctrl key and a back-tab legend on the backlash key

IBM InfoWindow Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1394100
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3471 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3472 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMIBM, Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language3270: Converged Typewriter U.S. English

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394114
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394140
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3471 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language3270: Converged Typewriter German (QWERTY)

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394308
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter U.S. English

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394324
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394350
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter U.K. English
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1989-BT3-122

IBM RISC System/6000 Lighted Program Function Keyboard

Part Number08L1196
Market Model Name/Feature Code6094-020
TypeLighted Program Function Keyboard
OEMAlps Electric
KeyswitchesUnspecified, OEM-specific or misc. rubber dome implementation
Earliest Appearance1989
Cover ColourRaven Black/Stealth Black
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
Key Count32
Form FactorFunctional keypad
Earliest Recorded Price$375 USD in 1989

IBM RISC System/6000 Lighted Program Function Keyboard

Part Number37F8226
Market Model Name/Feature Code6094-020
TypeLighted Program Function Keyboard
OEMAlps Electric
KeyswitchesUnspecified, OEM-specific or misc. rubber dome implementation
Earliest Appearance1989
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
Key Count32
Form FactorFunctional keypad
Earliest Recorded Price$375 USD in 1989

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391522
Market Model Name/Feature Code1522
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2
Or Grey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO U.K. English (ID 168)
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 286 (8530-H21) Announcement Letter (#ZG88-0236) [source: IBM]

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1391526
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO French (ID 120)
Additional NotesSeveral examples of a military-spec version modified by Thomson-CSF with military green casing, EM dampening on the circuitry and cable and no IBM logo have been encountered
Source(s)Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 286 (8530-H21) Announcement Letter (#ZG88-0236) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394946
FRU Part Number1394972
Known Assembly Part Numbers1386085
Market Model Name/Feature Code6382
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark, Unicomp
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394953
Market Model Name/Feature Code6378
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Belgian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394955
Market Model Name/Feature Code6380
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Danish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394956
Market Model Name/Feature Code6383
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO French
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394958
Known Assembly Part Numbers1386716
Market Model Name/Feature Code6384
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO German
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1990-EIN-102
Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394959
Market Model Name/Feature Code6386
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Italian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394962
Market Model Name/Feature Code6388
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Dutch
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394963
Market Model Name/Feature Code6389
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Norwegian
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394964
Market Model Name/Feature Code6390
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Portuguese
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394965
Market Model Name/Feature Code6391
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Spanish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394966
Market Model Name/Feature Code6392
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swedish/Finnish
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394967
Market Model Name/Feature Code6393
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swiss-French/Swiss-German
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394968
Market Model Name/Feature Code6381
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO U.K. English (ID 166)
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394970
Market Model Name/Feature Code6385
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 7541 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7541 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7542 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM 7561 Model 111 Industrial Computer
IBM 7562 Model 011 Industrial Computer
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: Hebrew
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394193
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394203
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ANSI-style U.S. English - MNCS
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1999-ETM-102
Doc: IBM InfoWindow II 3486/3488/3489 Marketing Reference Guide (#G326-0265-10) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394204
FRU Part Number1394802
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394230
Market Model Name/Feature Code9131
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3471 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMIBM, Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
Or IBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language3270: Enhanced Typewriter ANSI-style U.S. English
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1989
Additional NotesCombined F1/F13 to F12/F24 function key row, comes with three-way cable router, silver square models are typically converted from other part numbers by C.E.L. Technical Services
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1995-ETM-102
Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3471 Display Station Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#189-096) [source: IBM]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394416
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style German
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394417
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Belgian
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394418
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Danish
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394419
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Swedish/Finnish
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394420
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style French
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394421
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Italian
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394422
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Norwegian
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394423
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394449
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Portuguese/Brazilian Portuguese
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394424
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Spanish
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394425
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Swiss-French
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394426
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Swiss-German
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394427
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394453
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
OEMIBM, Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Dutch
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394428
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style U.K. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394429
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter Greek (ID 423)
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394432
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Latin 2
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394433
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter Cyrillic
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394434
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Icelandic
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394435
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter Hebrew
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394436
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Arabic
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1395162
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 510 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 560 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 610 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
IBM 3151 Model 660 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesSome known to come with Northern Health Systems branding

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395567
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Canadian French
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395665
FRU Part Number1395666
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ANSI-style U.S. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395668
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394440
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter ISO-style Spanish Speaking
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395669
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count104
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter Japanese (Katakana)
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395670
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter Thai
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1396768
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/Language5250: Enhanced Typewriter Greek (ID 875)
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3477 User's Guide (#GA18-2923-00) [source: bitsavers]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number09F4230
Market Model Name/Feature Code9104
TypeModel 1B 104-key Quiet Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3471 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMHoneywell/Micro Switch
KeyswitchesMicro Switch ST rubber domes with sliders
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count104
Form FactorUnsaver
Layout/LanguageUS ISO
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1989
Additional Notes"Fxx" command key block
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3471 Display Station Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#189-096) [source: IBM]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard

Part Number09F4231
Market Model Name/Feature Code9156
TypeModel 1B 104-key Quiet Touch Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3471 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
OEMHoneywell/Micro Switch
KeyswitchesMicro Switch ST rubber domes with sliders
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetDual-setting riser feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count104
Form FactorUnsaver
Layout/LanguageData Entry ISO
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1989
Additional Notes"PFxx" command key block
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-X1990-QTS-104

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station 1A Keyboard

Part Number1394332
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter Arabic

IBM 3471 InfoWindow Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394801
Market Model Name/Feature Code9122
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q2
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter U.S. English
Earliest Recorded Price$295 USD in 1989
Source(s)Doc: IBM InfoWindow 3471 Display Station Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#189-096) [source: IBM]

IBM GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Part Number1394971
Market Model Name/Feature Code6377
TypeModel M Enhanced Industrial Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 040)
IBM GEARBOX Model 800 (Feature 150)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1989 Q4
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Arabic
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7561 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7562 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0141) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 011, IBM 7541 Industrial Computer Model 111 & IBM 7542 Industrial Computer Model 011 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0142) [source: IBM]
Doc: GEARBOX Model 800 Industrial Computer Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#ZG89-0248) [source: IBM]

IBM 468X ANPOS Keyboard

Part Number25F6329
Type4680 ANPOS Keyboard
KeyswitchesSMK discrete rubber domes
Earliest Appearance1989 Q4
Original KeycapsABS with double-shot legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
ProtocolSIO via RS-485
ConnectionGrey straightened-style detachable 8-pin SDL to 8-pin SDL cable
Key Count116
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageUK English
Source(s)Doc: Alphanumeric Point-of-Sale Keyboard for the IBM 4684 Point-of-Sale Terminal Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#189-195) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Store Systems Part Catalog (#S131-0097-09) [source: Infania Networks]
Web: archive/view?id=a2014492c36ad991

IBM 468X ANPOS Keyboard

Part Number25F6350
Market Model Name/Feature Code3324
Type4680 ANPOS Keyboard
KeyswitchesSMK discrete rubber domes
Earliest Appearance1989 Q4
Original KeycapsABS with double-shot legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
ProtocolSIO via RS-485
ConnectionGrey straightened-style detachable 8-pin SDL to 8-pin SDL cable
Key Count115
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageUS English
Earliest Recorded Price$595 USD in 1989
Source(s)Doc: Alphanumeric Point-of-Sale Keyboard for the IBM 4684 Point-of-Sale Terminal Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#189-195) [source: IBM]
Doc: Withdrawal From Marketing: All Models of the 4683 POS Terminal and Selected Model Conversions and Features for the 4683 and 4684 POS Terminals (#A95-1128) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM Store Systems Part Catalog (#S131-0097-09) [source: Infania Networks]

IBM Wheelwriter Keyboard Assembly

Part Number1393934
TypeModel M-based Typewriter Keyboard Assembly
OEMIBM Netherlands
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
Key Count67
Additional NotesPossibly for an IBM Personal Wheewriter but presently unconfirmed

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station ALA Keyboard

Part Number1396454
Known Assembly Part Numbers1396453
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3151 Model 862 ASCII Display Station (IBM 3101 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageASCII-style: ANSI-style U.S. English - ALA
Additional NotesHas combined F1/F13 to F12/F24 function key row and numerous diacritics keys to support American Library Association (ALA) character entry

IBM InfoWindow II Twinax Display Station Keyboard

Part Number35G4745
TypeModel M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count103
Form FactorFull-size

IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395622
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Russian (Cyrillic)
Source(s)Doc: IBM Personal System/2 Hardware Maintenance Manual (#S52G-9971-02) [source: Ardent Tool]
Doc: WDFM of Options by IBM Withdrawl: Selected PSG Products Announcement Letter (#ZG00-0190) [source: IBM]

IBM Terminal Emulator Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1395674
Known Assembly Part Numbers1395673
TypeModel M Enhanced PC Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesLikely for 3270-family terminal emulation software due the presence of a "PA1" legend on the numpad 1 key

IBM PS/2 50-key Function Keyboard

Part Number1392554
TypeModel M PS/2 50-Key Function Keypad
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsTransparent ABS
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count50
Form Factor50% matrix

IBM PS/2 50-key Function Keyboard

Part Number1395249
Known Assembly Part Numbers1392554
TypeModel M PS/2 50-Key Function Keypad
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark, Unicomp
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count50
Form Factor50% matrix
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M2000-TEL-50

IBM InfoWindow Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1394104
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394130
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3471 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
IBM 3472 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 3270 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language3270: Converged Typewriter Spanish

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394317
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394343
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter Italian

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394320
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394346
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter Spanish

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394327
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394353
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter Croatian

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394328
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394354
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter Polish (Latin 2) (ID 214)

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Part Number1394331
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394357
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter Hebrew

IBM InfoWindow/InfoWindow II Twinax Display Station Keyboard

Part Number1395660
TypeModel M/Model 1A Type III 122-key Converged Keyboard
Known Host SystemsIBM 3476 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3477 InfoWindow Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3486 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3487 InfoWindow II Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3488 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station Model V (IBM 5250 family)
IBM 3489 InfoWindow II Modular Display Station (IBM 5250 family)
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 3)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style fixed modular-8P5C ("RJ-45") cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language5250: Converged Typewriter U.S. English

IBM Personal System/2 Host Connected Keyboard

Part Number1397000
FRU Part Number1397050
Known Assembly Part Numbers1396401
Known Package/Box Part Numbers1396400
TypeModel M Type IV 122-key Host Connected Converged Keyboard
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting elongated flip-out feet
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count122
Form Factor120%
Layout/Language3270 Host Connected: Converged PS/2 U.S. English
Source(s)Doc: IBM Select-a-Keyboard and IBM PS/2 Host Connected Keyboard Announcement Letter (#191-086) [source: IBM]

IBM 7785 Service Bay System Keyboard

Part Number1395682
TypeModel M Industrial Space Saving Keyboard
OEMIBM, Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
BrandingIBM black oval badge
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count84
Form FactorTenkeyless
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Additional NotesMade for Mopar, features blue F1, F2 and navigation cluster keycaps

IBM 7785 Service Bay System Keyboard

Part Number1395691
TypeModel M Industrial Space Saving Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourIndustrial Grey
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorTenkeyless
Additional NotesKnown to have some blue keycaps, likely equivalent to P/N 1395682

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395300
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
OEMIBM U.S., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ANSI U.S. English
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1993-2PS-101

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395706
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
OEMIBM U.K., Lexmark
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO U.K. English (ID 166)
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-M1993-2PS-102
ASK: SNKB-M1993-2PS-102-A
ASK: SNKB-M1995-2PS-102

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395707
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO German

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395708
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO French

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395712
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Italian (ID 142)

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395713
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Swedish/Finnish

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395715
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Portuguese

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard

Part Number1395720
TypeModel M2 Selectric Touch Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingSimple/generic IBM logo
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguagePC-style: ISO Spanish

IBM RT PC Keyboard

Part Number6247440
Market Model Name/Feature CodeE57888
TypeMisc. Keyboard
OEMBrother Industries
KeyswitchesUnspecified, OEM-specific or misc. rubber dome implementation
Earliest Appearance1990
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM black oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
Connection straightened-style detachable proprietary mini-DIN to AMP cable
Key Count101
Layout/LanguageUS ANSI
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker
Additional NotesHas dye-sublimated keycaps, typically does not come with the required cable included in the box

IBM MICRO CADAM Lighted Program Function Keyboard

Part Number79F1028
TypeLighted Program Function Keyboard
OEMAlps Electric
KeyswitchesAlps SKCL "Yellow" w/ Green LED
Earliest Appearance1990
Original KeycapsABS with LED windows
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM silver square badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ConnectionGrey straightened-style fixed DE-9 cable
Key Count32
Form FactorFunctional keypad
Source(s)ASK: SNKB-L1991-MCM-32

IBM RISC System/6000 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394540
Known Assembly Part Numbers1394553
Market Model Name/Feature Code6010
TypeModel M Enhanced RISC Systems Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
Or IBM blue oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count101
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageUS ANSI
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker
Earliest Recorded Price$255 in 1990
Source(s)Doc: The IBM Xstation 120 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability (#190-027) [source: IBM]
Doc: IBM 7009 Compact Server Service Guide (#SA23-2716-01) [source: kev009]

IBM RISC System/6000 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394541
TypeModel M Enhanced RISC Systems Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageFrench Canadian ISO
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7009 Compact Server Service Guide (#SA23-2716-01) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM 7006 Graphics Workstation Service Guide (#SA23-2719-01) [source: Ardent Tool]

IBM RISC System/6000 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394542
TypeModel M Enhanced RISC Systems Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageGerman ISO
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7009 Compact Server Service Guide (#SA23-2716-01) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM 7006 Graphics Workstation Service Guide (#SA23-2719-01) [source: Ardent Tool]

IBM RISC System/6000 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394543
TypeModel M Enhanced RISC Systems Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Form FactorFull-size
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7009 Compact Server Service Guide (#SA23-2716-01) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM 7006 Graphics Workstation Service Guide (#SA23-2719-01) [source: Ardent Tool]

IBM RISC System/6000 Enhanced Keyboard

Part Number1394544
TypeModel M Enhanced RISC Systems Keyboard
KeyswitchesIBM membrane buckling springs
Earliest Appearance1990 Q1
Original KeycapsPBT with dye-sublimated legends
Cover ColourPearl White
BrandingIBM grey oval badge
FeetSingle-setting flip-out feet
ProtocolIBM Mode 2 (scancode set 2)
ConnectionGrey coiled-style detachable 6-pin SDL to 6-pin mini-DIN PS/2 cable
Key Count102
Form FactorFull-size
Layout/LanguageDanish ISO
Accessories & Other FeaturesInternal speaker
Source(s)Doc: IBM 7009 Compact Server Service Guide (#SA23-2716-01) [source: kev009]
Doc: IBM 7006 Graphics Workstation Service Guide (#SA23-2719-01) [source: Ardent Tool]
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