Image Gallery

Notice 2023-06-18

The ASK Image Gallery is currently in its infancy. Due to backend upgrades, site images that were previously added to pages manually are now being entered and managed by a database system, so this gallery will be incrementally populated over 2023 as this change takes place.


IBM black-oval badge on an IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM black-oval badge on an IBM Retail ANPOS Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM black-oval logo

Source: [ASK]

IBM black-square logo

Source: [ASK]

IBM blue-oval badge on an IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II

Source: [ASK]

IBM blue-oval logo

Source: [ASK]

IBM grey-oval badge on an IBM Screen Reader Keypad

Source: [ASK]

IBM grey-oval logo

Source: [ASK]

IBM logo across lock-light LEDs overlay on an IBM 3494 Track Pointer Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM silver-square badge on an IBM 31XX-87 type Model B

Source: [ASK]

IBM silver-square badge on an IBM PC/XT Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM silver-square logo

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365ED's "IBM ThinkPad" tricolour oval badge

Source: [ASK]

IBM tricolour-oval logo

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo ThinkPad T480's ThinkPad branding

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp logo across lock-light LEDs overlay on a Unicomp Mighty Mouse

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp logo across lock-light LEDs overlay on a Unicomp New Model M

Source: [ASK]


1998 Unicomp Mighty Mouse membrane assembly flex cables

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's membrane flex cable padding material

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's membrane flex cables

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard's controller card to LED lock-light daughterboard cable

Source: [ASK]

IBM RPOS 4-pin IDC to 12V PoweredUSB cable

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's membrane flex cables

Source: [ASK]

Collages & compilations

Examples of an IBM Model G, a Model 1A and a Model 1B keyboard

Source: [ASK]

Various Model M4/M4-1 family keyboards

Source: [ASK]

Controller cards

1981 IBM 528X-83 type Model B controller card

Source: [ASK]

1981 IBM 528X-83 type Model B controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

1985 IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

1985 IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

1987 IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

1994 IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

1995 Bull DPX/20 Keyboard's controller card

Source: [ASK]

1995 IBM Basic Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

1995 IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

1996 IBM PS/2 Host Connected Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

1996 IBM PS/2 Host Connected Keyboard controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

2002 Unicomp Mighty Mouse controller card

Source: [ASK]

2002 Unicomp Mighty Mouse controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

2002 Unicomp Mighty Mouse controller card's integrated controller chip

Source: [ASK]

2002 Unicomp Mighty Mouse controller card's part number silk screen

Source: [ASK]

2004 IBM 3494 Track Pointer Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's 20-pin Triomate socket

Source: [ASK]

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's 8-pin chip socket

Source: [ASK]

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's 8-pin Triomate socket

Source: [ASK]

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's cable header

Source: [ASK]

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's controller card

Source: [ASK]

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

2013 General Electric Healthcare Mac-Lab & CardioLab Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

2019 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card

Source: [ASK]

2019 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

2019 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card's CY8C24493-24LTXI microcontroller

Source: [ASK]

2020 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card

Source: [ASK]

2020 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

2021 Unicomp "AP1" controller card

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Aristides controller card

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Aristides controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Aristides controller card mounted in a 2019 Unicomp Ultra Classic

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card's left Triomate socket

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card's LUSB port

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card's LVC125A quadruple bus buffer gate

Source: [ASK]

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card's RP2040 microcontroller

Source: [ASK]

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F C3 controller card

Source: [ASK]

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F C3 controller card (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F C3 controller card jumper header

Source: [ASK]

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F C3 controller card possible DIP switches headers

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard controller card

Source: [ASK]

Thickness comparison between a 2019 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card (left) and a 2023 Unicomp Aristides controller card (right)

Source: [ASK]


529X type Model F triple-setting riser foot (all settings partial)

Source: [ASK]

529X type Model F triple-setting riser foot (fully extended)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PC/XT Enhanced Keyboard single-setting flip-out foot (extended)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard's single-setting riser foot mechanism

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's single-setting riser foot (extended)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's single-setting riser foot (retracted)

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard single-setting flip-out foot (extended)

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard single-setting flip-out foot (retracted)

Source: [ASK]

SK-8845 dual-setting flip-out foot (first setting extended)

Source: [ASK]

SK-8845 dual-setting flip-out foot (fully extended)

Source: [ASK]

SK-8845 dual-setting flip-out foot (retracted)

Source: [ASK]

Type I 122-key Model M dual-setting riser foot (fully extended)

Source: [ASK]

Type I 122-key Model M dual-setting riser foot (retracted)

Source: [ASK]

Type II 122-key Model M single-setting elongated flip-out foot (extended)

Source: [ASK]

Type III 122-key Model M single-setting elongated flip-out foot (extended)

Source: [ASK]

Type IV 122-key Model M single-setting elongated flip-out foot (extended)

Source: [ASK]

Type IV 122-key Model M single-setting elongated flip-out foot (extended) (worn)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's rubberised single-setting flip-out foot (extended)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mini Model M rubber foot

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mini Model M single-setting flip-out foot (extended)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp New Model M's single-setting flip-out foot (retracted)

Source: [ASK]

Integrated pointing devices

IBM Model M4-1's TrackPoint II pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/55 note C52's TrackPoint II pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

IBM SK-8807's I-Point pointing device

Source: [ASK]

IBM SK-8840's TouchStyk & TouchPad UltraNav

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series' TrackPoint III pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad A30-series' TrackPoint IV pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

IBM TrackPoint II Keyboard (Black)'s TrackPoint II pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo EBK-209A's Optical TrackPoint pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo ThinkPad T430's TrackPoint IV pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

SK-8845's Synaptics TouchStyk pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

SK-8845's Synaptics TouchStyk pointing stick (exposed)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp EnduraPro's Lexmark-Unicomp FSR pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

Winbook XP's Lexmark-Unicomp FSR pointing stick

Source: [ASK]

Internal keyboard assemblies

Handwriting on IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's base plate underside

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3178-C3 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3178-C3 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Assembly (left-hand side)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3178-C3 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Assembly (top)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's plastic rivets

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard Assembly (top)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard Assembly (left-hand side)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard Assembly (top)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard Assembly (top)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Portable Personal Computer Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse base plate (inside)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse base plate hook

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse base plate/frame release button

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp New Model M Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

Source: [ASK]


31XX-87 type Model F's IBM capacitive buckling springs

Source: [ASK]

528X-83 type Model B's IBM beam springs

Source: [ASK]

All known IBM buckling sleeve gauges and keycap mounts comparison

Source: [ASK]

Apple Newton X0044's medium gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

AST Ascentia 9X0N small (top) and standard (bottom) gauge IBM buckling sleeves

Source: [ASK]

Comparison of a Model F (left) and Model M (right) buckling spring & pivot plate couple

Source: [ASK]

Comparison of a Model F (left) and Model M (right) buckling spring & pivot plate couple

Source: [ASK]

IBM Basic Keyboard's IBM Quiet Touch rubber dome

Source: [ASK]

IBM beam spring loose key-switch module

Source: [ASK]

IBM beam spring's beam/fly spring interlock (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

IBM beam spring's beam/fly spring interlock (top)

Source: [ASK]

IBM beam spring's leaf (beam) spring

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's IBM membrane buckling spring

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard's capacitive buckling spring

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's capacitive buckling spring

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver II (RT3200)'s NMB rubber dome over membrane

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeves

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 355/360's medium gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 355/360's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeves

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's IBM buckling sleeve barrel

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's IBM buckling sleeve barrels

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeves (one inverted, one normal)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 700/720's alt-standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series' standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's IBM buckling sleeve barrel blocker

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve & spacebar return spring

Source: [ASK]

IBM Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's 'cushioness' pivot plate

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark AR10's Alt-standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark AR10's mouse button type IBM buckling sleeves

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's IBM buckling sleeve keycap rod at rest

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's IBM buckling sleeve keycap rod pushed

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mini Model M's 'cushioned' pivot plate

Source: [ASK]

Winbook XP-series' small (top) and standard (bottom) gauge IBM buckling sleeves

Source: [ASK]

Keyboard rear labels (inner)

AST Ascentia 900N/910N Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1994-07-15)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1984-06-27)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/55 note C52 Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1992-12-15)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/note 182-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1992 August)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 355-series/360-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1995-09-27)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1996-09-02)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1997-02-03)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1998-01-30)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 700-series & 720-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1993-03-19)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1995-02-06)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1998-05-11)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1998-08-22)

Source: [ASK]

Mini Model M Space Saving Keyboard internal assembly P/N 18U0384 rear label (2020-10-20)

Source: [ASK]

Model F 4704 Model 100 Functional Keypad internal assembly P/N 4584594 rear label (4977)

Source: [ASK]

Model F/XT PC Keyboard internal assembly P/N 4774263 rear label (1984-01-30)

Source: [ASK]

Model M 5576-C01 TrackPoint II Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1403247 rear label (1994-02-21)

Source: [ASK]

Model M Enhanced PC Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1391418 rear label (5698)

Source: [ASK]

Model M Enhanced PC Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1394203 rear label (1999-05-25)

Source: [ASK]

Model M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1390967 rear label (1986-12-12)

Source: [ASK]

Model M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1392611 rear label (5780)

Source: [ASK]

Model M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1394230 rear label (1995-10-27)

Source: [ASK]

Model M Screen Reader Keypad internal assembly P/N 1393388 rear label (6181)

Source: [ASK]

Model M Space Saving Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1390360 rear label (5737)

Source: [ASK]

Model M Type IV 122-key Host Connected Converged Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1396924 rear label (1997-06-17)

Source: [ASK]

Model M13 TrackPoint II Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1379916 rear label (1995-01-09)

Source: [ASK]

Model M5-2 Trackball Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1398148 rear label (1995-05-05)

Source: [ASK]

Winbook XP-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1994-08-11)

Source: [ASK]

Keyboard rear labels (outer)

Affirmative Computer Products 5250 Emulation Keyboard's rear label (2005-03-28)

Source: [ASK]

Bull DPX/20 Keyboard's rear label (1995-10-17)

Source: [ASK]

Dell Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1993-06-18)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3104-B2/3178-C2 Typewriter Keyboard's rear label (1985-03-22)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard's rear label (1987-11-10)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3178-C3 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard's rear label (1984 October (derived from week 43 of year))

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3178-C4 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard's rear label (1985 January (derived from week 2 of year))

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3179 Color Display Station Keyboard's rear label (1986-06-09)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3180 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Element's rear label (1986-01-12)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1390343 rear label

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1986-12-14)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3494 Track Pointer Keyboard's rear label (2004-04-26)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 4613 SurePOS 100 Express System Keyboard Assembly's rear label (2012-06-21)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 50 Key Keyboard's rear label (1995-12-14)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 50 Key Keyboard's rear label (6098)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Unit's rear label (1986-02-26)

Source: [ASK]

IBM CANPOS Keyboard's rear label (2008-07-10)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II's rear label (1998-10-05)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard - PS Style's rear label (1994-02-25)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard - PS Style's rear label (1995-11-09)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard with TrackPoint II's rear label (1995-01-23)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1990-03-12)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1992-08-31)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1995-09-06)

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1995-06-11)

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1995-11-06)

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard's rear label (1990 February)

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow II Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1999-05-25)

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Keyboard's rear label (1989-09-15)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB 's rear label (2015-09-04)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB's rear label (2013-04-24)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Model 100 Functional Keypad Emulator's rear label (2000-08-25)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Modifiable Layout Keyboard with MSR's rear label (2006-07-14)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Modular 67-Key Keyboard with LCD Display's rear label (2013-06-20)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Modular 67-Key Keyboard's rear label (2011-09-22)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Modular CANPOS II Keyboard's rear label (2012-06-06)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX's rear label (1992-02-08)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PC/3270 Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1987-09-23)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's rear label (1984-02-03)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal System/2 Host Connected Keyboard's rear label (1997-06-17)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Portable Personal Computer Keyboard's rear label (1985-11-22)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device's rear label (2006-05-18)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/2 Travel Keyboard with UltraNav's rear label (2005 March (derived from week 12 of year))

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label (1996-07-04)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader and Display's rear label (2006-11-29)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label (2004-07-13)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label (2010-04-23)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Screen Reader Keypad's rear label (1989-07-31)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard's rear label (1993-06-25)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1991 December)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1995-05-04)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1996-03-15)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1999-04-14)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Numeric Keypad's rear label (1995-08-03)

Source: [ASK]

IBM TrackPoint II Keyboard (Black)'s rear label (1997-07-23)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Keyboard with UltraNav's rear label (2003)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's rear label (2000-02-18)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's rear label (2000-09-19)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Travel Keyboard with UltraNav's rear label (2004)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB UltraNav Keyboard with TrackPoint's rear label (2010-07-08)

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra "2-series" Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1993-10-26)

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's rear label (1993-02-23)

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard's rear label (2019 July (derived from week 31 of year))

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo UltraNav Fullsize USB Keyboard's rear label (2007 January (derived from week 1 of year))

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated 25mm Trackball 's rear label (1993-12-14)

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick's rear label (1995-10-14)

Source: [ASK]

Toshiba POS System Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label (2014-02-24)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies's rear label (2010-07-22)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Classic's rear label (2019-10-01)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp EnduraPro's rear label (2019-05-22)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's rear label (2002-04-04)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mini Model M's rear label (2021-01-26)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp New Model M's rear label (2020-11-10)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator's rear label (2017-04-05)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Ultra Classic's rear label (2015-05-01)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Ultra Classic's rear label (2019-01-24)

Source: [ASK]

Keyboards (Back)

Keyboards (bottom)

Affirmative YESboard 5250 PC 122-key Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

Apple Newton MessagePad Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

AST Ascentia 9x0N-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3178 Model C3 Display Station EBCDIC Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3179 Model 1 Color Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3180 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Element

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 4613 SurePOS 100 Express System Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM 4704 Display Station Model 100 Function Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM Electronic Typewriter 50/60/75 Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard with TrackPoint II

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB (SK-8845CR)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB (SK-8845RC)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/2 Travel Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8840)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/note 182 series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 355-series/360-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 700-series & 720-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM TrackPoint II Keyboard (Black)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Travel Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8845)

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra "2-series" Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo UltraNav Fullsize USB Keyboard (SK-8835)

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark Notebook Keyboard with 16mm Trackball

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator

Source: [ASK]

Keyboards (group)

1995 IBM Space Saver Numeric Keypad (left), 1999 IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II (middle) & IBM ScrollPoint II (right)

Source: [ASK]

Profile comparison between IBM PS/2 50-key Function Keyboard, Unicomp New Model M and IBM Space Saving Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

Keyboards (left-hand side)

IBM 3178 Model C3 Display Station EBCDIC Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3179 Model 1 Color Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 4704 Display Station Model 100 Function Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM Electronic Typewriter 50/60/75 Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 355-series/360-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM TrackPoint II Keyboard (Black)

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator

Source: [ASK]

Keyboards (top)

1995 IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II controller card

Source: [ASK]

Affirmative YESboard 5250 PC 122-key Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

Apple Newton MessagePad Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

AST Ascentia 9x0N-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3104-B2/3178-C2 Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3178 Model C3 Display Station EBCDIC Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3178-C4 EBCDIC Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3179 Model 1 Color Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3180 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Element

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 4613 SurePOS 100 Express System Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM 4704 Display Station Model 100 Function Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Unit

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM Electronic Typewriter 50/60/75 Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard with TrackPoint II

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM Japanese Keyboard/TrackPoint II (5576-C01)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB (SK-8845CR)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB (SK-8845RC)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Modifiable Layout Keyboard with MSR

Source: [ASK]

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX (lid closed)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PC/3270 Host Connected Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal System/2 Host Connected Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM Portable Personal Computer Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/2 Travel Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8840)

Source: [ASK]

IBM PS/note 182 series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader and Display

Source: [ASK]

IBM SurePoint 4820 Monitor Keypad and MSR Extension

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 355-series/360-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 700-series & 720-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series Keyboard Assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM TrackPoint II Keyboard (Black)

Source: [ASK]

IBM TrackPoint USB Space Saver Keyboard (KPH0035)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8835)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Travel Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8845)

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra "2-series" Enhanced Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint (KU-1255)

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 Bluetooth Keyboard with Stand (EBK-209A)

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo UltraNav Fullsize USB Keyboard (SK-8835)

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark Notebook Keyboard with 16mm Trackball

Source: [ASK]

Model F Labs F62 Model F Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

Model F Labs F77 Model F Keyboard

Source: [ASK]

Post-2013 Unicomp 105-key US English for Mac functional layout

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator

Source: [ASK]

Keycaps & stabilisers

An IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard's "BAE" enter key

Source: [ASK]

An IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard's caps lock key

Source: [ASK]

An IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard's ISO enter key

Source: [ASK]

An IBM PS/2 Space Saving Keyboard's ANSI enter key

Source: [ASK]

Apple Newton X0044's 1-unit keycap

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3179 Color Display Station Keyboard's PFxx keys

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard's Cmdxx keys

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard's Cmdxx keys (keycap colours annotated)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key (underside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key stabiliser insert

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key stabiliser insert (back)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key stabiliser insert (front)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key (underside, right)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key's & right shift key's stabiliser retainers

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's 1-unit keycap

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's 1-unit keycap (top)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's 1-unit keycap (underside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's backspace key

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's backspace key (top)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's backspace key's stabiliser retainers

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's Code key

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's Code key (underside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's left shift key legend

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's left shift key's stabiliser retainers

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's spacebar (underside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard's "nav cluster" keys

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's various keycaps (XSZ OEM)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard's spacebar stabiliser

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver II (RT3200)'s 1-unit keycap stem

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's spacebar (underside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series' 1-unit keycap (underside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series' 1.25-unit keycap (underside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's multi-unit keycaps (underside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's relegendable keystem's underside

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's backspace key (right)

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's backspace key (underside)

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's ISO enter key (underside)

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's numeric keypad plus key (underside)

Source: [ASK]

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's spacebar (underside)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies' horizontal stabiliser insert

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies' right shift (underside)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies' spacebar (underside)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies' vertical stabiliser insert

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's green-text "Alt" pebble keycap

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp New Model M's 1-unit keycaps

Source: [ASK]

Winbook XP-series' 1.25-unit "hatted" keycap (underside)

Source: [ASK]


CompuAdd Express 425FTX

Source: [ASK]

IBM 2141 PS/note 182

Source: [ASK]

IBM 2388-5DU ThinkPad G40

Source: [ASK]

IBM 2625 ThinkPad 365ED

Source: [ASK]

IBM 2625 ThinkPad 365ED (top)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 2653-65U ThinkPad A30p

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo 20LX ThinkPad T480

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo 21EL ThinkBook Plus G3 IAP

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo 21EL ThinkBook Plus G3 IAP (top)

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo 24XX ThinkPad W530

Source: [ASK]

Lenovo 2758-MQG ThinkPad W700

Source: [ASK]

Layout diagrams

31XX-87 type Model F B2/C2 keypad functional layout

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F C3 keypad functional layout

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F C4 keypad functional layout

Source: [ASK]

327X-66 type Model B data entry functional layout

Source: [ASK]

327X-66 type Model B typewriter functional layout

Source: [ASK]

327X-78 type Model B operator console functional layout

Source: [ASK]

327X-78 type Model B typewriter functional layout

Source: [ASK]

AT-style keyboard key unit sizes

Source: [ASK]

Enhanced 101-key keyboard key unit sizes

Source: [ASK]

Enhanced 101-key US English functional layout

Source: [ASK]

Enhanced 102-key keyboard key unit sizes

Source: [ASK]

Enhanced 102-key UK English functional layout

Source: [ASK]

Example of a "Tsangan"/Unicomp-103 bottom row layout

Source: [ASK]

Example of a "winkeyless" bottom row layout

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saving Keyboard style 84-key tenkeyless physical layout

Source: [ASK]

Post-2013 Unicomp 103-key US English functional layout

Source: [ASK]

Post-2013 Unicomp 104-key US English functional layout

Source: [ASK]

Post-2013 Unicomp 105-key UK English functional layout

Source: [ASK]

S370-T4 type Model B functional layout

Source: [ASK]

The unique keys of a "JIS" style keyboard

Source: [ASK]

The unique keys of an "ABNT2" style keyboard

Source: [ASK]

The unique keys of an "ANSI" style keyboard

Source: [ASK]

The unique keys of an "ISO" style keyboard

Source: [ASK]

XT-style keyboard key unit sizes

Source: [ASK]

Microcontrollers & dev boards

Pro Micro clone with Micro-B USB connector (bottom perspective)

Source: [ASK]

Pro Micro clone with Micro-B USB connector (top perspective)

Source: [ASK]

Pro Micro clone with Micro-B USB connector (top perspective) with RXLED and TXLED locations annotated

Source: [ASK]

Pro Micro clone with Type C USB connector (bottom perspective)

Source: [ASK]

Pro Micro clone with Type C USB connector (top perspective)

Source: [ASK]

Raspberry Pi Pico (BOOTSEL button)

Source: [ASK]

Raspberry Pi Pico (bottom perspective)

Source: [ASK]

Raspberry Pi Pico (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

Raspberry Pi Pico (top perspective)

Source: [ASK]

Raspberry Pi Pico (top)

Source: [ASK]


1995 IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II membrane-based mouse buttons

Source: [ASK]

1998 Unicomp Mighty Mouse membrane assembly

Source: [ASK]

1998 Unicomp Mighty Mouse membrane assembly (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

1998 Unicomp Mighty Mouse membrane assembly's part number & OEM silk screen

Source: [ASK]

1999 UK-made IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard frame's debossed part number

Source: [ASK]

1999 UK-made IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard frame's embossed material family name

Source: [ASK]

1999 UK-made IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard frame's embossed material type & name

Source: [ASK]

31XX-75 type Model F's spacebar barrel frame

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F bottom cover piece (inside)

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F bottom cover piece's embossed part number

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F broken bottom cover piece screw socket

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F cover-assembly retainer clip

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F front cover set tab

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F rear cover set tab

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F top cover piece (variant without access panel) (inside)

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F top cover piece's embossed part number

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F's blue toggle switch

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F's guide compartment

Source: [ASK]

A Unicomp Mighty Mouse's membrane blanket

Source: [ASK]

A Unicomp Mighty Mouse's membrane blanket laid across its keyboard frame

Source: [ASK]

Bull DPX/20 Keyboard's internal speaker

Source: [ASK]

Comparison of IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's keys pressed without (left) and with (right) an O-ring

Source: [ASK]

Example of a pearl white/litho grey coloured keyboard (IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device)

Source: [ASK]

Example of a pearl white/storm grey coloured keyboard (IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR)

Source: [ASK]

Example of an iron grey coloured keyboard (IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader)

Source: [ASK]

Fourth-generation IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard's speaker grille mould patched up

Source: [ASK]

German Type 3 122-key Model M's lock-light LED overlay

Source: [ASK]

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard's keyboard assembly screw hole

Source: [ASK]

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F clicker assembly (solenoid)

Source: [ASK]

IBM 528X-83 type Model B's internal speaker

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly frame's embossed part number

Source: [ASK]

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's O-ring

Source: [ASK]

IBM Basic Keyboard's liquid drainage channel

Source: [ASK]

IBM Basic Keyboard's liquid drainage hole

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II's lock-light LED overlay

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's cable retainer

Source: [ASK]

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard top cover piece (inside)

Source: [ASK]

IBM Modular CANPOS II Keyboard's membrane assembly

Source: [ASK]

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX's rear ports

Source: [ASK]

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard top cover piece part number

Source: [ASK]

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's magnetic stripe reader slot

Source: [ASK]

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's spacebar stabiliser retainer

Source: [ASK]

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's mouse buttons (one unlocked, one locked)

Source: [ASK]

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's manager's keylock

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark-brand Model M13's blanking plate for PS/2 mouse passthrough area

Source: [ASK]

Type I 122-key Model M's DIP switches

Source: [ASK]

Type II 122-key Model M's DIP switches blanking plate

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse bottom cover piece lock-light LED daughterboard cable hole

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse bottom cover piece part number

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse cover set's controller card retainer clip

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse cover set's modular 10P10C socket access hole

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse cover set's SDL socket access hole

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse keyboard frame (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse keyboard frame part number

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's membrane blanket close up

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp New Model M's keyboard frame's embossed material name

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp New Model M's top cover piece's embossed material name

Source: [ASK]

Modular components

Grey pointing module for IBM/Toshiba (bottom)

Source: [ASK]

White pointing module for IBM/Toshiba

Source: [ASK]

White pointing module for IBM/Toshiba (bottom)

Source: [ASK]


IBM Basic Keyboard's FFC-style lock-light LED daughterboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's Berg-style lock-light LED daughterboard

Source: [ASK]

IBM TrackPoint Keyboard w/ 25mm Trackball's membrane-style lock-light LED daughterboard

Source: [ASK]

Pinout diagrams

AT & PS/2 Model M SDL 6P4C socket pinout

Source: [ASK]

PS/2 6-pin Mini-DIN socket pinout

Source: [ASK]

RS/6000 Model M SDL 6P6C socket pinout

Source: [ASK]

Terminal 240° 5-pin DIN socket pinout

Source: [ASK]

Terminal Modular 8P5C socket pinout

Source: [ASK]

XT & AT 180° 5-pin DIN socket pinout

Source: [ASK]

Plugs & ports

5155 Model F/XT's Modular 6P5C plug

Source: [ASK]

IBM 528X-83 type Model B's 12-pin keyboard cable to keyboard connector

Source: [ASK]

IBM 528X-83 type Model B's DB-25 connector

Source: [ASK]

IBM SK-8845CR's Type A USB plug

Source: [ASK]

Lexmark-brand Model M13's AT and DE-9 connectors

Source: [ASK]

Plugs of a 6-pin SDL to PS/2 cable

Source: [ASK]

Type I 122-key Model M's 240-degree 5-pin DIN plug

Source: [ASK]

Type II 122-key Model M's 240-degree 5-pin DIN plug

Source: [ASK]

Type III 122-key Model M's 6-pin SDL port

Source: [ASK]

Type III 122-key Model M's Modular 8P5C plug

Source: [ASK]

Type IV 122-key Model M's PS/2 plug

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp New Model M's Type A USB plug

Source: [ASK]


"The best of IBM" section on Admiral Shark's Keyboards' introduction to IBM keyboards

Source: [ASK]

Adding Copilot shortcut remap in Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager

Source: [ASK]

Admiral Shark's Keyboards navigation bar and light mode setting

Source: [ASK]

ASK Keyboard Dictionary (June 2022)

Source: [ASK]

ASK Keyboard Dictionary's alphanumeric menu (September 2024)

Source: [ASK]

ASK Keyboard Dictionary's category menu (September 2024)

Source: [ASK]

ASK Keyboard Part Number Database invalid ID/error page

Source: [ASK]

Button used for accessing the ASK "Navigate via image" feature

Source: [ASK]

Comparison of ASK dark mode (left) and light mode (right)

Source: [ASK]

Creating a new AutoHotkey script

Source: [ASK]

Demonstration of the ASK "Navigate via image" feature

Source: [ASK]

Example of an ASK Article (December 2023)

Source: [ASK]

Example of an ASK Keyboard Database entry (December 2023)

Source: [ASK]

Example of an ASK Keyboard Dictionary entry (September 2024)

Source: [ASK]

Example of an ASK Keyboard Directory entry (December 2023)

Source: [ASK]

Example of an ASK Wiki article (December 2023)

Source: [ASK]

Example of ASK Keyboard Dictionary entries (September 2024)

Source: [ASK]

Example of blockquote styling on Admiral Shark's Keyboards

Source: [ASK]

Example of code block styling on Admiral Shark's Keyboards

Source: [ASK]

Example of Windows 10's File Explorer reporting insufficient power for a connected USB hub

Source: [ASK]

Example output of an AutoHotkey v1 script designed to remap a Copilot key

Source: [ASK]

lsusb detecting a Unicomp Ruffian controller card on Linux

Source: [ASK]

Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager

Source: [ASK]

Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager settings

Source: [ASK]

Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager settings after creating Copilot shortcut remap

Source: [ASK]

Microsoft PowerToys welcome screen

Source: [ASK]

Opening an AutoHotkey script for editing (Copilot guide)

Source: [ASK]

Raspberry Pi Pico USB mass storage device example

Source: [ASK]

USBDeview showing information on a Unicomp Ruffian controller card on Windows

Source: [ASK]

Vial detecting a Unicomp Aristides controller card flashed with Vial-QMK

Source: [ASK]


31XX-87 type Model F's cover-assembly nut

Source: [ASK]

31XX-87 type Model F's flanged hex-head & slotted cover-assembly screw

Source: [ASK]

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F's 5mm flanged hex-head & slotted cover set screw

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp Mighty Mouse keyboard frame's broken brass screw surrounding plastic

Source: [ASK]

Unicomp New Model M's 7/32" (~5.5mm) flanged hex-head case screw

Source: [ASK]


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.