Image Gallery

Notice 2023-06-18

The ASK Image Gallery is currently in its infancy. Due to backend upgrades, site images that were previously added to pages manually are now being entered and managed by a database system, so this gallery will be incrementally populated over 2023 as this change takes place.


Adapters & converters

Generic AT to PS/2 passive adapter

Generic PS/2 to USB passive adapter

Manhattan PS/2 to USB active converter

orihalcon's "terminal" 8-pin modular to USB active converter

orihalcon's "terminal" DIN-240 to USB active converter

orihalcon's XT/AT DIN-180 to USB active converter

Perixx PERIPRO-401 PS/2 to USB active converter

t4teeee0's custom "terminal" DIN-240 to USB active converter


Apple Newton X0044's "Newton" branding

IBM black-oval badge on an IBM 754x/756x/GEARBOX 800 Industrial Computer Keyboard

IBM black-oval badge on an IBM Retail ANPOS Keyboard

IBM black-square logo

IBM blue-oval badge on an IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II

IBM grey-oval badge on an IBM Screen Reader Keypad

IBM logo across lock-light LEDs overlay on an IBM 3494 Track Pointer Keyboard

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX's IBM grey oval badge

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX's IBM grey oval badge (close up)

IBM silver-square badge on an IBM 31XX-87 type Model B

IBM silver-square badge on an IBM PC/XT Enhanced Keyboard

IBM silver-square logo

IBM ThinkPad 240's "IBM ThinkPad" tricolour badge

IBM ThinkPad 365ED's "IBM ThinkPad" tricolour oval badge

IBM tricolour-oval logo

Lenovo ThinkPad R60e's "IBM ThinkPad" tricolour badge

Lenovo ThinkPad T480's "ThinkPad" branding

Lenovo ThinkPad T61's "ThinkPad Tseries" badge

Lenovo ThinkPad W530's "ThinkPad" branding

Unicomp logo across lock-light LEDs overlay on a Unicomp Mighty Mouse

Unicomp logo across lock-light LEDs overlay on a Unicomp New Model M

Cables & wires

1998 Unicomp Mighty Mouse membrane assembly flex cables

Apple Newton X0044's cable retainer (via a cable tie)

Apple Newton X0044's keyboard assembly ground wire

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's membrane flex cable padding material

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's membrane flex cables

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX's 8-pin modular to PS/2-like combined keypad/mouse 6-pin mini-DIN cable

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard's controller card to LED lock-light daughterboard cable

IBM RPOS 4-pin IDC to 12V PoweredUSB cable

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's membrane flex cables

The keyboard-side of an IBM Basic Keyboard cable fraying


Timeline of known Model M keyboard manufacturers (all keyswitches)

Timeline of known Model M keyboard manufacturers (buckling sleeves only)

Timeline of known Model M keyboard manufacturers (buckling springs only)

Collages & compilations

Examples of an IBM Model G, a Model 1A and a Model 1B keyboard

Various Model M Retail POS Keyboards

Various Model M-e Modular POS Keyboards

Various Model M4/M4-1 family keyboards

Controller cards

1981 IBM 528X-83 type Model B controller card

1981 IBM 528X-83 type Model B controller card (bottom)

1985 IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard controller card

1985 IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard controller card (bottom)

1987 IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard controller card

1992 IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX controller card (bottom)

1992 IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX controller card (top)

1994 IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard controller card

1995 Bull DPX/20 Keyboard's controller card

1995 IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard controller card

1995 IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II controller card

1996 IBM PS/2 Host Connected Keyboard controller card

1996 IBM PS/2 Host Connected Keyboard controller card (bottom)

2002 Unicomp Mighty Mouse controller card

2002 Unicomp Mighty Mouse controller card (bottom)

2002 Unicomp Mighty Mouse controller card's part number silk screen

2004 IBM 3494 Track Pointer Keyboard controller card

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's 20-pin Triomate socket

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's 8-pin chip socket

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's 8-pin Triomate socket

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's controller card

2005 Unicomp Emulator 122's controller card (bottom)

2013 General Electric Healthcare Mac-Lab & CardioLab Keyboard controller card

2019 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card

2019 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card (bottom)

2020 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card

2020 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card (bottom)

2021 Unicomp "AP1" controller card

2023 Unicomp Aristides controller card

2023 Unicomp Aristides controller card (bottom)

2023 Unicomp Aristides controller card mounted in a 2019 Unicomp Ultra Classic

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card (bottom)

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card's left Triomate socket

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card's LUSB port

Apple Newton X0044 controller card

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F C3 controller card (bottom)

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F C3 controller card jumper header

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F C3 controller card possible DIP switches headers

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard controller card

Thickness comparison between a 2019 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card (left) and a 2023 Unicomp Aristides controller card (right)

Cover sets & pieces

31XX-87 type Model F top cover piece (variant without access panel) (inside)

31XX-87 type Model F top cover piece's embossed part number

Apple Newton X0044 bottom cover piece (inside)

Apple Newton X0044 bottom cover piece part number

Apple Newton X0044 top cover piece broken clips

Apple Newton X0044 top cover piece broken stems

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard top cover piece (inside)

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX bottom cover piece (inside)

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX bottom cover piece part number

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX top cover piece

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard top cover piece part number

Unicomp Mighty Mouse bottom cover piece lock-light LED daughterboard cable hole

Unicomp Mighty Mouse bottom cover piece part number

Unicomp Mighty Mouse cover set's controller card retainer clip

Unicomp Mighty Mouse cover set's modular 10P10C socket access hole

Unicomp Mighty Mouse cover set's SDL socket access hole

Unicomp New Model M's top cover piece's embossed material name

Electric/electronic components

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card's LVC125A quadruple bus buffer gate


529X type Model F triple-setting riser foot (all settings partial)

529X type Model F triple-setting riser foot (fully extended)

Apple Newton X0044 rubber foot

IBM PC/XT Enhanced Keyboard single-setting flip-out foot (extended)

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard's single-setting riser foot mechanism

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's single-setting riser foot (extended)

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's single-setting riser foot (retracted)

Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard single-setting flip-out foot (extended)

Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard single-setting flip-out foot (retracted)

SK-8845 dual-setting flip-out foot (first setting extended)

SK-8845 dual-setting flip-out foot (fully extended)

SK-8845 dual-setting flip-out foot (retracted)

Type I 122-key Model M dual-setting riser foot (fully extended)

Type I 122-key Model M dual-setting riser foot (retracted)

Type II 122-key Model M single-setting elongated flip-out foot (extended)

Type III 122-key Model M single-setting elongated flip-out foot (extended)

Type IV 122-key Model M single-setting elongated flip-out foot (extended)

Type IV 122-key Model M single-setting elongated flip-out foot (extended) (worn)

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's rubberised single-setting flip-out foot (extended)

Unicomp Mini Model M single-setting flip-out foot (extended)

Unicomp New Model M's single-setting flip-out foot (retracted)

ICs, microcontrollers & dev boards

2002 Unicomp Mighty Mouse controller card's integrated controller chip

2019 Unicomp Ruffian v7.2 controller card's CY8C24493-24LTXI microcontroller

2023 Unicomp Justify/Mike Smith controller card's RP2040 microcontroller

Apple Newton X0044 controller card's SC423134P microcontroller (1995)

Apple Newton X0044 controller card's SC423134P microcontroller (1997)

Pro Micro clone with Micro-B USB connector (bottom perspective)

Pro Micro clone with Micro-B USB connector (top perspective)

Pro Micro clone with Micro-B USB connector (top perspective) with RXLED and TXLED locations annotated

Pro Micro clone with Type C USB connector (bottom perspective)

Pro Micro clone with Type C USB connector (top perspective)

Raspberry Pi Pico (BOOTSEL button)

Raspberry Pi Pico (bottom perspective)

Raspberry Pi Pico (bottom)

Raspberry Pi Pico (top perspective)

Raspberry Pi Pico (top)

Integrated pointing devices

IBM 3494 Track Pointer Keyboard's FSR pointing stick

IBM Enhanced Keyboard with TrackPoint II's TrackPoint II pointing stick

IBM Model M4-1's TrackPoint II pointing stick

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device's POS pointer (TouchStyk style)

IBM PS/55 note C52's TrackPoint II pointing stick

IBM SK-8807's I-Point pointing device

IBM SK-8840's TouchStyk & TouchPad UltraNav

IBM ThinkPad 365-series' TrackPoint III pointing stick

IBM ThinkPad A30-series' TrackPoint IV pointing stick

IBM TrackPoint II Keyboard (Black)'s TrackPoint II pointing stick

Lenovo EBK-209A's Optical TrackPoint pointing stick

Lenovo ThinkPad T430's TrackPoint IV pointing stick

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick's FSR pointing stick

SK-8845's Synaptics TouchStyk pointing stick

SK-8845's Synaptics TouchStyk pointing stick (exposed)

Unicomp EnduraPro's Lexmark-Unicomp FSR pointing stick

Winbook XP's Lexmark-Unicomp FSR pointing stick

Internal keyboard assemblies

Apple Newton X0044 keyboard assembly (bottom)

Handwriting on IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's base plate underside

IBM 3178-C3 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

IBM 3178-C3 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Assembly (left-hand side)

IBM 3178-C3 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Assembly (top)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's plastic rivets

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard Assembly (top)

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX keypad assembly (bottom)

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX keypad assembly (top)

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard Assembly (left-hand side)

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard Assembly (top)

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard Assembly (top)

IBM Portable Personal Computer Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's keyboard frame barrels exposed

Unicomp Mighty Mouse base plate (inside)

Unicomp Mighty Mouse base plate hook

Unicomp Mighty Mouse base plate/frame release button

Unicomp New Model M Keyboard Assembly (bottom)

Keyboard rear labels (inner)

An IBM 3275/3277 Display Station Type B 66-key Typewriter Keyboard's CSA rear label with its CSA part number field highlighted

An IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard's cover set rear label with its CSA part number field highlighted

An IBM Japanese Keyboard/TrackPoint II's CSA rear label with its CSA part number field highlighted

An IBM PC/3270 Host Connected Enhanced Keyboard's CSA rear label with its CSA part number field highlighted

An IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's CSA rear label with its CSA part number field highlighted

AST Ascentia 900N/910N Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1994-07-15)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1984-06-27)

IBM PS/55 note C52 Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1992-12-15)

IBM PS/note 182-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1992 August)

IBM ThinkPad 355-series/360-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1994-09-27)

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1996-09-02)

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1997-02-03)

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1998-01-30)

IBM ThinkPad 700-series & 720-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1993-03-19)

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1995-02-06)

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1998-05-11)

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1998-08-22)

Mini Model M Space Saving Keyboard internal assembly P/N 18U0384 rear label (2020-10-20)

Model F 4704 Model 100 Functional Keypad internal assembly P/N 4584594 rear label (4977)

Model F/XT PC Keyboard internal assembly P/N 4774263 rear label (1984-01-30)

Model M 5576-C01 TrackPoint II Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1403247 rear label (1994-02-21)

Model M Enhanced PC Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1391418 rear label (5698)

Model M Enhanced PC Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1394203 rear label (1999-05-25)

Model M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1390967 rear label (1986-12-12)

Model M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1392611 rear label (5780)

Model M Enhanced Terminal Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1394230 rear label (1995-10-27)

Model M Screen Reader Keypad internal assembly P/N 1393388 rear label (6181)

Model M Space Saving Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1390360 rear label (5737)

Model M Type IV 122-key Host Connected Converged Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1396924 rear label (1997-06-17)

Model M13 TrackPoint II Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1379916 rear label (1995-01-09)

Model M5-2 Trackball Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1398148 rear label (1995-05-05)

Winbook XP-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label (1994-08-11)

Keyboard rear labels (outer)

A Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated 25mm Trackball's cover set rear label with its "Model M" number field highlighted

A Toshiba POS System Keyboard w/ Card Reader's cover set rear label with its "Model M" number field highlighted

A Toshiba POS System Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label with its SMU number field highlighted

Affirmative Computer Products 5250 Emulation Keyboard's rear label (2005-03-28)

An example of a Chicony OEM IBM and family keyboard rear label with its "Model No." field highlighted

An example of a LITE-ON/Silitek OEM IBM and family keyboard rear label with its "Model No." field highlighted

An example of an IBM U.K.-made IBM 3104-B2/3178-C2 Typewriter Keyboard rear label with its type nomenclature highlighted

An example of an IBM U.K.-made IBM Personal Computer Keyboard rear label with its type nomenclature highlighted

An example of an NMB OEM IBM and family keyboard rear label with its "Model No." field highlighted

An IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's CSA rear label with its CSA part number field highlighted

An IBM Enhanced Keyboard - PS Style's rear label with its FRU number field highlighted

An IBM Modifiable Layout Keyboard with MSR's rear label with its FRU number field highlighted

An IBM Modular 67-Key POS Keyboard's rear label with its SMU number field highlighted

An IBM Modular CANPOS II Keyboard's rear label with its FRU number field highlighted

An IBM Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's cover set rear label with its "Model M" number field highlighted

An IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader and Display's cover set rear label with its "Model M" number field highlighted

An IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's cover set rear label with its "Model M" number field highlighted

An IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II's cover set rear label with its "Model M" number field highlighted

An IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's rear label with its "Model M" number field highlighted

An IBM USB UltraNav Keyboard with TrackPoint's rear label with its FRU number field highlighted

Bull DPX/20 Keyboard's rear label (1995-10-17)

Dell Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1993-06-18)

IBM 3104-B2/3178-C2 Typewriter Keyboard's rear label (1985-03-22)

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard's rear label (1987-11-10)

IBM 3178-C3 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard's rear label (1984 October (derived from week 43 of year))

IBM 3178-C4 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard's rear label (1985 January (derived from week 2 of year))

IBM 3179 Color Display Station Keyboard's rear label (1986-06-09)

IBM 3180 Model 2 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Element's rear label (1986-01-12)

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard internal assembly P/N 1390343 rear label

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1986-12-14)

IBM 3494 Track Pointer Keyboard's rear label (2004-04-26)

IBM 4613 SurePOS 100 Express System Keyboard Assembly's rear label (2012-06-21)

IBM 50 Key Keyboard's rear label (1995-12-14)

IBM 50 Key Keyboard's rear label (6098)

IBM 5291 Display Station Keyboard Unit's rear label (1986-02-26)

IBM CANPOS Keyboard's rear label (2008-07-10)

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II's rear label (1998-10-05)

IBM Enhanced Keyboard - PS Style's rear label (1994-02-25)

IBM Enhanced Keyboard - PS Style's rear label (1995-11-09)

IBM Enhanced Keyboard with TrackPoint II's rear label (1995-01-23)

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1990-03-12)

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1992-08-31)

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1995-09-06)

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1995-06-11)

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1995-11-06)

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (2000-04-11)

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard's rear label (1990 February)

IBM InfoWindow II Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1999-05-25)

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Keyboard's rear label (1989-09-15)

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB 's rear label (2015-09-04)

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB's rear label (2013-04-24)

IBM Model 100 Functional Keypad Emulator's rear label (2000-08-25)

IBM Modifiable Layout Keyboard with MSR's rear label (2006-07-14)

IBM Modular 67-Key Keyboard with LCD Display's rear label (2013-06-20)

IBM Modular 67-Key Keyboard's rear label (2011-09-22)

IBM Modular CANPOS II Keyboard's rear label (2012-06-06)

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX's rear label (1992-02-08)

IBM PC/3270 Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1987-09-23)

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's rear label (1984-02-03)

IBM Personal System/2 Host Connected Keyboard's rear label (1997-06-17)

IBM Portable Personal Computer Keyboard's rear label (1985-11-22)

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device's rear label (2006-05-18)

IBM PS/2 Travel Keyboard with UltraNav's rear label (2005 March (derived from week 12 of year))

IBM Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label (1996-07-04)

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader and Display's rear label (2006-11-29)

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label (2004-07-13)

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label (2010-04-23)

IBM Screen Reader Keypad's rear label (1989-07-31)

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard's rear label (1993-06-25)

IBM Space Saver II's rear label (2003-04-18)

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1991 December)

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1995-01-05)

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1995-05-04)

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1996-03-15)

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (1999-04-14)

IBM Space Saver Numeric Keypad's rear label (1995-08-03)

IBM TrackPoint II Keyboard (Black)'s rear label (1997-07-23)

IBM TrackPoint USB Space Saver Keyboard's rear label (2001 June (derived from week 25 of year))

IBM USB Keyboard with UltraNav's rear label (2003)

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's rear label (2000-02-18)

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's rear label (2000-09-19)

IBM USB Travel Keyboard with UltraNav's rear label (2004)

IBM USB UltraNav Keyboard with TrackPoint's rear label (2010-07-08)

ICPI Ambra "2-series" Enhanced Keyboard's rear label (1993-10-26)

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's rear label (1993-02-23)

Lenovo Slim USB Keyboard's rear label (2019 July (derived from week 31 of year))

Lenovo UltraNav Fullsize USB Keyboard's rear label (2007 January (derived from week 1 of year))

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated 25mm Trackball 's rear label (1993-12-14)

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick's rear label (1995-10-14)

Toshiba POS System Keyboard w/ Card Reader's rear label (2014-02-24)

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies's rear label (2010-07-22)

Unicomp Classic's rear label (2019-10-01)

Unicomp EnduraPro's rear label (2019-05-22)

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's rear label (2002-04-04)

Unicomp Mini Model M's rear label (2021-01-26)

Unicomp New Model M's rear label (2020-11-10)

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator's rear label (2017-04-05)

Unicomp Ultra Classic's rear label (2015-05-01)

Unicomp Ultra Classic's rear label (2019-01-24)

Keyboards (Back)

IBM TrackPoint USB Space Saver Keyboard (KPH0035)

Keyboards (bottom)

Affirmative YESboard 5250 PC 122-key Keyboard

IBM 3178 Model C3 Display Station EBCDIC Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3179 Model 1 Color Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3180 Model 2 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Element

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 4613 SurePOS 100 Express System Keyboard Assembly

IBM 4704 Display Station Model 100 Function Keyboard

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

IBM Electronic Typewriter 50/60/75 Keyboard Assembly

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB (SK-8845CR)

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB (SK-8845RC)

IBM Modifiable Layout Keyboard with MSR

IBM Modular 67-Key POS Keyboard with LCD Display

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device

IBM PS/2 Travel Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8840)

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader and Display

IBM ThinkPad 355-series/360-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM ThinkPad 700-series & 720-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM TrackPoint USB Space Saver Keyboard (KPH0035)

IBM USB Travel Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8845)

Lenovo UltraNav Fullsize USB Keyboard (SK-8835)

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick

Lexmark Notebook Keyboard with 16mm Trackball

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator

Keyboards (group)

1995 IBM Space Saver Numeric Keypad (left), 1999 IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II (middle) & IBM ScrollPoint II (right)

Profile comparison between IBM PS/2 50-key Function Keyboard, Unicomp New Model M and IBM Space Saving Keyboard

Keyboards (left-hand side)

IBM 3178 Model C3 Display Station EBCDIC Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3179 Model 1 Color Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 4704 Display Station Model 100 Function Keyboard

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly

IBM Electronic Typewriter 50/60/75 Keyboard Assembly

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

IBM Modular 67-Key POS Keyboard with LCD Display

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device

IBM ThinkPad 355-series/360-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM TrackPoint USB Space Saver Keyboard (KPH0035)

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator

Keyboards (top)

Affirmative YESboard 5250 PC 122-key Keyboard

IBM 3104-B2/3178-C2 Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard

IBM 3153 InfoWindow II Color ASCII Display Station Keyboard

IBM 3178 Model C3 Display Station EBCDIC Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3178-C4 EBCDIC Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3179 Model 1 Color Display Station Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3180 Model 2 Display Station Typewriter Keyboard Element

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 3197 Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

IBM 4613 SurePOS 100 Express System Keyboard Assembly

IBM 4704 Display Station Model 100 Function Keyboard

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard

IBM 5291/5292 Display Station Keyboard Unit

IBM Electronic Typewriter 50/60/75 Keyboard Assembly

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard

IBM Japanese Keyboard/TrackPoint II (5576-C01)

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB (SK-8845CR)

IBM Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device USB (SK-8845RC)

IBM Modular 67-Key POS Keyboard with LCD Display

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX (lid closed)

IBM PC/3270 Host Connected Enhanced Keyboard

IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device

IBM PS/2 Travel Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8840)

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader and Display

IBM SurePoint 4820 Monitor Keypad and MSR Extension

IBM ThinkPad 355-series/360-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM ThinkPad 700-series & 720-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series Keyboard Assembly

IBM TrackPoint USB Space Saver Keyboard (KPH0035)

IBM USB Travel Keyboard with UltraNav (SK-8845)

Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint (KU-1255)

Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 Bluetooth Keyboard with Stand (EBK-209A)

Lenovo UltraNav Fullsize USB Keyboard (SK-8835)

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated 25mm Trackball

Lexmark Classic Touch Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Stick

Lexmark Notebook Keyboard with 16mm Trackball

Model F Labs F62 Model F Keyboard

Model F Labs F77 Model F Keyboard

Post-2013 Unicomp 105-key US English for Mac functional layout

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator

Keycaps & stabilisers

A typical Model B (beam spring) 1-unit keycap

An IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard's "BAE" enter key

An IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard's caps lock key

An IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard's ISO enter key

An IBM PS/2 Space Saving Keyboard's ANSI enter key

Apple Newton X0044 1-unit keycap

Apple Newton X0044 1-unit keycap (underside)

Apple Newton X0044 2-unit keycap & stabiliser (underside)

Comparison of 1995 (left) & 1997 (right) Apple Newton X0044 pad-printing

IBM 3179 Model 1 Color Display Station Typewriter Keyboard's PFxx keys

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard's Cmdxx keys

IBM 3197 Display Station 122-key Typewriter Keyboard's Cmdxx keys (keycap colours annotated)

IBM 3494 Track Pointer Keyboard's keycap colours annotated

IBM 5281/5282/5285/5286 Data Station Typewriter Keyboard's WASD keys

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key (underside)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key stabiliser insert

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key stabiliser insert (back)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key stabiliser insert (front)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key (underside, right)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's "BAE" Carriage Return key's & right shift key's stabiliser retainers

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's 1-unit keycap

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's 1-unit keycap (top)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's 1-unit keycap (underside)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's backspace key

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's backspace key (top)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's backspace key's stabiliser retainers

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's Code key

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's Code key (underside)

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's left shift key legend

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's left shift key's stabiliser retainers

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's spacebar (underside)

IBM Basic Keyboard's IBM Quiet Touch rubber dome compatible single-unit keycap (underside)

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Quiet Touch Data Entry Keyboard's "nav cluster" keys

IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Typewriter Keyboard's WASD keys

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX keycap texture

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX's 2-unit horizontal keycap (underside)

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX's 2-unit vertical keycap (underside)

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40 SX's dye sublimation (close-up)

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard keycap texture

IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard's numeric keypad (German)

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's various keycaps (XSZ OEM)

IBM Selectric Touch Keyboard's spacebar stabiliser

IBM Space Saver II (RT3200)'s 1-unit keycap stem

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's spacebar (underside)

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly pad-printing

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series' 1-unit keycap (underside)

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series' 1.25-unit keycap (underside)

IBM TrackPoint II Keyboard (Black) pad-printing

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's multi-unit keycaps (underside)

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's relegendable keystem's underside

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's backspace key (right)

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's backspace key (underside)

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's ISO enter key (underside)

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's numeric keypad plus key (underside)

ICPI Ambra Quiet Touch Keyboard's spacebar (underside)

Maxi Switch OEM IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's "Strg" key

Toshiba SurePoint 4820 USB Keypad silk-screening

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies' horizontal stabiliser insert

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies' right shift (underside)

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies' spacebar (underside)

Unicomp 5250 Emulator for NLynx Technologies' vertical stabiliser insert

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's green-text "Alt" pebble keycap

Unicomp New Model M's 1-unit keycaps

Unicomp New Model M's keycap colours annotated

Unicomp PC 122 5250 Terminal Emulator's Fxx keys

Various IBM PS/2 Space Saving Keyboard keycaps

Winbook XP-series' 1.25-unit "hatted" keycap (underside)


31XX-87 type Model F's IBM capacitive buckling springs

A diagram of the major components of a M3/M4/M4-1 type IBM buckling sleeve

A diagram of the major components of a M6/M6-1 type IBM buckling sleeve

All known IBM buckling sleeve gauges and keycap mounts comparison

An IBM PS/55note C52 Keyboard Assembly with two keycaps removed to show its M6/M6-1 type IBM buckling sleeves

An IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II with two keycaps removed to show its M3/M4/M4-1 type IBM buckling sleeves

An IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly with two keycaps removed to show its M6/M6-1 type IBM buckling sleeves

Apple Newton X0044's medium gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Apple Newton X0044's medium gauge IBM buckling sleeves & pointing stick cut-out

AST Ascentia 9X0N small (top) and standard (bottom) gauge IBM buckling sleeves

Comparison of a Model F (left) and Model M (right) buckling spring & pivot plate couple

Comparison of a Model F (left) and Model M (right) buckling spring & pivot plate couple

IBM Basic Keyboard's IBM Quiet Touch rubber dome keyswitch

IBM Basic Keyboard's IBM Quiet Touch rubber dome keyswitch & keycap

IBM Basic Keyboard's IBM Quiet Touch rubber dome keyswitches

IBM Basic Keyboard's spacebar external coil spring

IBM beam spring loose key-switch module

IBM beam spring's beam/fly spring interlock (bottom)

IBM beam spring's beam/fly spring interlock (top)

IBM beam spring's leaf (beam) spring

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's IBM membrane buckling spring

IBM Modular CANPOS II Keyboard's late POS type IBM buckling sleeves

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

IBM Personal Computer AT Keyboard's capacitive buckling spring

IBM Personal Computer Keyboard's capacitive buckling spring

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

IBM Space Saver II (RT3200)'s NMB rubber dome over membrane

IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeves

IBM ThinkPad 355/360's medium gauge IBM buckling sleeve

IBM ThinkPad 355/360's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeves

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's IBM buckling sleeve barrel

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's IBM buckling sleeve barrels

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's medium (top) & standard (bottom) gauge IBM buckling sleeves

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeves (one inverted, one normal)

IBM ThinkPad 700/720's alt-standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

IBM ThinkPad 755C-series' standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's early POS type IBM buckling sleeves

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's IBM buckling sleeve barrel blocker

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve & spacebar return spring

IBM Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's 'cushioness' pivot plate

Lexmark AR10's Alt-standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Lexmark AR10's mouse button type IBM buckling sleeves

SK-8845 half-height scissor-switch (extended)

The barrel slider of a M6/M6-1 type IBM buckling sleeve keyswitch extended

Toshiba POS System Keyboard w/ Card Reader's late POS type IBM buckling sleeves

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's IBM buckling sleeve keycap rod at rest

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's IBM buckling sleeve keycap rod pushed

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's standard gauge IBM buckling sleeve

Unicomp Mini Model M's 'cushioned' pivot plate

Winbook XP-series' small (top) and standard (bottom) gauge IBM buckling sleeves


CompuAdd Express 425FTX

IBM 2141 PS/note 182

IBM 2388-5DU ThinkPad G40

IBM 2625 ThinkPad 365ED

IBM 2625 ThinkPad 365ED (top)

IBM 2653-65U ThinkPad A30p

Lenovo 20LX ThinkPad T480

Lenovo 21EL ThinkBook Plus G3 IAP (top)

Lenovo 2447-3L2 ThinkPad W530

Lenovo 2758-MQG ThinkPad W700

Layout diagrams

31XX-87 type Model F B2/C2 keypad functional layout

31XX-87 type Model F C3 keypad functional layout

31XX-87 type Model F C4 keypad functional layout

327X-66 type Model B data entry functional layout

327X-66 type Model B typewriter functional layout

327X-78 type Model B operator console functional layout

327X-78 type Model B typewriter functional layout

AT-style keyboard key unit sizes

AZERTY alphabetic character arrangement

Colemak alphabetic character arrangement

Comparison of 31XX-87 type Model F keypads (B2/C2, C3 & C4)

Dvorak alphabetic character arrangement

Enhanced 101-key keyboard key unit sizes

Enhanced 101-key US English functional layout

Enhanced 102-key keyboard key unit sizes

Enhanced 102-key UK English functional layout

Example of a "Tsangan"/Unicomp-103 bottom row layout

Example of a "winkeyless" bottom row layout

IBM Space Saving Keyboard style 84-key tenkeyless physical layout

Models M3 & M4 ANSI US English functional layout

Models M3 & M4 ISO UK English functional layout

Post-2013 Unicomp 103-key US English functional layout

Post-2013 Unicomp 104-key US English functional layout

Post-2013 Unicomp 105-key UK English functional layout

QWERTY alphabetic character arrangement

QWERTZ alphabetic character arrangement

QZERTY alphabetic character arrangement

S370-T4 type Model B functional layout

The unique keys of a "JIS" style keyboard

The unique keys of an "ABNT2" style keyboard

The unique keys of an "ANSI" style keyboard

The unique keys of an "ISO" style keyboard

XT-style keyboard key unit sizes


1995 IBM Space Saver Keyboard w/ TrackPoint II membrane-based mouse buttons

1998 Unicomp Mighty Mouse membrane assembly (bottom)

1998 Unicomp Mighty Mouse membrane assembly's part number & OEM silk screen

1999 UK-made IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard frame's debossed part number

1999 UK-made IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard frame's embossed material family name

1999 UK-made IBM InfoWindow Twinax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard frame's embossed material type & name

31XX-75 type Model F's spacebar barrel frame

31XX-87 type Model F bottom cover piece (inside)

31XX-87 type Model F bottom cover piece's embossed part number

31XX-87 type Model F broken bottom cover piece screw socket

31XX-87 type Model F cover-assembly retainer clip

31XX-87 type Model F's blue toggle switch

A Unicomp Mighty Mouse's membrane blanket

A Unicomp Mighty Mouse's membrane blanket laid across its keyboard frame

Bull DPX/20 Keyboard's internal speaker

Comparison of IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's keys pressed without (left) and with (right) an O-ring

Example of a pearl white/litho grey coloured keyboard (IBM PS/2 ANPOS Keyboard with Integrated Pointing Device)

Example of a pearl white/storm grey coloured keyboard (IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR)

Example of an iron grey coloured keyboard (IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader)

Fourth-generation IBM PS/2 Enhanced Keyboard's speaker grille mould patched up

German Type 4 122-key Model M's lock-light LED overlay

IBM 3151 ASCII Display Station Keyboard's keyboard assembly screw hole

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F clicker assembly (solenoid)

IBM 528X-83 type Model B's internal speaker

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly frame's embossed part number

IBM 6747 Wheelwriter 5 Keyboard Assembly's O-ring

IBM Basic Keyboard's liquid drainage channel

IBM Basic Keyboard's liquid drainage hole

IBM Enhanced Industrial Keyboard with TrackPoint II's lock-light LED overlay

IBM InfoWindow Coax Display Station Enhanced Keyboard's cable retainer

IBM Modular CANPOS II Keyboard's membrane assembly

IBM Numeric Keypad for IBM PS/2 L40SX's rear ports

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's magnetic stripe reader slot

IBM Space Saver Keyboard's spacebar stabiliser retainer

IBM ThinkPad 365-series Keyboard Assembly's mouse buttons (one unlocked, one locked)

IBM USB Retail ANPOS Keyboard w/ MSR's manager's keylock

Lexmark-brand Model M13's blanking plate for PS/2 mouse passthrough area

Type I 122-key Model M's DIP switches

Type II 122-key Model M's DIP switches blanking plate

Unicomp Mighty Mouse keyboard frame (bottom)

Unicomp Mighty Mouse keyboard frame part number

Unicomp Mighty Mouse's membrane blanket close up

Unicomp New Model M's keyboard frame's embossed material name

Modular components

Grey pointing module for IBM/Toshiba (bottom)

White pointing module for IBM/Toshiba (bottom)


IBM Basic Keyboard's FFC-style lock-light LED daughterboard

IBM Enhanced Keyboard's Berg-style lock-light LED daughterboard

IBM TrackPoint Keyboard w/ 25mm Trackball's membrane-style lock-light LED daughterboard

Pinout diagrams

4680 POS & Retail POS RS485 SDL 8P8C keyboard-side socket pinout

5155 XT Modular 6P5C PC-side socket pinout

Apple Newton MessagePad X0044 8-pin mini-DIN PDA-side socket pinout

Apple Newton X0044's cable header pinout

IBM 4704 DE-9 terminal-side female socket pinout

IBM keypad PS/2-like keyboard & mouse combo 6-pin mini-DIN laptop-side socket pinout

Keyboard & mouse combo Model M4-1/M5-1/M5-2 SDL 6P6C keyboard-side socket pinout

Keyboard & mouse combo pre-Modular POS PS/2 SDL 8P8C keyboard-side socket pinout

Model M3 PS/2-like Modular 8P7C keypad-side socket pinout

Modular POS USB & PS/2 6x2 IDC keyboard-side socket pinout

PC-compatible Model M SDL 6P4C keyboard-side socket pinout

PS/2 6-pin Mini-DIN PC-side socket pinout

Retail POS PS/2 SDL 8P8C keyboard-side socket pinout

Retail POS USB 4x1 IDC keyboard-side socket pinout

RS/6000 Model M SDL 6P6C keyboard-side socket pinout

Terminal 240° 5-pin DIN terminal-side socket pinout

Terminal Model M2 Modular 6P4C terminal-side socket pinout

Terminal Modular 8P5C terminal-side socket pinout

XT & AT 180° 5-pin DIN PC-side socket pinout

XT w/ reset 180° 5-pin DIN PC-side socket pinout

Plugs & ports

5155 Model F/XT's Modular 6P5C plug

Apple Newton X0044's 8-pin Mini-DIN plug

IBM 528X-83 type Model B's 12-pin keyboard cable to keyboard connector

IBM 528X-83 type Model B's DB-25 connector

IBM Retail POS Keyboard w/ Card Reader's 8-pin SDL port

IBM Space Saver II (RT3200)'s PS/2 mouse pass-through port

IBM TrackPoint USB Space Saver Keyboard (KPH0035)'s two-port USB hub

Lexmark-brand Model M13's AT and DE-9 connectors

Type I 122-key Model M's 240-degree 5-pin DIN plug

Type II 122-key Model M's 240-degree 5-pin DIN plug

Type III 122-key Model M's 6-pin SDL port

Type III 122-key Model M's Modular 8P5C plug

Type IV 122-key Model M's PS/2 plug

Unicomp New Model M's Type A USB plug


"The best of IBM" section on Admiral Shark's Keyboards' introduction to IBM keyboards

A QMK Toolbox window

Adding Copilot shortcut remap in Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager

Adding Unicomp PC 122 shifted F-key shortcut remaps in Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager

Admiral Shark's Keyboards navigation bar and light mode setting

ASK Keyboard Dictionary (June 2022)

ASK Keyboard Dictionary's alphanumeric menu (September 2024)

ASK Keyboard Dictionary's category menu (September 2024)

ASK Keyboard Part Number Database invalid ID/error page

Button used for accessing the ASK "Navigate via image" feature

Comparison of ASK dark mode (left) and light mode (right)

Creating a new AutoHotkey script

Demonstration of the ASK "Navigate via image" feature

Example of an ASK Article (December 2023)

Example of an ASK Keyboard Database entry (December 2023)

Example of an ASK Keyboard Dictionary entry (September 2024)

Example of an ASK Keyboard Directory entry (December 2023)

Example of an ASK Wiki article (December 2023)

Example of ASK Keyboard Dictionary entries (September 2024)

Example of blockquote styling on Admiral Shark's Keyboards

Example of code block styling on Admiral Shark's Keyboards

Example of Windows 10's File Explorer reporting insufficient power for a connected USB hub

Example output of an AutoHotkey v1 script designed to remap a Copilot key

Example output of an AutoHotkey v1 script designed to remap Unicomp PC 122 shifted F-keys

lsusb detecting a Unicomp Ruffian controller card on Linux

Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager

Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager settings

Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager settings after creating Copilot shortcut remap

Microsoft PowerToys Keyboard Manager settings after creating Unicomp PC 122 shifted F-key shortcut remaps

Microsoft PowerToys welcome screen

Opening an AutoHotkey script for editing (Copilot guide)

Opening an AutoHotkey script for editing (generic)

Option to install drivers in QMK Toolbox

Raspberry Pi Pico USB mass storage device example

Selected target microcontroller in QMK Toolbox

USBDeview showing information on a Unicomp Ruffian controller card on Windows

Vial detecting a Unicomp Aristides controller card flashed with Vial-QMK

Vial GUI's "Key Overrides" view showing a shifted F1 key being overridden to be F13

Vial GUI's "Key Overrides" view with default (unchaged) settings

Vial GUI's "Keymap" view with a Vial-QMK ibmpc_usb converter selected


31XX-87 type Model F's cover-assembly nut

31XX-87 type Model F's flanged hex-head & slotted cover-assembly screw

IBM 31XX-87 type Model F's 5mm flanged hex-head & slotted cover set screw

Unicomp Mighty Mouse keyboard frame's broken brass screw surrounding plastic

Unicomp New Model M's 7/32" (~5.5mm) flanged hex-head case screw


3.5mm combination line-out & microphone port

3.5mm microphone port

DVI-D dual link port

DVI-D single link port

DVI-I dual link port

DVI-I single link port

Mini-DIN-4 S-Video port

Mini-DIN-6 PS/2 combination keyboard & mouse port

Mini-DIN-6 PS/2 keyboard port

Mini-DIN-6 PS/2 mouse port

Modular 6P2C modem port

Modular 8P8C ethernet port

Type A USB 2.0 always-on port


ASK. Admiral Shark's Keyboards original content. License/note: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.