IBM Space Saver Numeric Keypad

Provided by the ASK Keyboard Directory

eBay (used under fair dealing)
eBay (used under fair dealing)
1991 Q4Model M4 Space Saver Numeric KeypadIBM buckling rubber sleeves (M3​/M4 rod-actuated type)More info on this keyboard

17-key pearl white variant

eg, P/N 1398051

Lexmark-made 17-key numeric keypad option for an IBM Space Saver Keyboard. Its design is based on the IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX but in a new cover set designed to match the design of its host keyboard and has no electronics inside. It has a single modular 10P10C port on the back to couple to a host keyboard, which instead acts as the keypad's controller. This variant has a traditional PC-style numeric keypad layout.


Parent design


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

  1. eBay - photos saved from past listings & used under fair dealing.